The prostate is a walnut-sized gland located between the penis and bladder. The primary purpose of the gland is to secrete a fluid that nourishes and protects sperm.
When a man ejaculates, the prostate squeezes the fluid into the urethra, and it is expelled with semen and sperm.
Problems with prostate can arise at any age, but as you’re getting older, the risk increases. Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a common prostate problem.
Men are also at risk of prostatitis. Both bacterial and non-bacterial prostatitis can develop. Prostatitis can be either chronic or acute.
Recently, the rates of prostate cancer are rising too. Improving prostate health is crucial for the prevention of these unfortunate scenarios, and you can do it in seven easy ways listed below.
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What Is An Enlarged Prostate?
An enlarged prostate is a prevalent problem in the male population. The condition refers to an enlargement of the prostate gland. It is also commonly called benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Various parameters are used in the diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia. One study explained that up to 62% of the male population might be affected1. The specific prevalence depends on the parameters used. Among men over 70 years of age, about 60% are expected to have an enlarged prostate.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia is most common among older men. The size of the prostate may be increased as the person ages. When it becomes too large, the prostate may interfere with the urinary system2. This can lead to lower urinary tract symptoms. It is caused by the prostate placing pressure on the bladder and the urethra.
Symptoms Of Prostate Enlargement
Several symptoms may develop when a man has an enlarged prostate. Men should be on the lookout for these symptoms. Recognizing signs of benign prostatic hyperplasia early on can ensure treatment is initiated before complications develop.
The treatment can also help to effectively stop the growth of the prostate. This ensures symptoms do not become more severe.
Some of the symptoms a man may experience when they have an enlarged prostate include3:
- Initiating urination may be difficult
- The man may have a consistent urge to urinate
- The man may also have to get up to urinate at night more frequently (nocturia)
- The urinary stream may be weak and slower than usual
- There may be a sensation that the bladder is not completely emptying
- During urination, the urine stream may frequently start and then stop
- The man may also need to strain while they urinate
The effects of an enlarged prostate on the bladder can cause complications. The man is at risk of urinary tract infections. This is due to incomplete emptying of the bladder. In turn, additional symptoms may experience. This could include swollen lymph nodes and fever.
Incontinence and acute urinary retention may develop as a complication. Some men may also find that blood appears in their urine. There is also an increase in the risk of bladder stones. This is a complication caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia. There is also a rare risk of experiencing damage to the kidneys and bladder due to an enlarged prostate.
Link Between Diet And Prostate
What a man eats affects how healthy their prostate is. This is something that too many men fail to recognize. Men often consume diets that are high in unhealthy ingredients. This includes excessive sugars, as well as saturated fats, among other ingredients.
There are different ways that diet can adversely affect the well-being of the prostate gland.
In one study4, researchers tried to see how nutrition is linked to prostate cancer. It has been established previously that poor nutritional decisions may adversely affect the body in many ways. This includes a risk of increasing low-grade inflammatory responses. There is also an increase in free radical damage and oxidation in the body.
The inflammation, oxidation, and free radicals may affect the prostate gland. With this in mind, it is obvious to link these poor dietary choices to conditions like prostate cancer.
The researchers behind the study confirm that evidence is currently limited. They do note that some factors have been identified. Increased consumption of omega-3 fatty acids seems to slow the progression of prostate cancer. It may also be an effective preventative option.
The same findings were discovered in people who eat a diet that is rich in phytochemicals. These are natural chemicals that come from plant food sources.
These factors may similarly affect the risk of other conditions. The inflammatory responses caused by certain foods and ingredients in what a diet consists of may lead to a swelling of the prostate gland. Gradually, this may contribute to the development of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Other conditions, such as non-bacterial prostatitis, also become a concerning factor here.
What Is The Best Drink For Prostate?
Whether the prostate is enlarged or still healthy, men want to preserve the well-being of this gland. To do this, the diet itself is essential. Additionally, what you drink impacts your prostate health. In fact, there are a few drinks that may serve as a way of reducing inflammation in the prostate gland.
