- 1) Eat Protein
- 2) Regular Exercise
- 3) Avoid Sugar And Carbs
- 4) Manage Stress
- 5) Consume Healthy Fats
- 6) Avoid Overeating And Undereating
- 7) Drink Green Tea
- 8) Eat Fatty Fish
- 9) High-Quality Sleep
- 10) Keep Away From Sugary Drinks
- 11) Consume A High Fiber Diet
- 12) Eggs
- 13) Avoid estrogenic foods and compounds
- 14) Understand and use the power of ayurvedic herbal medicines
- Conclusion
- Source
Hormones play an important role in a person’s health. Both male and female bodies depend on a healthy balance in hormones.
This assures good mental and physical well-being. When hormones are out of balance, many complications can occur.
This often starts to manifest physically and clinically after the age of 40 when the tell-tale signs of aging really start to show such as loss or graying of hair, wrinkling, loss of muscle mass and/or tone, a growing belly and/or male breast enlargement and even more serious complications like increased risk for cardiovascular disease and prostate problems.
The prostate gland is highly responsive and sensitive to the presence of male hormones should come as little surprise. It is one of the essential glands involved in male reproductive and sexual function, making much of the seminal fluid in ejaculation.
In men, an imbalance in sex hormone levels like testosterone can cause erectile dysfunction2 and depression.
Women may experience vaginal dryness1 and have a higher risk for polycystic ovary syndrome when their progesterone estrogen levels decline. Irregular periods and adrenal gland problems can occur.
There are ways to address a hormonal imbalance. It depends on the hormones affected. Thyroid hormone is different from estrogen dominance, for example, where there is excess estrogen in the body.
A better hormone balance provides several benefits in a person’s life. This includes improvements in physical and sexual performance. Mental health also benefits from addressing hormone balance.
We take a look at some ways to balance hormones in the body. We will focus on natural methods that people can use. This helps the person avoid side-effects of hormone replacement therapy. It also helps to reduce the need for synthetic bioidentical hormones.
1) Eat Protein
Protein should really be an essential part of every person’s daily diet. A lot of people do not realize the crucial role that protein plays in the body. It is broken down into amino acids in the body. This helps several parts of the body function as it should.
Protein also plays a role in the production of essential hormones in the body. Some studies show protein is involved in ghrelin production3. This is a hormone that regulates appetite. It is an important hormone to help a person avoid weight gain.
When a person gains too much weight, they are at risk of a hormonal imbalance. When Ghrelin production improves, it means appetite regulation also becomes more effective. This may help a person eat less.
Protein is also important for muscle growth. Lean muscle mass is vital for the endocrine system.
Research suggests that people should try to eat about 20 to 30 grams of protein in every meal4. This is an adequate amount to provide support for the body and help produce essential hormones. It will also ensure there is an adequate balance of amino acids in the person’s body.
2) Regular Exercise
Exercise is not only beneficial but critical to human health. Both men and women need to participate in regular exercises to help them overcome the dreaded side effects associated with a sedentary lifestyle.
There are several ways that exercise can help with hormonal balance in men and women.
Studies have already shown that men who exercise regularly have higher testosterone levels than those living a sedentary lifestyle5. Specific types of exercises see to be very beneficial – which primarily include strength training. A strength training session would consist of resistance exercises, as well as weight lifting.
Boosting sex hormones is not the only reason why regular exercise is so important. Studies also suggest that exercise is beneficial for improving the regulation of insulin in the body6. When insulin regulation is poor, it can lead to problems like insulin resistance. This, in turn, puts a person at risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Exercise seems to increase insulin sensitivity in the human body. This ensures excessive insulin is not secreted by the pancreas. When there are too many insulin hormones in the body, it leads to severe problems – such as inflammation, cancer, and heart disease.
3) Avoid Sugar And Carbs
The average person tends to consume food that is based on a Western Diet. It has been found that too many people are consuming a high amount of sugar, as well as refined foods, on a daily basis. These foods are very harmful to the body. Unfortunately, a lot of people fail to realize the harm they are doing to their own bodies with these foods.
One of the most important reasons to avoid these foods is to prevent obesity. When a person has too much excess weight in their body, it essentially causes them to experience a hormone imbalance.
Eating refined carbs and a lot of sugar leads to an excessive increase in insulin production. Eventually, this behavior leads to reduced insulin sensitivity. The person is at risk of developing a condition known as insulin resistance – which can then turn into diabetes.
Refined table sugar and high-fructose corn syrup are the major contributors to sugar in the average person’s diet. Even though honey is a natural sweetener, it should also be used sparingly. One study found that honey also leads to a spike in insulin levels7.
4) Manage Stress
Stress is generally associated with benefits. It puts the body into a fight-or-flight response. Experiencing this response now-and-then can be helpful.
The problem is, we live in a world where daily stress is now something that most people face. It has been found that a significant percentage of the global population experience stress levels that interfere with their daily lives.
