- What is the prostate?
- Prostate health problems
- Are prostate supplements effective?
- Dietary polyphenols
- What are the most effective prostate supplements?
- What are the benefits of prostate supplements?
- What are the risks with prostate supplements?
- How do you know if you need a prostate supplement?
- What should you look for in prostate supplements?
- Comparing prostate supplements
- Ben’s Natural Health Prostate Supplements
- Conclusion
- Source
Prostate supplements are a tablet you take to supplement the diet.
Yes, there are foods, such as tomatoes and pumpkin seeds, to name a few) that benefit the prostate.
Although there are medicinal health effects of whole foods, it is difficult to get a specific, standardized dose from them.
This is where supplements come in handy. Prostate supplements contain vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that are beneficial to the prostate gland.
Typically, it will include vitamins, such as vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin E. A prostate supplement will usually include minerals and calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, and iodine.
A good prostate supplement will also include nutrients like beta-sitosterol and quercetin.
Most commonly, you will see prostate supplements in capsule or tablet form. The goal of a prostate supplement is to improve the health of the prostate.
What is the prostate?
So, what is the prostate exactly? It is a gland in males. It sits under the bladder and in front of the rectum. The urethra runs through the prostate, so the prostate kind of envelops the urethra. This is why urinary symptoms occur when there is a problem with the prostate.
The prostate gland has a right and left lobe with a cleft running between them. This cleft is the median sulcus.
In a healthy prostate, each lobe is symmetrical and does not have nodules. The prostate gland should also be freely mobile. In fact, if the prostate gland is fixed to the pelvis, then this could indicate cancer malignancy.
A typical prostate weighs between 15 and 18 grams and is approximately the size of a walnut. The prostate gland has three zones: the peripheral zone, the central zone, and the transition zone.
The prostate comprises 70% glandular tissue, and the remaining 30% is the fibromuscular stroma. Some nerves supply the prostate gland.
So why do men have a prostate gland in the first place? The prostate gland’s functional role is to create [AA1] prostatic fluid.
Prostatic fluid is vital because it helps to protect the sperms (due to its high pH). This fluid also contains proteolytic enzymes, protein, zinc, and prostate-specific antigen (PSA for short). There will be lots of discussion about PSA in this article.

Find out more information on the function and purpose of the prostate gland here.
Prostate health problems
An enlarged prostate (BPH)
Which conditions would men use a prostate supplement for? The major one being BPH, which stands for benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a disease that involves the proliferation of prostate cells. This is essentially a medical way of saying that you have an enlarged prostate.
Overgrowth of the prostate cells affects parts of both the glandular tissue and the connective tissue that make up the prostate gland.
When a man has Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, there is a problem with apoptosis of the inner transition zone cells of the prostate.
Apoptosis is a term for cell suicide. Apoptosis is when the cell reaches the end of its life and dies. This is all part of a normal, healthy, controlled process.
When apoptosis doesn’t occur, cell growth can go overboard, and that’s precisely what is happening in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia.
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BPH Symptoms
Generally, a prostate supplement aims to decrease symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia or an enlarged prostate gland. These include:
- urinary urgency.
- difficulty or urinary hesitancy.
- weak urine stream.
- inability to urinate.
- a urinary stream that starts and stops.
- dribbling at the end of urination.
- incomplete voiding of the bladder.
- blood in the urine.
- nocturia (need to urinate at night).
Men who have Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia will need to take action right away to avoid any potential complications.

For more information on BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) click here.
Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome
Another male health issue that affects the prostate is Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome.
The most commonly reported symptom in men with Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome is dysuria or pain upon urination. 46.6% (almost half) of patients report this symptom.
34.4% of patients with this condition report pain in the perineum, which is the area between the penis and the anus — 39.2 % of men with Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome report they need to urinate more frequently. And 39.2% of men with this condition have
This is pain just above the pubic bone on the front of the pelvis. The etiology of Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome is still a mystery, though prostate inflammation is the culprit of 33% of cases.
Oxidative stress can also play a role, and there is also a theory that stones in the prostate could contribute to this condition overall.
Interestingly, studies show that psychological stress and depression increase pain in those with Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome.
Are prostate supplements effective?
Yes! There are many, many examples of studies that prove prostate supplements effective.
Prevention of prostate cancer is very concerning these days due to the increased prevalence of the disease and the toxicity of current treatment options.
Preventing a disease is always superior to treating disease, especially in a complex illness such as prostate cancer.
A large body of research can be both in vitro (in a laboratory) and in vivo (in the live subject) of preventative prostate cancer measures.
Some of these strategies include consuming protein, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, vegetable extracts, and other solid products and combinations of these in the diet, vitamins, minerals, and biologically active substances.
Randomized Study
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study in men with prostate cancer was performed. This study used a dietary supplement to examine levels of prostate-specific antigen.
