A large proportion of males suffer problems with their prostate glands, including benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), prostatitis. and even prostate cancer, one of the most common types of cancer in males.
Prostate issues are more common in people with a family history. It is also essential to rule out prostate problems in males who experience BPH symptoms.
Lower urinary tract symptoms are usually not due to infections in men. They are not as likely to suffer from urinary infections as women. Thus, prostate enlargement is among on top on the list.
The prostate is located in the bladder neck, surrounding the urethra. Thus, when the prostate is very large, it presses upon the urethra. This growing pressure ultimately causes urinary obstruction and obstructive symptoms-for example, a slow urinary flow and straining to urinate.
Only a few medications can shrink the prostate, and very severe cases are only solved with surgery. However, according to studies and clinical experience, some food choices can help reducing urinary symptoms.
What foods shrink the prostate gland? We will explore the food list that might help relieving the prostate in this article and explore the natural remedies for enlarged prostate.
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What foods are good for shrinking the prostate?
Surgery (transurethral resection of the prostate) is the ultimate treatment for a very large prostate, especially in localized prostate cancer.
If you have prostate cancer, your need to take your treatment seriously and talk to your doctor about it. But even in prostate cancer and BPH, dietary advice plays a significant role.
Eating certain foods may increase your prostate symptoms. Eating others can significantly improve the problem.
Prostate-friendly foods you should include in your diet
So, what foods are good for shrinking the prostate?
Sesame seeds
Zinc is essential for prostate health. Men with prostate health problems usually have lower zinc levels than the average. Sesame seeds are an excellent source of zinc and may improve urinary symptoms significantly. Moreover, they have high fiber levels and strengthen our bowel movements. By preventing constipation, we can reduce urinary symptoms in patients with prostate problems. Furthermore, it could increase our PSA level, according to a study published in the International Journal of Urology (1).
This one of the healthiest types of fatty fish. It has multiple nutrients and health benefits. One of these nutrients is Omega 3 fatty acids. This is an anti-inflammatory fatty acid. It reduces swelling in the prostate gland and may prevent cancer cell growth. According to a recent systematic review, higher omega-3 intake decreases mortality due to prostate cancer (2).
Bell Pepper
This is a reliable source of vitamin C, which appears to have a significant role in prostate cancer and BPH. A recent study published in the Journal of Nutrition showed that men who eat rich vitamin C sources have fewer urinary symptoms. A dietary source is superior to supplements in this regard, according to Dr. Nancy Maserejian (3). If you want supplements, look for saw palmetto instead of vitamin C.
Eating avocados provide an extensive list of healthy fats. They do not have as much omega 3 as salmon but contain beta-sitosterol. According to studies, beta-sitosterol improves urinary flow. Patients with prostate conditions often experience improvements in the sensation of incomplete voiding. They have better flow measures according to a Cochrane systematic review (4).
This is one of the essential foods for prostate patients. Tomatoes have a substance called lycopene, which is responsible for the red color. Further, Lycopene is an excellent ally against prostate cancer risk and other prostate conditions. According to one study, it slows BPH and prostate cancer progression and reduces PSA levels (5).
Other vegetables are also beneficial to reduce our risk of prostate enlargement. Broccoli is one of the most important, along with other cruciferous vegetables. A combination of tomato and broccoli is known to reduce proliferation and increase apoptosis in prostate cancer, according to a study published in the Journal Cancer Research (6).
Onion, garlic, and other members of the allium family contain allicin, an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-cancer substance. According to a multicenter study with near 3000 BPH patients, consuming more allium vegetables reduces BPH risk (7).
This is a substance found in Curcuma longa, a prevalent spice in Indian, Thai, and Chinese cuisine. This is an anti-inflammatory substance and reduces prostate swelling but also has other properties. According to a study, it also suppresses BPH by blocking nuclear signaling pathways (8).
Green tea
This is one of the most widely recognized antioxidants, and it is commonly used to prevent cardiovascular conditions. However, epigallocatechin gallate reduces hyperplasia in the prostate cells. It also counters the effect of testosterone to induce growth in the prostate gland (9).
This is another important source of antioxidants, especially if you consume it as pomegranate juice. It is helpful to reduce erectile dysfunction, inflammation, and oxidative stress in the prostate. A review of the literature relieves tension in the smooth muscle of the urethra and improves urinary symptoms in these patients (10).
There’s a variety of nuts, and most of them are an excellent source of dietary fiber. As noted above, dietary fiber can reduce constipation and improve urinary symptoms. There’s also a review about a specific type of nut called tiger nut. It is known to decrease PSA levels and sperm abnormalities, increasing fertility in these patients (11).
Similar to nuts, there are different types of beans. Some of them are very rich in dietary fiber with the effects mentioned above.
The best source of lycopene is definitely tomato. But it is not the only way to consume this nutrient. Watermelons also have lycopene, which is responsible for the red color. Strawberries are also full of lycopene. All of these fruits prevent and slow the progression of BPH and prostate cancer (13).