When stress becomes overwhelming and chronic, a person is going to experience a consistent release of cortisol. This is a stress hormone. It is the hormone that the body release when it enters the fight-or-flight response. The body also releases adrenaline when it is under heavy stress.
Chronic high levels of cortisol can lead to several problems in the body. Many people who have high cortisol levels on a chronic basis tend to experience an increase in calorie consumption. This, in turn, would lead to the development of obesity. Belly fat tends to increase in this case too. It is known that belly fat is particularly dangerous.
High levels of cortisol can also lead to other issues in the body. This includes suppression of the endocrine system – which is responsible for producing the hormones in the body.
5) Consume Healthy Fats
Not all fats are the same. There are good and bad fats. The bad fats generally include trans fats and certain kinds of saturated fats. These tend to increase the collection of cholesterol in the arteries. They also lead to an increase in belly fat. Studies suggest that these fats contribute to insulin resistance too.
There are, however, several fat types that are essential for optimal health. These fats contribute to physical and mental health. They also seem to affect the balance of certain hormones.
Medium-chain triglycerides are generally considered some of the most important healthy fats. This is a type of fat that is generally sourced from coconut oil. It is also possible to obtain medium-chain triglycerides from palm oil. Pure MCT oil also contains healthy fat.
Apart from these, monounsaturated fats should also play a big part in a person’s diet. These fats are found in olive oil. Some nuts also contain them.
Studies show that the consumption of these fats helps to improve the insulin sensitivity of the body8. This helps to reduce the person’s chance of developing diabetes and insulin resistance.
6) Avoid Overeating And Undereating
When a person tries to lose weight, they will generally try to eat less. They ensure they consume fewer calories than the number they burn throughout the day. In some cases, people tend to starve themselves in order to lose weight. This leads to undereating. In other people, overeating may become a problem. Some people have eating disorders – such as binge eating problems.
A balanced diet that includes just enough calories each day is important. Undereating and overeating can both cause a person to experience serious problems with their body.
A person who fails to eat enough food may start to suffer from nutritional deficiencies. The body also does not get enough calories to support all functions – this often causes the body to start using muscle tissue as fuel. In turn, the person may experience a loss of muscle mass too.
When overeating, obesity becomes a major issue. People who are obese have problems with insulin sensitivity in their bodies. They are also at a high risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
7) Drink Green Tea
Green tea is one of the healthiest drinks in the entire world. It is packed with antioxidants and has been associated with several health benefits. Many studies also focus on what green tea can do for the body. It has been shown as an excellent drink for people who are struggling to lose weight.
This is the first area where green tea comes in as a way to balance hormones. Drinking green tea may help with metabolism and other processes that make weight loss easier. In turn, it helps a person avoid obesity. When a person is already obese, the green tea might lose the excess fat.
Some studies also show green tea helps balance insulin hormone levels in the body. Since these hormones can wreak havoc on the endocrine system and several parts of the body, getting them into balance is important.
8) Eat Fatty Fish
Fatty fish is often advised as part of a healthy diet. There are several important nutrients found in these fish foods – including omega-3 fatty acids. One thing that people need to understand is that fatty fish is the best source of DHA. This is one of the most important types of omega-3 fatty acids and contributes to several health benefits.
There are different ways that these healthy fatty acids can help with balancing hormones in the human body.
There are a few studies that show how fatty fish may be helpful for men. In one study9, stress hormones were the primary focus. The study looked at how omega-3 consumption affected the release of certain hormones in the male body.
Men who took omega-3 experienced a reduced release of cortisol when they were placed in a stressful situation. The production of epinephrine during these times also declined. This shows that omega-3 may help to balance cortisol, especially during times of stress.
9) High-Quality Sleep
A lot of people fail to realize just how important sleep is. This process is critical for everyone. Women in menopause and those with adrenal gland problems need enough sleep. In men, sleep is essential among too. Some experience hot flashes and night sweats – but these can be addressed to help a person sleep better.
Sleep is important for more than just hormone health. When a person fails to sleep enough, several hormones may be affected. Some of the hormones that are affected adversely by poor sleep include:
- Ghrelin
- Leptin
- Cortisol
- Insulin
- Growth hormone
These hormones all play their own roles. The growth hormone can affect other areas of the endocrine system. This may even lead to issues with luteinizing hormone. There are some studies that also show how poor sleep impacts hormonal health.
In one study10, researchers looked at how sleep affected hormone levels. Participants were restricted from sleep for only two days in a row. This ensured the individuals did not suffer serious consequences. At the same time, it allowed the researchers to get a better idea of the role that sleep plays in hormone production.
After two days of restricted sleep, there was an 18% decrease in leptin. Ghrelin levels increased by an average of 28%. Hunger was also 24% higher in those who were sleep-deprived.