Past studies show significant relationships between dietary supplementation and the incidence and mortality of prostate cancer. 49 patients participated in the study.
They all had a history of prostate cancer and had rising prostate-specific antigen levels after radical prostate removal or radiation therapy. The supplement used in this experiment consisted of lycopene and other antioxidants as the main ingredients.
The researchers found that the slowly rising prostate-specific antigen levels that the participants came in with started regressing after taking a dietary supplement.
Cochrane Review
Saw palmetto is a common herb in the field of natural prostate health. One study reviewed the current research on the efficacy of saw palmetto specifically for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia.
They looked at it as a monotherapy (single drug regimen) and combined it with other therapies.
Their research was primarily based on a Cochrane review, which is a “gold standard” in the medical research world, as they have lots of valid and reliable research in their library.
The study concluded that using saw palmetto in conjunction with lycopene, selenium, and stinging nettle had positive results.
Patients generally had a favorable response to treatment and a positive clinical experience overall.
The study concluded that several early positive studies are promising in the use of saw palmetto, especially now that we know more about its effects on the body.
It is also good to know that it does have potential synergistic effects when combined with other natural supplements and therapies.

Dietary polyphenols
So, how about dietary polyphenols? They help ward off free radicals and reactive oxygen species that can lead to inflammation and even cancer. They prevent lots of different diseases.
Literature Review
A literature review looked at the role of polyphenols in the management of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and their mechanism of action.
They looked at studies from 1970 all the way up until 2017 to identify the current status on this whole idea of polyphenols and prostate disease.
They concluded that polyphenols do indeed hold promise as a treatment for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia.
Cucurbita pepo is a natural supplement studied for its therapeutic effect on lower urinary tract symptoms secondary to Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia.
Phytotherapeutic compounds like Cucurbita pepo have low side effect profiles, relatively lower costs, and a low rate of study dropout. This is because treatments like this are often well tolerated by patients.
The article analyzed all available evidence on the role of Cucurbita pepo in lower urinary tract symptoms resulting from Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia.
16 Studies
In total, 16 studies were analyzed. Of these 16, ten demonstrated an anti-inflammatory and anti-androgen effect of Cucurbita pepo and a reduction in the growth of the prostate.
In all 16 of the analyzed studies, there was an improvement in uroflowmetry parameters and the International Prostate Symptom Score.
The study concluded that Cucurbita pepo is useful for improving symptoms and quality of life in those with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia.
An interesting study was performed comparing a herbal supplement with a pharmaceutical drug.
Both were designed for the treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. 100 patients participated in the study. 50 of them received the herbal capsule, whereas the other 50 received Terazosin HCl.
Patients were then evaluated using the American Urological Association Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Score Index Questionnaire takes into account the incomplete emptying of the bladder, urinary frequency, intermittency (starting and stopping of urine flow), urinary urgency, a weak urinary stream, straining to initiate urine, nocturia (waking up at night to urinate), and weight of the prostate gland.
The study found that the herbal capsule is more effective in treating Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia than the conventional pharmaceutical Terazosin HCl.
What are the most effective prostate supplements?
- Some of the most effective prostate supplements contain quercetin, which is a bioflavonoid.
- Another effective ingredient is rye or Secale cornutum. The rye extract called cernitin is the active ingredient that has a positive effect on the prostate gland.
- One of the most well-known prostate supplements is Serenoa repens, commonly known as saw palmetto.
- Although lesser-known, another effective supplement ingredient is Epilobium parviflorum. Selenium is a micronutrient that is essential for proper prostate health.
- Lycopene is a compound found in tomatoes that is greatly helpful for the prostate gland’s health. A supplement called Pygeum africanum has also proven useful in improving the performance of the prostate.
- Beta-sitosterol is a nutrient that is in many prostate supplement products, and for good reason: it is effective in helping to decrease the size of the prostate in those with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia.
- Urtica dioica, commonly known as stinging nettle, is an effective herb that can improve prostate health as well.
- Finally, Cucurbita pepo and its extracts are proven to be useful in prostate supplements too.
What are the benefits of prostate supplements?
The general idea of a prostate supplement is to – you guessed it – benefit the prostate.
But there are specific benefits that different supplements can have.
Pygeum africanum
Pygeum africanum was found to decrease nocturia (nighttime waking to urinate) by 19%.
This herb also reduced the residual urine volume (urine left over in the bladder after urination) by 24%.
It also increased the peak urine flow by 23%.
Quercetin was found to reduce the expression of two different genes, called hnRNPA1 and AR-V7.
By suppressing AR-V7, quercetin was able to help resensitize otherwise resistant prostate cancer cells to treatment with chemotherapy.
