Naturally Reverse Age-Related
Testosterone Decline
In Less Than 90 Days

Restores Strength & Endurance Without Drugs, Side Effects Or Surgery

Naturally Raise Testosterone Levels

John A

This product helps to bring up the levels of my testosterone so that can act like a man again.

Gregory G

It works...ED solved, I feel stronger and have more stamina.

Rick H

Keeping Estrogen Levels in check and Testosterone in line was the goal and so far so good!

Dale S

Great product that works quickly and was suprised by how fast the delivery was

Scott M

Felt it immediately, was suprised how fast it worked.

Gene H

I am using this supplement to aid in increasing my overall testosterone level.

Garry B

So far it does what it claims, I am happy with the product

Joseph M

A 5 out of 5, because the capsules I have taken are effective with no negative side effects.

Jack W

So far so good. Great product, seeing results and feeling better.

Greg D

If you are going to take supplements you want the best quality, like these

Steve L

My bedroom performance and endurance has improved, meaning my wife and I are both more satisfied.

Doug V

Excellent product and fair pricing all based on proven research which is why it works so well.

Enrico P

Very effective supplement, I have recomended it to my friends

Robert M

So far, my health is improving to where I'm off the prescriptions and gaining strength.

Marcus D

Been on for about a month and seeing results.

Restore Your Testosterone Levels

On average a man’s Testosterone levels decline by 1% every year from their late 20s onwards.

But some men experience a more dramatic dip in their Testosterone levels, or a rapid decline in Testosterone levels after middle age. This might be due to genetics, lifestyle factors or nutritional deficits.

The decline in Testosterone levels can cause increased fatigue, tiredness, depression, unstable moods, poor health, weight gain, middle-aged gut spread, hair & muscle loss and even weakened bones.

As this happens gradually as we age, many men mistakenly believe that what they are experiencing is just a result of aging, or natural, or irreversible… but that is not true.

Improve Your Quality Of Life

The reality is that this decline can be halted, you can restore your Testosterone health, by naturally raising your Testosterone levels.

Restoring optimal testosterone levels and hormonal balance will improve both your mental and your physical health.

Many supplements claim to be able to raise your Testosterone levels but only Testo-Booster by Ben’s Natural Health is scientifically formulated using a unique blend of 7 clinically proven ingredients proven to raise Testosterone levels, halt age related testosterone decline, and support healthy Testosterone production without side effects.

Restore Healthy Testosterone Levels

Turn Back The Clock

Restoring healthy Testosterone levels is the #1 most important thing most older men can do. Testosterone is vital to our health, and our quality of life. It's the hormone that makes us men, gives us strength and regulates our libido.

Testosterone deficiency in older men can cause loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, depression, decreased cognitive ability, lethargy, osteoporosis, loss of muscle mass and strength.


of men in their 60's had already suffered a "severe" drop off in Testosterone levels


of men aged 50-54 had experienced erectile or sexual dysfunction.


from the ages 30-50 of men’s free Testosterone and muscle strength levels both decline

Naturally Raise Testosterone Levels

An Epidemic Of Weakness

Studies show that age-specific testosterone levels in men have been in a slow and consistent decline for several decades.

There are many factors that could be causing this declining masculinity, dietary, lifestyle, environmental etc. But whatever the cause, it's no wonder that Americans spend more than $300 million on testosterone supplements and pills every year.

Most of these supplements are untested, uncertified and mass manufactured without quality control in China to maximize profitability. They all make outrageous efficacy claims that do not reflect the actual potency of their supposed ingredients.

Many of them are contaminated with pharmaceuticals or synthetic hormones, and others contain little to none of the active ingredients they claim on the label.

A Faster, Safer & More Effective Solution

Many men therefore opt for more natural, and safer alternatives to these side effects plagued synthetic hormone supplements. But with there being so much contradictory information online, and so many untested and contaminated products… How can you be sure that what you are buying is safe and effective?

