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REVEALED: How Men And Women Are Naturally Managing Their Type 2 Diabetes In Less Than 90 Days, Without Drugs or Surgery.

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A Diabetes Health Guide Recommended
by Doctors & Backed By Research

“How To Reverse Type 2 Diabetes, Updated & Expanded 4th edition is an excellent piece, recommended for diabetes and pre-diabetes patients who want to live a healthier lifestyle.”
Dr Alberto Parra
“Best selling author, Ben Ong’s, expanded 4th edition of “How To Reverse Type 2 Diabetes” is a wealth of information for anyone diagnosed with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes or worried about their metabolic health.”
Dr Ahmed Zayed
Dr. Eric Wood
“Ben’s Total health [includes] research-validated nutrients that support optimal health prostate function.”
Dr Eric Wood
Associate Professor of Nutrition at Hawthorn University
Dr. Donna Schwontkowski
“I hate the thought that any man out there suffers because he didn’t realize that there was anything else he could for his prostate. Yet the answer is simple... Total Health for the Prostate.”
Dr Donna Schwontkowski
Doctorate in Chiropratic Medicine (D.C.)
20 Years
Track Record Of Success
Improvement in Fasting Glucose
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Reverse Type 2 Diabetes WITHOUT Expensive Drugs, Surgery, or Side Effects!

1 out of 3 Americans is prediabetic, 1 out of 10 already has Type 2 Diabetes.

Prediabetes and type 2 diabetes have risen by 750% in the last 50 years. Those of us that suffer from it, have to deal with expensive medications, forcing restrictions on our lifestyles, or making us pay for home daily blood testing kits.

And diabetes is more than just an inconvenience and expense, diabetics are more likely to die of a heart attack or suffer a stroke, at significantly greater risk of going blind or losing their sight, and live under the constant fear of limb amputation...

As of 2019, diabetic amputations are performed at the rate of 1 every 30 seconds.

Research shows as many as three-quarters of people with diabetes who have had lower limb amputations die within five years. Make no mistake Diabetes doesn’t just ruin lives, it ends them.

Many people end up relying on ineffective or expensive medications. Trapped in a spiral of ever-worsening health and ever more serious symptoms. Eventually, surgery moves from a possibility… to a probability... to a certainty.

Most people think of type 2 diabetes as a disease without a cure, an inevitable path of decline, or a part of getting older, that it's inevitable and just something they have to suffer with.

That their diabetes will continue to cause more weight gain, sexual dysfunction, inflammation and diminishes their quality of life.

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These people couldn't be more wrong.

Type 2 Diabetes, Prediabetes, or a high HBA1C level is not natural. It’s not inevitable. It’s not something you have to suffer. It is possible to naturally restore optimal blood sugar levels and naturally reverse type 2 diabetes

Keep reading to find out how
Type 2 Diabetes is not a symptom of age, it's a disease that can be fought and defeated naturally... Without having to take drugs, have surgery or endure side effects...

Start Using This All-Natural Risk-Free, Tried-And-Tested Method.**

Many people wonder why their HBA1c or blood sugar levels went up in the first place. Or why they really became diabetic, if it was something specific they shouldn't have done... or still need to stop doing. You might also be wondering why Type 2 Diabetes has become so much more common in the last 50 years.

The simple answer is that quite often, Type 2 Diabetes is caused by poor metabolic decisions and the damage they cause to your body, building up over years or decades.

Every piece of junk food you ate when you were younger, every stressful day, and every day spent with zero exercise... each one caused a tiny amount of damage to your body. On their own they were irrelevant. However they build up.

Over time they damage your body’s insulin sensitivity and production abilities causing you to become prediabetic and then diabetic. It happens slowly but without warning.

Now I'm not saying it’s your fault. Because it’s not...

No one told you that this would happen. In fact, they probably told you this was fine. And very often you didn’t have a choice. We live in a fast- paced, hectic, stressful, and sick modern world.

Unhealthy junk and fast food is everywhere because food companies prioritize profit over nutrition and Big pharma actively prefers the fat profit margins that a lifetime dependence on “treatment” medications provide them over cures and prevention.

But there is good news...

Because type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disease

it has a metabolic solution.