This shows evidence that poor sleep makes people eat more. When calorie intake increases, it leads to a risk of obesity.
Sleep requirements may vary from one person to the next. For healthy adults, it is generally advised to sleep between seven and nine hours each night. Most adults are able to feel refreshed with seven or eight hours of sleep.
It is important to note that several factors affect sleep quality. A person with insomnia should look for appropriate treatments. A mattress also affects sleep, as well as the sleeping environment.
10) Keep Away From Sugary Drinks
Too many people indulge themselves in sugary drinks. Unfortunately, this is another habit that is wreaking havoc on hormones. It is important to take note that sugar is unhealthy – full stop. Some types of sugars are worse. Researchers have discovered that the most dangerous of them all would be liquid sugars.
Sugary beverages cause a significant elevation in blood sugar levels. Additionally, there is also a spike in insulin levels when people drink too many sugary beverages. With this in mind, it means sugary drinks are contributing to insulin resistance. When this happens, a person finds themselves at a higher risk of becoming a diabetic.
Drinking these beverages also increases the calorie intake of a person. In turn, this causes a lot of people to experience a caloric surplus. The person starts to gain excessive weight. This would then lead to obesity.
11) Consume A High Fiber Diet
Fiber is also one of those compounds that are essential in a person’s daily diet. Yet, many do not realize why they should include enough fiber in their diet.
Fiber is a type of carb that the body does not digest like other carbs. There are two different types of fiber. This includes soluble and insoluble fiber. A person needs to ensure they add enough soluble fiber to their diet.
Several benefits come with adding more fiber to a diet. This indigestible carb helps to reduce hunger. This ensures a person do not overeat. A reduction in calorie intake means a person is also less likely to gain excess weight.
Fiber also affects insulin. It has been found that a high-fiber diet may help to improve insulin sensitivity in the body.
There are other benefits too. People may find that their blood glucose levels are more stable when they eat enough fiber. PPY and GLP-1 levels are also improved when there is enough fiber in a person’s diet.
12) Eggs
The last tip that we want to share is to eat some eggs. In older times, eggs were not considered as healthy for food as it is today. Eggs were linked to an increase in cholesterol.
Recent studies, however, have found that this is not accurate. Eggs contain compounds that may lower LDL cholesterol – this is the type of cholesterol that clogs up the arteries in the body.
Studies show that the consumption of eggs helps to lower ghrelin levels. This assists with appetite control. Additionally, insulin levels also seem to decrease when eggs are consumed. These results may help an obese person lose weight faster. It may also help to reduce the risk of developing insulin resistance.
13) Avoid estrogenic foods and compounds
Surprisingly there are many popular foods on this list that might raise an eyebrow to many gentlemen.
Soy milk, isolated soy protein, beer, and even grapefruit can all potentially add to the cumulative effect of estrogenic-like compounds in a man.
While I don’t advocate eating either soy milk or isolated soy protein for anyone, occasionally a beer or grapefruit may still be fine for a man concerned about hormone balance.
That said, they should not be major parts of the diet for any health-conscious male.
Furthermore, pseudo-estrogenic compounds in soft plastics and cross-contamination from female partners using estrogen creams are important for men to avoid supporting optimum male hormone balance and production of testosterone (i.e. ‘T’).
Ben’s Estro Clear can be a great ally in helping men with excessive levels of estrogens and pseudo estrogens better eliminate them safely through the bowels.
14) Understand and use the power of ayurvedic herbal medicines
In addition, so much of a man’s good health and sexual function depends on good hormone levels and a healthy prostate. Therefore it is extremely useful to realize the benefits that some Ayurvedic herbs can offer to men in these regards.
Mimosa Pudica: Mimosa is a double-threat herb, providing powerful aphrodisiac properties as well as a potent erectile aide, helping many men overcome ED issues.
Tribulus Terrestris: This is an all-star herb which is known to reliably increase levels of testosterone, luteinizing hormone (involved in sperm production), DHEA, and DHT. Moreover, it is known for being a potent aphrodisiac and supports optimal circulation by dilating blood vessels, thus supporting healthy blood pressure.
Crateva nurvala: Both a kidney and prostate tonic, Crateva is known especially for being helpful with UTIs (especially a concern for men who have to use catheters), kidney stones as well as the nagging problem of BPH, affecting so many guys over 50.
Ben’s Prostate Healer: Combines all of these incredible herbs and MORE into one formula, for any man serious about his prostate, sexual, and reproductive health!
A healthy hormone balance contributes to better mental and physical well-being. People need to understand what an imbalance in hormone levels can do to them. Knowing what symptoms to look out for is helpful. Men with a low male hormone level may experience several problems.
Taking a synthetic hormone drug may help, but also comes with side-effects. We shared some useful natural ways to increase testosterone levels and balance hormones in men – these tips can also help a woman with an imbalance in her hormones. It also reduces the need for hormone therapy.
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