Some of these drinks might be useful for reducing the effects of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Others might help as a preventative strategy against an enlarged prostate.
Green Tea
One of the most important drinks that we can mention here is green tea. Green tea is one of the world’s most popular hot beverages. This tea is incredibly rich in antioxidants. The antioxidants in green tea have several benefits for the prostate gland.
One study5 shows that green tea extracts may relieve certain lower urinary tract symptoms that a man experience. These symptoms are common in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Quality of life was also improved among men who participated in the study. The green tea extract took six weeks to provide effective results. Thus, the daily consumption of green tea over a long period of time would be most effective.
Green tea is not the only drink that seems to be good for prostate health. There are a few other drinks that men should consider too.
Tomato Juice
Men may find that a drink of tomato juice may benefit their prostate. Tomato juice is a source of potent antioxidants. When it comes to preventing prostate problems, a diet that is rich in antioxidants can be helpful.
Vitamin C is another nutrient found in tomato juice. This is also an interesting topic when looking at prostate health. The vitamin C further acts as an antioxidant in the body. This particular nutrient also plays a role in the regulation of the immune system.
There is another natural chemical in tomato juice that should be noted. It is known as lycopene. This is the chemical that causes the tomato to have such a deep red color. Lycopene can be found in a variety of foods. There is a rich concentration of the chemical in tomatoes. This means tomato juice also contains lycopene.
The antioxidant activities of a tomato juice drink might be helpful for men with an enlarged prostate. Some studies also show lycopene could be a useful therapeutic agent to fight against prostate cancer6. A higher lycopene concentration in the study was associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer. Up to 21mg of lycopene was administered to the study participants daily.
Orange Juice
Orange juice also seems to be a great choice when it comes to looking for a drink for the prostate. It is commonly known that oranges are high in vitamin C. This is an essential nutrient the body needs – and it doubles as an antioxidant.
It has been found that vitamin C in orange juice may help to reduce HIF-1alpha growth. This is a molecule that has been found to affect prostate growth. With this in mind, orange juice may be an effective strategy to reduce the risk of BPH. This drink may also help to prevent further growth in the prostate. This is good for men who have already developed benign prostatic hyperplasia.
There is one problem when it comes to orange juice. Many orange juice products are loaded with sugar. Sugar is something that men should try to avoid if they have BPH. Thus, when buying orange juice, it is important to look at the label. An overview of the ingredients is crucial.
This can help the man determine if extra sugar is added to the orange juice. In such a case, the man should avoid particular juice. They should look for a fresh orange juice product instead. It is also possible to make orange juice at home. In such a case, the man has more control over what goes into the juice.
What Drink Should You Avoid For Prostate Health?
An alcoholic drink should ideally be avoided when a man has problems with their prostate. Another important option to consider is caffeinated drinks. This includes coffee. The problem here is that alcohol and caffeine can irritate the bladder. This can lead to unpleasant effects.
A man may find that they need to urinate more frequently. The bladder irritation can also lead to complications. Such complications may also include a risk of inflammation within the bladder. This can further contribute to the urinary symptoms the man experience.
It is important to note that some teas also contain caffeine. The person should always check the label of a product they buy. This ensures they can avoid caffeine in their drinks. In turn, there is a reduced risk of irritating the bladder.
How Can You Keep Your Prostate Healthy?
There are effective treatments for benign prostatic hyperplasia. The problem is these treatments often cause side-effects. Dizziness and retrograde ejaculation are two possible side-effects. There are other problematic side-effects too.
A man may find that these side-effects are unpleasant. While all men are at risk, older men are more likely to develop an enlarged prostate. Men are looking for ways to reduce their symptoms without the side-effects of drugs used for BPH.
For some men, simply keeping their prostate healthy and disease-free is also important. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most effective ways in which men can maintain a healthier prostate that functions well, stays small and does not cause any significant problems that could affect their everyday lives.