Foods to avoid
Dietary advice also includes foods that we should avoid to prevent urinary symptoms. They are usually foods that irritate the bladder and other parts of the lower urinary tract. Others can increase the risk of prostate cancer and all types of cancer.
We recommend not consuming the following foods if you have prostate problems (14):
Red meat
It’s tasty but not good for the prostate. Red meat increases your levels of arachidonic acid and induces inflammation. Swelling in the prostate increases your urinary symptoms and worsens your quality of life.
Eggs and poultry
It is a healthier alternative to red meat but is still not recommended daily. Similar to red meat, eggs increase inflammation through arachidonic acid. Poultry was also found to increase the symptoms in BPH.
This includes whole-fat milk and cheese. They contain saturated fat, contribute to abdominal obesity, and directly influence urinary symptoms. Instead of whole-fat milk and dairy, consume light alternatives. Even better, you can drink almond milk or soya milk instead.
Alcoholic drinks are not recommended for patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia or prostate cancer. They create or worsen inflammation in the prostate. They are also diuretic beverages and increase your urinary output. In other words, they will increase the frequency of voiding, which is already increased in these patients.
Every beverage that contains caffeine is not a good idea, including fizzy drinks, energy drinks, and some types of tea. Coffee is diuretic and increases your urinary frequency. It worsens nocturia and other symptoms by irritating your bladder.
Sugary foods
This includes fizzy drinks, sugary drinks, cakes, sweets, and much more. They cause insulin spikes that promote inflammation and tissue growth. Constant spikes send the wrong signal, and your prostate keeps on growing.
Spicy foods
They are irritants of the urinary tract, and you should limit spicy foods if you have urinary symptoms. They could make them worse. Moreover, common symptoms triggered by spicy foods include an increase in urinary frequency and urgency.

3 Day meal plan
If you want an example of a deit plan including foods that shrink the prostate, this is it. You will see that it is very similar to the Mediterranean diet:
Day 1
- Breakfast: Overnight oats with blueberries
- Lunch: Cannellini bean salad
- Dinner: Broccoli and salmon stirfy with wholewheat noodles
Day 2
- Breakfast: Sweet potato hash (with spinach, 2 egg whites, and avocado)
- Lunch: one banana and whole-wheat sandwich with tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, and hummus
- Dinner: Marinated chicken skewers with couscous and salad
Day 3
- Breakfast: Avocado toast with eggs and tomato
- Lunch: Kale and chickpea stew
- Dinner: Mediterranean chicken pasta salad

Natural Supplements
Increasing research has shed light on the benefits of using natural supplements for BPH.
Clinical research has shown that Beta-Sitosterol is one of the most proven and effective nutritional supplements for prostate health.
Sterols are steroid alcohols that are naturally occurring in plants and thus in foods such as rice bran, wheat germ, corn oils, soybeans, and peanuts. Numerous studies have shown Beta-Sitosterol to be effective in reducing urinary urgency, frequency, and nighttime waking.
Further, evidence of this symptomatic relief was demonstrated in a review, which assessed 519 men from 4 randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trials, (lasting 4 to 26 weeks).
In these studies, beta-sitosterol improved urinary symptom scores and urinary flow rates. It also significantly reduced the volume of residual urine in the bladder.
Beta-sitosterol compounds are expensive, significantly more so than fatty acids. So, as a result, many products on the market are upwards of 70% fatty acids, with less than 30% Beta-sitosterol. However, for Beta-sitosterol to be effective, it needs to be at a ratio of 90% plant sterols to 10% fatty acids. And that’s why this is exactly the amount in Total Health.

Clinically formulated, Total Health works to combat the root causes of prostate disease, helping to reduce nighttime waking, improve urinary flow and lower PSA in order to get rid of your prostate problems and restore your health.
For more information on the effectiveness of Total Health, click here.
Prostate issues are very prevalent in males, and all of us prefer cancer prevention rather than undergoing prostate cancer treatment.
We will have a reduced risk of prostate issues through a healthy diet, herbal remedies,keeping a healthy weight and physical activity.
Even if you have a healthy prostate, following these recommendations will keep you away from the surgery table.
So to avoid prostatic disease (prostatic hyperplasia, prostate inflammation, and cancer), you should avoid processed meat, dairy, and sugary foods.
Further, if you already have an enlarged prostate, you could have fewer symptoms by consuming less alcohol, spicy foods, and coffee.
Instead, consume more fruits and vegetables every day, especially broccoli and tomatoes.
Look for a source of omega 3 fatty acids, like salmon, and make sure that you’re eating enough beans, nuts, seeds, and other dietary fiber sources.
Pomegranate juice and green tea are excellent beverages to accompany your food, and you will also benefit from garlic, turmeric, and other spices.
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