Exploring The Sexual Benefits Of Bitter Kola (Garcinia Kola)

Bitter kola, also known as bitter cola or Garcinia Kola, is a plant typically found in Central and West Africa. 

A fun fact about this food is that it was first used to make Coca-Cola. 

While the company now doesn’t use any bitter kola to flavor its beverage, the origin of this popular drink relies on this food. 

Thanks to its medicinal properties, bitter kola has widely been used in African culture. 

But besides offering general health benefits, bitter kola also seems to help support sexual function. 

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of bitter kola sexually and how you can include it in your daily routine. 

The Effects Of Bitter Kola On Sexual Health

1) Improved Stamina 

One of the benefits of bitter kola is its caffeine content, which can help increase energy levels and boost focus

When it comes to sexual function, a higher dosage of caffeine can help you last longer and improve your stamina. 

Also, some research seems to show that caffeine may increase testosterone levels and decrease the risk of erectile dysfunction. 

However, bitter kola should never replace any medication prescribed by your doctor. Also, currently, there is little to no research linking the effects of bitter kola to improved stamina or increased testosterone levels. 

2) Natural Aphrodisiac 

In West Africa, bitter kola has been used for centuries as a natural aphrodisiac. 

For generations, they’ve believed that bitter kola can enhance sexual pleasure. 

However, animal studies have refuted the idea that bitter kola may increase sexual desire and invigoration. 

Therefore, more human studies are needed to determine the function of bitter kola on sexual desire. 

3) Boosts Libido 

Some people claim that bitter kola increases their libido and sexual drive. It seems that some compounds in bitter kola can increase blood flow, leading to improved sexual function. 

But, just like the other benefits of bitter kola on sexual health, more research is still needed to understand its effect on libido.  

Ben’s Natural Supplements For Better Sexual Health

Testo Booster

Our testosterone supplement, Testo Booster, contains clinically proven, natural ingredients to help increase testosterone levels, boost sex drive, and provide more rigid erections.

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Testo Booster activates receptors in the pituitary gland, which sends signals to the testes to boost testosterone production. This, therefore, results in greater strength, increased muscle gain and growth, and improved male sexual performance.

Male Boost

Male Boost is a natural viagra supplement. It contains nine clinically proven, herbal ingredients to help increase testosterone levels, boost sex drive, and reverse erectile dysfunction.

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Male Boost improves sexual stamina, sexual function, increases energy levels, and positively affects your mood. 

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Estro Clear is an estrogen blocker for men containing six natural, clinically proven ingredients to help reduce excess estrogen, restore hormonal balance, and regain masculine traits. 

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Estro Clear can help your body flush excess estrogen, restore normal testosterone levels and support healthy weight loss.

How To Add Bitter Kola To Your Diet

If you want to include bitter kola to promote sexual benefits, there are several ways in which you can include it in your routine. 

While some people may eat the nuts raw, you can also crush them and add them to your favorite smoothie or beverage. 

Make sure you purchase fresh bitter kola that has not been exposed to heat or moisture. Otherwise, it may affect the quality and the potency of the nut. 

Keep in mind that it’s called bitter kola for a reason. The nut provides a slightly bitter taste that some people may not enjoy. 

If this is the case, you may want to include it in other foods or beverages to help mask its flavor. 

Nutritional Facts About Bitter Cola

There is not a lot of information regarding the nutritional facts about bitter kola. However, the available research shows that bitter kola is low in proteins and fats and high in carbs and fiber. In addition, it’s high in vitamin C, calcium, potassium, and iron. 

More research is still needed on the nutritional compounds found in bitter kola to understand its possible health benefits and its relationship to sexual function. 

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Potential Side Effects Of Garcinia Kola

The caffeine content in bitter kola may lead to side effects like insomnia, jitteriness, and anxiety. Also, bitter kola may cause interaction with some medications.

It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating it into your routine.


Bitter kola is a nut commonly used in some countries in Africa due to its health benefits. Studies suggest a potential link between bitter kola and sexual function, including aspects like libido and stamina, but more research is needed to establish conclusive evidence.

Keep in mind that most studies available are performed on animals, and there are no significant results in human studies on how bitter kola can help sexually. 

Also, due to its caffeine content, bitter kola may increase the risk of side effects. So, make sure you consult with a doctor before adding a new supplement.

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  1. Yakubu MT, Quadri AL. Garcinia kola seeds: is the aqueous extract a true aphrodisiac in male Wistar rats? Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. 2012 Jul 1;9(4):530-5. doi: 10.4314/ajtcam.v9i4.9. PMID: 23983388; PMCID: PMC3746641.
  2. Sewani-Rusike CR, Ralebona N, Nkeh-Chungag BN. Dose- and time-dependent effects of Garcinia kola seed extract on sexual behaviour and reproductive parameters in male Wistar rats. Andrologia. 2016 Apr;48(3):300-7. doi: 10.1111/and.12447. Epub 2015 Jun 29. PMID: 26123866.
  3. Abu, Adakole & Amuta, Paul & Buba, Elizabeth & Inusa, TR. (2013). Evaluation of antispermatogenic effect of Garcinia kola seed extract in Albino rats. Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction. 2. 15-18. 10.1016/S2305-0500(13)60108-6. 

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