Important Diet Changes
One of the most important parts of maintaining a healthier prostate is for a man to look at his current daily diet.
Many foods are beneficial for the prostate. Some of these foods can help in the fight against benign prostatic hyperplasia. Certain foods also seem to reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
It is also important to understand that some foods increase the risk of prostate problems.
Thus, you should look for both foods that can improve prostate health and foods to avoid prostate cancer. advises men to follow a diet that primarily consists of plant-based foods. Many plant-based foods have been proven to be beneficial in aiding with the fight against prostate cancer, may alleviate symptoms caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia, and will help a man maintain a healthy prostate should he not be diagnosed with any prostate-related medical conditions.
For optimum prostate health, a man should also consume a lot of food that is high in fiber and low in fat. Furthermore, simple sugars, such as refined sugars, should also be limited to man’s diet.
Stress Management Is Vital
Millions of people suffer from the dreadful effects that stress causes, ranging from a higher risk of depression to a reduction in the immune system’s ability to fight against the disease, infection, and other particular problems.
When it comes to prostate health, men should be especially concerned if they have already been diagnosed with a particular problem. explains that the effects that stress has on the immune system can make the body less equipped when it comes to fighting against such a disease.
To better manage stress, Skills You Need recommends first looking at alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine intake. All of these substances can lead to higher levels of stress, as well as symptoms of anxiety. When the intake of these substances is relatively high, a man should start by restricting their consumption of these particular substances.
If it is possible to eliminate these substances from his life completely, then even better. Regular exercise, adequate sleep, and practicing relaxation techniques are also helpful in stress management.
Balance Hormones In The Body
Hormones play an important role in maintaining a healthy body. The reproductive system also depends on balanced hormones. This includes the prostate gland. Some hormones increase the risk of an enlarged prostate. Others help to reduce the risk of the problem.
Several strategies can balance hormones in the body. Doctors often recommend increasing the consumption of healthy fats. Men should reduce their consumption of unhealthy foods. This included food high in carbohydrates and saturated fats. There are other fats considered “bad” as well.
Some herbs contain adaptogenic agents. These improve the body’s response to stress. It could help reduce stress hormone release during a fight-or-flight response. This is especially useful in times of chronic stress.
Certain essential oils can help too. Additionally, coconut and castor oils may be beneficial. Some have found that shea butter is another useful ingredient.
Nutritional deficiencies can cause an imbalance in hormones. Thus, men should attend to the nutritional requirements of their bodies as well. If there are nutritional deficiencies, these need to be addressed.
Weight Management
Obesity is a concern among millions of people all over the world. Even though the prevalence amongst men seems to be somewhat higher amongst women, as reported by the National Institutes of Health, over 35% of men still remain obese.
Obesity has been linked to many health concerns. In men, obesity can cause a significant increase in the risk of developing prostate cancer, as well as other particular problems that affect the prostate.
It is not only important to lose weight but also to maintain a healthy weight after a person has lost weight. explains that it is important to cut calorie intake in order to lose weight and to avoid gaining back weight. It is also important to not only cut calorie intake but also to understand that not all calories are the same.
For example, calories obtained from consuming vegetables are different from calories obtained from consuming sugary foods. They also explain that one of the most effective diets to follow for cutting back on weight and assist with maintaining a healthy weight is the Mediterranean diet.
Emotional eating needs to be addressed, as well. This is a common problem for men. Motivation is crucial. When implementing a weight loss plan, the man should stay on the path to lighter bodyweight.
Men need to realize that weight loss takes time. Patience is a key element in reaching such a goal. Being persistent with the diet will lead to noticeable results.

Several conditions can affect the prostate gland. Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a rather common condition. The condition causes the prostate to push against the lower urinary tract. In turn, urinary symptoms may develop. Some drinks may be beneficial for improving symptoms related to benign prostatic hyperplasia. Some types of drink may worsen existing prostate symptoms.