Control Blood Sugar Levels

Lose Excess Weight

Reduce Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Lower Cholesterol Levels

Improve Strength and Nerve Health

Fully Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

How To Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

How To Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

Step-by-step guide to lowering HBA1C levels and Reversing Type 2 Diabetes
Restore Metabolic Health in less than 90 days without Drugs or Surgery
Backed by 5 decades of Clinical Research and 535 peer-reviewed studies
Trusted and Used by Doctors
Plain , Jargon-Free English
Retail Price: $89.95
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The NASTY Truth The For-Profit Diabetes Industry

You might be wondering why you are only hearing about this solution now? How come no one told you that it was possible to naturally reverse type 2 diabetes? How come no one told you that you don’t have to be reliant on expensive drugs or suffer their side effects indefinitely?

Well, the answer is more obvious than you think, There is a parasite that is profiting from your disease... to the tune of over $245 billion a year. It goes by plenty of names, but you probably know this particular parasite best as Big Pharma.

They have spent decades fighting against the research that shows that Type 2 Diabetes is a reversible condition. That shows that their drugs are not the only, or even best solution. Below is a quote from the Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK) website.

They are one of the largest pharmaceutical companies out there, and they make a lot of money off people suffering from diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease, which means you have it for life. Although there’s no cure, you and your doctor can work together to control your blood sugar, which can help reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes complications. Managing type 2 diabetes over months and years can mean making changes in your treatment plan. Diet and physical activity may control your blood sugar at first, but you may need to take medicine down the road. Over time, you may need to change medicines, or add medicines, to keep your blood sugar under control. You may even need to use insulin.
Quote MarkQuote Mark
Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK)
In other words, GSK, like every other pharma company, is telling you that there’s no hope, no alternative, that the only way you can stay alive, or keep your eyesight, or avoid a surgeons bone saw, is to buy their drugs… You need to pay them every day, for the rest of your life…

But What Does The Research Actually Say?

"It is now certain that the disease process can be halted with restoration of normal carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Type 2 diabetes can be understood as a potentially reversible metabolic state."
- American Diabetes Association
"We welcome the results of this research because it shows that Type 2 diabetes can be reversed."
- Dr Iain Frame, Director of Research
"We have demonstrated that in many people who have had type 2 diabetes for up to 10 years, major weight loss returns insulin secretion to normal."
- Newcastle University
“Normalisation of both beta cell function and hepatic insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetes was achieved"
- Journal of the EASD
"There is a high likelihood of achieving it – the researchers say that about 75% of obese people who manage to lose 15kg of weight go into diabetes remission."
- National Health Service, UK


"The… study has shown that in 10 out 11 people with diabetes… resulted in normalization of glucose levels"
- British Journal of General Practice
"The LKCD improved glycemic control in patients with Type 2 diabetes such that diabetes medications were discontinued or reduced in most participants..."
- Journal Nutrition & Metabolism
"Insulin dosages were reduced by 57% in just 16 days"
- American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
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Do Drugs Or Surgery Actually Work, Or Are They Actually Just A Bad Option?

Some of the most common diabetes medications sold by Big Pharma and marketed by doctors actually only work to help your diabetes symptoms temporarily... Many of them work to trick your pancreas into releasing more insulin.

Which in the long run may increase your insulin resistance and might worsen your condition. Temporary relief at the expense of your long term health.

In fact, a large scale study done by the Duke School of Medicine revealed that one commonly prescribed diabetes drug used to treat type 2 diabetes actually “proved ineffective at halting progression to diabetes, and had no significant impact on reducing cardiovascular events”. I break down this and other key studies down in more detail in the guide.

The lead researcher, Robert Califf, even noted, “This is a sobering confirmation of the need to focus on lifestyle improvements.”

The drugs Big Pharma sells you, either only work temporarily, make your condition worse, don’t work at all or have horrible side effects that you have to pay for the privilege of suffering.

So How Do You Effectively Regain Control Of Your Blood Sugar Levels And Reverse Type 2 Diabetes?


It's time for a new approach.

One that doesn’t rely on outdated or ineffective pharmacological treatments but uses the latest research & studies to map out an easy to follow, step-by-step action plan.

A step-by-step action plan that lets you take back control of your health.

We have the exact game plan that will help you lower your blood sugar levels, restore metabolic health, and get rid of your type 2 diabetes once and for all.

It is called...
How To Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

The principles in this book are the product of almost 50 years of research into diabetes & metabolic disease and every possible angle of treatment.

Inside you’ll discover

DISCOVER precisely what’s going on in your body when you have diabetes
LEARN the many myths and bits of misinformation that keeps people diabetic
An easy to follow step-by-step action plan to reverse type 2 diabetes, improve cardiovascular health, shed excess weight, and improve your quality of life...
A full guide to healthy diabetic friendly eating and exercise that helps you lose weight and actively reverse type 2 diabetes...
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Who are you? And how did you become an expert in Diabetes Health?

