9 Tips for Having Sex if You Have Prostatitis

An infection or inflammation of the prostate leads to prostatitis

This condition affects around 10% of men of all ages. But, it is mainly present in men in their 40s. 

There is a lot of misconception about sex with prostatitis. Some men avoid sex out of fear they would pass the infection or chronic condition to their partner. 

Others ignore their prostate problems, such as painful ejaculation, urination, and pelvic pain. But, with time, ignoring some prostatitis types worsens the infection. 

Here, we will put a lid on the misunderstandings and answer all your queries. We will cover the actual realities associated with the disease and offer practical tips on how to get your sex life back on track.  

Can You Have Sex With Prostatitis? 

Men don’t have to avoid sex with prostatitis. Most of the time, intercourse won’t worsen prostatitis symptoms. However, some individuals with prostatitis experience pain during ejaculation. This is where your sex life can enter a downward spiral.

Prostatitis is typically the result of a bacterial infection. But, it is not the type of bacterial infection that you can pass on to your sexual partner. 

Do have in mind that sometimes prostatitis is triggered by an STI (sexually transmitted infection). So, if an STI is the cause of your inflammation, you should avoid sex. 

Check to see if your genitals have developed sores or unusual discharge. The penis might need treatment to keep the infection under wraps. 

Also, prostatitis prompts similar symptoms to other ailments. You can confuse it with interstitial cystitis or prostate cancer. Prostate cancer can also spread to the seminal vesicles.

So, it is best to check with your healthcare provider if you have pelvic pain, uncomfortable ejaculation, or troubles when urinating. Check for any symptoms of prostate cancer. See if your doctor suggests you get the prostatic fluid evaluated for bacterial infection or inflammation. 

People often confuse prostatitis with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland. While prostatic hyperplasia is an enlargement of the prostate. The symptoms of your infection will depend on the type of prostatitis you are dealing with. 

These types include acute bacterial prostatitis, chronic bacterial prostatitis, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, or asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis. Before you start treating the sexual dysfunction, talk to a urologist.  They will evaluate your prostate infection and offer the best options to restore erectile function. 

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9 Tips for Having Sex if You Have Prostatitis

1. Practice Safe Sex

An infection that spreads through sex can lead to prostatitis. These include gonorrhea and chlamydia. An STI is more likely to develop from unprotected sex or having sex with multiple partners. 

From 2015 to 2019, there was nearly a 30% increase in STD cases. The sharpest spike in cases was of congenital syphilis. So, it’s a good idea to wear a condom when you have sex with prostatitis. 

2. Manage the Pelvic Pain

Managing pelvic floor dysfunction should be a top priority, especially if you are dealing with a urinary tract infection. Prescription meds can help. 

It’s also a good idea to empty the bladder before intercourse. Kegels are another practical option for mitigating pelvic pain. 

3. Soak in a Warm Bath

Hot baths could be a temporary solution for relieving prostatitis naturally. The cold often aggravates the symptoms, while heat tends to ameliorate them. 

When dealing with prostatic inflammation, heat can offer better blood flow, which could alleviate some of the pain. Baths could also ease prostate discomfort and fullness. 

4. Use a Heating Pad

A heating pad can thwart the discomfort of chronic prostatitis. Chronic prostatitis leads to hesitant or dribbling urine, pain, and burning sensations. 

If you don’t have a heating pad, feel free to use a hot water bottle instead. Applying it to the perineal area can curb some of the pain. You can use this temporary treatment technique when necessary.  

5. Up the Fluid Intakes

Bacterial prostatitis is an ailment of the prostate that can either make it tricky to hold the urine or lead to a poor urine stream

With chronic prostatitis, weak urine flow is a typical problem. When you drink more water, you promote urination. This can help flush out the infected urine and empty the bladder. 

6. Limit the Alcohol & Caffeine Intake

Alcohol may not worsen the symptoms of enlarged prostate, but it can rile up the bladder. After all, alcohol is a diuretic. That means you are more likely to urinate and experience some form of bladder irritation. Such as burning sensations or pain when urinating. 

Too much caffeine can have a similar impact. It can exacerbate the symptoms of bladder activity, and cause a frequent need to urinate. 

For some, it leads to incontinence. If you are sensitive to caffeine, it is a good idea to opt for decaffeinated options. 

7. Skip the Acidic and Spicy Foods

Very spicy and acidic foods are another problem for the urinary tract and prostate. They too can irritate the bladder and cause trouble for the prostate gland. Especially if you go overboard. 

They can impact the bladder lining or upset the central nervous system responsible for controlling bowel and bladder function. 

8. Don’t Do Activities That Irritate the Prostate 

Wondering if physical activity can alleviate the symptoms of nonbacterial prostatitis? Prolonged bicycling and sitting irritate the prostate. 

The fact is, regular exercise has many health benefits. It offers anti-inflammatory effects, which can ease sensitivity to chronic pelvic pain with prostate issues. 

It also provides effective dopamine release. To achieve the desired result when dealing with a chronic ailment, whether that is symptomatic or asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis, consult with a prostate specialist. 

9. Try Herbal Remedies

Many men use supplements or herbal remedies for prostatitis. These prostate herbal remedies include green tea, ryegrass, and saw palmetto extract. 

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Whether you have bacterial prostatitis, chronic non-bacterial prostatitis, or frequent urinary tract infections, talk to a doctor. Let them know of the symptoms you are feeling. 

Although the tips listed here can help ease this chronic ailment, they can’t replace conventional medicine. Treat the urinary symptoms and ejaculation troubles with expert help. That way, you can properly navigate every lower urinary tract symptom and infectious prostatitis.

Explore More

prostate and sex

How Does Sex Affect Your Prostate?


  1. Zhang R, Chomistek AK, Dimitrakoff JD, et al. Physical activity and chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2015;47(4):757-764. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4324388/

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