I never thought that I’d be writing about toilet paper.
But I often explain why there are things in our environment that we should try and avoid if we can. Our bodies work hard to protect us from pollutants and toxins. But we can easily be overwhelmed.
That’s because there are so many chemicals in our environment now. It is quite hard to avoid most of them. You can never avoid them all because they are present in the very air we breathe and the water we drink.
If you’ve been following my newsletters, you know why it is beneficial and vital to try and eat as much organically-produced food as you can. It’s the best way to avoid all the toxins that food is exposed to for economic reasons.
So why should you care about which toilet paper you use? Or paper tissues, napkins and kitchen wipes?
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Your paper should be brown
Most paper is originally made from wood. Logic, therefore, tells us that paper should be brown. But paper industries use chlorine and chlorine dioxide to bleach the paper. And bleached paper is believed to be the most carcinogenic product known to science.
Chlorine and chlorine dioxide reacts with organic molecules in the wood and other fibers to create many toxic byproducts, including dioxin.
The term dioxin is often used to include three acutely toxic chemical groups: true dioxins, furans, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).
All these are responsible for many health problems such as cancer, hormone imbalances, immune system impairments, reduced fertility, and congenital disabilities.
Toilet Paper contains dangerous chemicals
It turns out that chlorinated toilet paper contains the highest amount of furans out of all cosmetic tissues. This makes it one of the most toxic human-made chemicals.
The scary thing is that dioxins accumulate in our body over time because it cannot be excreted. It causes dangerous health situations. Studies have found correlations between high workplace exposure to dioxins and increased risk of cancer.
That’s not all.
There are other additional chemicals such as Bisphenol A (BPA) and Formaldehyde in toilet paper.
All these chemicals are added as a result of the processes that are designed to make toilet paper whiter, softer, and stronger. But they are all known to be carcinogenic.
Many toilet papers are created by recycling paper which has often been coated with plastic and contains BPA. In fact, a government study found that 81% of all paper products contain BPA in them.
Is BPA linked to prostate cancer?
Research shows that BPA is easily absorbed into the body through contact with the skin.
BPA, an environmental pollutant with estrogen activity, is used to make hard, clear plastic and is common in many food product containers.
And with toilet paper, it’s even worse. Why? Because you’re wiping with toilet paper onto your anus. Not only is your anus right next to your prostate, but it contains lots of blood vessels.
So when you’re wiping with BPA-laden toilet paper, the toxin goes directly into your bloodstream. It’s as if you were giving yourself a BPA suppository!
When BPA goes into your bloodstream, it can wreak havoc on your prostate health and reproductive system. This has been demonstrated in several studies.
A study found that BPA stimulates prostate cell growth, even in tiny amounts. The study, involving 60 urology patients, found higher levels of urinary BPA (creatinine-adjusted) in Prostate cancer patients than in non-Prostate cancer patients.
An epidemiological study on 218 men showed that men exposed to BPA in the workplace have an increased risk for compromised semen quality compared to men not exposed to BPA. In particular, an increasing urinary BPA level was significantly associated with the decrease of sperm concentration, total sperm count, sperm vitality, and motility.
Why is BPA exposure so damaging to your prostate?
Well, it has to do with its ability to mimic estrogen. BPA is chemically similar to estrogen. It can mimic estrogen and cause your body’s levels to shoot up. This can lead to estrogen building up in your prostate.
When estrogen builds up in your prostate, you have an imbalance of estrogen and testosterone. To compensate, your body converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
You see, DHT is ten times stronger than natural testosterone. So your body converts as much testosterone as it can into DHT, to undo the adverse effects of rising estrogen.
Research has suggested that even low levels of exposure to the plastic-hardening chemical bisphenol-A (BPA) in utero may be associated with an increased risk for prostate cancer later in life.
A study implanted mice with human prostate stem cells, fed with BPA, and treated with estrogen to mimic the natural rise in the hormone seen in aging men.
The results found that one in three developed prostate cancer or precancerous lesions, compared with just 12% of mice fed oil instead of BPA.
The amount of BPA the mice ingested was equivalent to levels the average person — including women who are pregnant — are exposed to said Gail Prins, Ph.D., of the University of Illinois at Chicago, who led the study.
DHT and prostate growth
DHT stimulates prostate cell growth and causes your prostate to swell up until you have trouble peeing.
In addition to prostate problems, DHT can also cause hair loss and male pattern baldness. It does so by causing hair follicles on your head to shrink … until they stop growing hair. And that’s not all.
Too much estrogen and too little testosterone can result in low sex drive a, weaker erections and erectile dysfunction.
It can ruin your sex life! Not only that, but it can also lead to softer muscles and flabby arms and legs. It can even cause you to grow “man boobs” and make you look more feminine.
The good news is, you don’t have to let this happen to you. The first thing you can do is change your toilet paper to one which does not contain these harmful chemical additives. The one I use, which I get from Amazon is made from bamboo with guaranteed no additives. Plus, it has excellent reviews.
BPA and estrogen
In addition, research shows too much estrogen can also lead to other health problems. These include uncontrolled weight gain, mood swings, dangerous blood clots, heart problems, and more.
And it gets worse. In addition to BPA, there are many other estrogen-like chemicals in the environment. These include PCBs in soil and water … dioxin in polluted air … phthalates in shampoos and soaps … pesticide residues in our food … plus many more. It’s virtually impossible to avoid exposure to these environmental estrogens.
Moreover, elevated urinary BPA levels are associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer in humans, with studies showing that up to 95% of adults have detectable BPA in their urine.
While mounting evidence indicates that BPA likely has carcinogenic activity in the prostate, further studies from independent investigators replicating some of the above findings are necessary.
Human exposure to BPA is a common occurrence, and animal studies have shown that BPA contributes to the development of prostate cancer. However, human data remains limited.
A Natural Solution
Luckily, there’s a simple solution.
There is a natural supplement, Estro Clear that contains five extremely powerful nutrients, each one of which helps the body to eliminate excess estrogen and other toxins from your blood.
If some of the effects of too much estrogen or pseudo-estrogens sound like they are getting to you, like reduced libido, weight gain, belly fat, male boobs, lower stamina, and reduced erectile power, you can do something about it.
Try taking Estro Clear for up to 6 months (it’s a slow process to eliminate estrogens) and see the difference.