How do you really know what's in those peculiar powders, or the potentially contaminated capsules filled with ingredients of unknown origin and dubious quality… How can you ensure that you are buying a product that uses clinical grade nutrients, in scientifically verified doses? That tests its ingredients, ensures its potency, its quality and that it is side effect free?

Recommended By Doctors

“Ben's Testo-Booster provides a natural approach to improving your testosterone levels. Besides enhanced testosterone levels, this natural product also balances your estrogen levels providing better symptom management.”

Dr. Chinedu Anene

M.D., Clinical Reseracher, Epigenetics & Cardiovascular Disease

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“Ben's Testo-Booster provides a natural approach to improving your testosterone levels. Besides enhanced testosterone levels, this natural product also balances your estrogen levels providing better symptom management.”

Dr. Chinedu Anene

M.D., Clinical Reseracher, Epigenetics & Cardiovascular Disease

“Testo-booster cleverly combines natural ingredients known to boost testosterone levels, energy levels, and desire. What sets this product apart is that it contains standardized extracts with high bioavailability.”

Dr. Preet Pal S.B.

Metabolic & Neurodegenerative Disease Specialist

“I have seen many testosterone booster formulations with empty ingredients and no scientific backup. That's not the case with Testo-Booster. The herbs and extracts in this formula are by far superior, with studies showing a significant increase in testosterone levels.”

Dr. Alberto Parra

M.D. Sports Medicine & Diagnostic Imaging

“In evidence-based studies, Eurycoma longifolia (Tongkat Ali) enhances the body's natural testosterone production. Thus taking Testo Booster will provide your body with all the benefits of testosterone.”

Dr. David Letsa

M.D., PhD, Medical Literature Reviewer

Independently Tested
US Made
NSF Certified
Drug Free

Testo Booster Is Clinically Formulated To:

Increase Testosterone levels
Increase natural Testosterone production
Help build lean muscle and increase strength
Reverse age related Testosterone decline
Improve endurance and increase libido
Restore confidence and boost self-esteem.
Sourced, encapsulated and tested in the USA from certified natural ingredients.
Get 90 days supply for only $224.85 $149.85
Buy 2 Get 1 Free - Save $75!

Testo Booster Is Clinically Formulated To:

Get 90 days supply for only

$224.85 $149.85
Increase Testosterone levels
Increase natural Testosterone production
Help build lean muscle and increase strength
Reverse age related Testosterone decline
Improve endurance and increase libido
Restore confidence and boost self-esteem.
Sourced, encapsulated and tested in the USA from certified natural ingredients.
Buy 2 Get 1 Free - Save $75!

The Science Behind Testo-Booster

Testo Booster contains a powerful blend of powerful, fast acting, natural compounds that help you increase Testosterone levels, build lean muscle, improve endurance and reverse age related Testosterone decline.

Tongkat Ali Extract 100:1

Tongkat Ali is a plant native to Malaysia & Indonesia the root of which is rich in Quassinoids. Which are powerful natural compounds that have been shown in peer-reviewed clinical research to increase free testosterone, improve mood, prevent bedroom dysfunction and lower cortisol stress levels.

It is one of the most potent testosterone boosters on the planet. And has been proven in studies to provide “significant improvements in [bedroom, romantic and marital] performance, satisfaction, and physical functioning”. Generate a “significant increase in total and free testosterone concentrations and muscular force”. In another study participants gained 4.68 pounds (2.13kg) of lean muscle mass over 5 weeks. And increase free Testosterone levels by 61%.

Maca (Root) Extract 20:1

Maca Root has been used as an aphrodisiac and romance booster for centuries. It grows at high altitudes atop the Andes Mountain range. There is strong clinical evidence that shows that it reliably increases desire as well as having numerous other health benefits.

This is probably because Maca Root is packed full of key nutrients for boosting testosterone levels including vitamin D, vitamin E, Zinc, Magnesium and Iodine.

In clinical trials, Maca Root was proven to increase desire, reduce the incidence of “performance” issues and significantly improve stamina, endurance and pleasure.