Hi, my name is Ben Ong, and I’m the author of “How To Reverse Type 2 Diabetes”.

I am a metabolic disease specialist and have spent the last 20 years helping people overcome other metabolic diseases.

I am also the author of the best-selling prostate health guide “All About The Prostate” which has helped men all over the world overcome BPH, prostate and bladder conditions.

I routinely create custom diet and lifestyle plans that allow men and women to overcome their metabolic disease without any drugs, side effects or surgeries.

But this is my story…

Early 2015, at a routine checkup, my doctor told me that I was diabetic and that there was no cure... and that I was going to have to take some nasty drugs for the rest of my life... and my life was now going to be shorter and less pleasant that I had hoped... I knew better than to listen to him.

Now, please understand: I love my doctor! He’s a good family doctor and a friend of mine for many years. But I know when it comes to metabolic disease... Some doctors don't know what they are talking about...

But my doctor was insistent, and eventually I agreed to take the pills… But we made a deal, He would monitor my health through the diet and I would have another full workup in 12 weeks and we would reassess my medication them.

My doctor didn't believe that it would make a difference, he didn't believe that there was anything I could do… but I knew that he was wrong.

So, I went home and began a research project… I took my lifetime of experience that I had in formulating and refining dietary plans for my clients and my books... And I came up with a diet plan to test against my diabetes.

It only took me four weeks, to get off my hypertension medication...

Six weeks later, I had lost 20 pounds and 3 inches off my waistline...

Twelve weeks later, my doctor had to take me off my diabetes medication, because it was pushing my blood sugar TOO LOW!

Every follow-up test, from then until now… Entirely normal blood sugar.

I defeated my diabetes, using basic science and a clear understanding of the principles of metabolic health...

without drugs/side effects or surgery

And then I do what I always do… I sat down and wrote a step by step guide on exactly how I did it, and how you can do it too. Because its not that hard, you can reverse your diabetes, and restore your health... Using the exact same metabolic tricks that I used to beat mine.
Since 2015, I have updated that guide with more and more research. Its first edition which was a 41 page pamphlet of personal experience and a few dozen studies is now 252 pages, covering 535 studies and a clear step by step action plan for reversing type 2 Diabetes.

Updated & Expanded - The Definitive Guide To Restoring Metabolic Health Naturally

The 4th Edition of “How To Reverse Type 2 Diabetes” is by far the most comprehensive guide to naturally reversing diabetes in the world. It is recommended and endorsed by US and European doctors, and has been used by tens of thousands of men and women to become Diabetes Free.

If it worked for them...

It can work for you...
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Sounds Too Good To Be True? See What  People Are Saying About “How To Reverse Type 2 Diabetes”...

Genuine Independent, Unsolicited and Unbiased Customer Testimonials, Verified By Third Parties.

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How Much Is This Going To Cost Me?

Normally How To Reverse Diabetes costs $89.95 on Amazon, my website and in bookstores.

But I'm on a mission to help people, not make money.

So today, I’m going to significantly discount the price of my definitive guide to naturally reverse Type 2 diabetes.

It’s not going to be 20% off...

It’s not going to be 50% off...

Today, I’m offering my best-selling, step-by-step guide to naturally reverse Type 2 diabetes...

For only $19.95
(with FREE shipping!)

That's $70 off the original price.
Order your copy for just $19.95

But this is a special promotional price which will expire very soon. After that, the book will only be available via Amazon or on my website at full price.

Don’t miss out on this special promotional price.
Don’t suffer ineffective drugs & their toxic side effects.
Don’t live in fear of the surgeon's scalpel.

Lower HBA1c levels, lose weight, and get rid of Type 2 Diabetes and high blood sugar permanently... naturally, safely and quickly.

Updated 2023 Edition
The Definitive Guide To Reversing Type 2 Diabetes

Step-by-step guide to lowering HBA1C levels and Reversing Type 2 Diabetes
Restore Metabolic Health in less than 90 days without Drugs or Surgery
Backed by 5 decades of Clinical Research and 535 peer-reviewed studies
Trusted and Used by Doctors
Plain , Jargon-Free English
Retail Price: $89.95
Order your copy for just $19.95
*Discount available for a limited time, limited one per household
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