Organic Ashwagandha (Root)

Ashwagandha (scientifically known as Withania Somnifera) is an ancient herbal strength booster that has been used by men for thousands of years. Modern studies have shown it has powerful neuroprotection, strength-boosting and virility enhancing properties.

It will help to increase your testosterone levels, lower your stress levels, increase desire and frequency of you feeling “in the mood” and restore your strength and ability to gain muscle mass. Additional research has also shown that it can assist with weight loss and restoring healthy or disrupted sleep patterns.

In clinical trials, Ashwagandha has been proven to significantly increase “lower-body and upper-body maximal strength” as well as “muscle size… in the arms and chest”. And in another study participants saw a “18.7% increase in testosterone”


Oastraw (Avena Sativa), comes from green oats and has been studied for its noticeable impact on cardiovascular health and physical fitness. It is commonly used to increase pleasure, arousal and endurance.

While there has been little research into the efficacy of it as an aphrodisiac, recent studies have shown that it has a positive effect on cognition and memory.

Oatstraw may have all of these effects because it contains many essential vitamins that help improve cognition, physical fitness and support Testosterone production.

Yohimbine (Bark) 98%

Yohimbe is an evergreen tree that grows in Western and Central Africa. It is part of the Rubiaceae Botanical family and has a scientific name of Pausinystalia Yohimbe. The active ingredient on the tree that has a beneficial effect is Yohimbine. It has been traditionally used by African tribesmen as an aphrodisiac and stimulant for thousands of years.

It made its way to Europe in the 19th century, via German missionaries, where it became known as the “love tree”. It is known to have aphrodisiac, arousal increasing and performance improving properties. In clinical trials, Yohimbine has also been proven to support weight loss, increase “ arousal, satisfaction, endurance frequency of activity, and ability to perform”, whilst improving free Testosterone levels.

Tribulus Terrestris (Fruit)

Tribulus Terrestris is a leafy plant that is commonly grown in Europe and Asia. Both the root and the fruit of the plant have been used as traditional aphrodisiacs in Chinese Medicine and Indian Ayurveda medicine.

Modern clinical research has shown that Tribulus, has a positive impact on, performance, and desire. As well as this there is an increasing body of research that shows that Tribulus Terrestris has an endurance enhancing effect, enabling you to work out more intensely for longer periods of time for improved muscle growth.

Additionally Tribulus Terrestris has been shown in clinical trials to help reverse age-induced “performance issues and dysfunction”, improve endurance and stamina.

Black Pepper (Fruit) (BioPerine®)

Black Pepper is rich in Zinc and Magnesium which help in increasing your Testosterone levels and improving male fertility. Black pepper inhibits the end products of protein glycation, which helps slow down the aging process, keeping you younger, fitter and healthier for longer.

We use Bioperine® Black Pepper in our formulation as it is the only US-based form of black pepper to obtain patented status for its ability to increase the bioavailability of nutritional compounds. Secondly, it is the only source from piperine to have undergone clinical studies in the US to substantiate its safety and efficacy for nutritional use.

Bioperine® works to inhibit the formation of new fat cells helping you cut fat and build lean muscle, and it has potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial and immune system-enhancing properties.

Testo Booster Is Clinically Formulated To:

Increase Testosterone levels
Increase natural Testosterone production
Help build lean muscle and increase strength
Reverse age related Testosterone decline
Improve endurance and increase libido
Restore confidence and boost self-esteem.
Sourced, encapsulated and tested in the USA from certified natural ingredients.
Get 90 days supply for only $224.85 $149.85
Buy 2 Get 1 Free - Save $75!

Testo Booster Is Clinically Formulated To:

Get 90 days supply for only

$224.85 $149.85
Increase Testosterone levels
Increase natural Testosterone production
Help build lean muscle and increase strength
Reverse age related Testosterone decline
Improve endurance and increase libido
Restore confidence and boost self-esteem.
Sourced, encapsulated and tested in the USA from certified natural ingredients.
Buy 2 Get 1 Free - Save $75!
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