Quercetin also has the added benefit of antagonizing androgen receptor signaling. This may be important in overcoming the resistance to androgen therapy in prostate cancer treatment.
Prostate cancer depends upon androgen receptor signaling, so once quercetin turns it off, it gives prostate cancer less power.
Multiple studies show that splicing factors like hnRNPA1 and AR-V7 contribute to chemotherapy resistance in prostate cancer cells.
We absolutely do not want chemotherapy resistance, as this requires higher doses of chemotherapy drugs, more of the already intense side effects, and less of an effect.
This is why the hnRNPA1 and AR-V7 expression reduction action that quercetin has is so very crucial.
Pollen Extract
One study looked at the effects of cernitin pollen extract on serum levels of prostate-specific antigen. This study was looking specifically at prostate biopsy candidates.
The study’s goal was to develop an ideal protocol to avoid unnecessary biopsies since they are fairly invasive and painful procedures.
In the study at hand, 61 patients were given cernitin for one month before a prostate biopsy was administered.
Researchers examined prostate-specific antigen levels in the serum both before and after the patients were given the cernitin extract.
The change in serum prostate-specific antigen levels and their change rate were analyzed concerning both negative and positive biopsy results for cancer.
The study concluded that their ideal protocol would include the use of cernitin pollen extract to help prevent an unnecessary prostate biopsy procedure in patients with elevated PSA levels.
Saw palmetto
Saw palmetto is one supplement that has a fairly wide variety of benefits for the prostate gland. It has been proven to be useful in the treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia.
It has also been shown to be helpful in lower urinary tract symptoms.
Recent studies also show that saw palmetto has some therapeutic effects on chronic prostatitis, prostate cancer, sexual dysfunction, and more. It is even used for Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome.
Epilobium parviflorum
When it comes to Epilobium parviflorum, its extracts have traditionally been used to treat the prostate gland and its various ailments.
One study, in particular, was able to provide scientific evidence to back up the traditional use of this herb. The research found that Epilobium parviflorum extract is a potent prostate cancer cell proliferation inhibitor.
The extract in this study reduced prostate-specific antigen from 325.6 ng/mL down to 90 ng/mL!
It could also inhibit arginase (a prostate cancer-related enzyme) from 65.2 mUnits of urea per mg of protein to just 40 mUnits of urea per mg of protein. The study concluded that this herb could and should be used in the treatment of prostate diseases.
Some observational studies have proven that higher selenium levels in the blood are correlated with a lower risk of prostate cancer. Researchers conducted a meta-analysis that looked at various literature databases, including PubMed, Embase, Medline, and the revered Cochrane Library.
In all, 17 different studies were investigated to see if there was any association between serum selenium levels and prostate cancer risk.
They found an inverse association: low selenium levels meant higher prostate cancer risk and vice versa.
This benefit of selenium supplementation was statistically significant in smokers, people who smoked, high-grade cancer cases, and advanced cancer cases.
The benefits of lycopene appear to be due to its antioxidant activity.
However, some studies have reported no effect of lycopene supplementation (Schwarz, 2008).
Tomato intake providing about 30 mg of lycopene reduces PSA in men with prostate cancer (Chen, 2001; Paur, 2017).
These benefits were exerted from lycopene from whole foods rather than as an extract. Lycopene from whole foods likely exerts health benefits that may not occur with an extract.
Beta sitosterol’s benefits are numerous. It has been shown to improve Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia overall. It also has anti-cancer properties, specifically against prostate cancer.
This is because beta-sitosterol interferes with several different cell signaling pathways.
These include the cell cycle pathway, apoptosis (programmed cell death), proliferation (cell growth), survival, invasion, angiogenesis (growth of tumor blood supply), metastasis (spreading of cancer to tissue outside of the prostate), and inflammation.
Beta-sitosterol affects these pathways in ways that help slow and prevent tumor growth.
The bonus with beta-sitosterol is that it is generally considered to be non-toxic, which is basically the opposite of all chemotherapy treatments, which are notorious for their toxicity on the human body. Overall, beta-sitosterol is a potent anti-cancer nutraceutical supplement that is also relatively safe.
Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica)
Urtica dioica, also known as stinging nettle, provides symptomatic relief of lower urinary tract symptoms that come along with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia.
One six-month study was double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, and a partial crossover.
620 patients participated in the study. Patients were evaluated using the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS). Their Qmax was also evaluated, which is a measure of the maximum urinary flow rate.
Also analyzed were the post-void residual urine volume, serum prostate-specific antigen, testosterone levels, and prostate size. 81% of patients in the treatment group reported improved lower urinary tract symptoms than 16% in the placebo group. The International Prostate Symptom Score went from 19.8 to 11.8 in the treatment group.
The placebo group only went from 19.2 to 17.7. Peak flow rates also improved in the treatment group by 8.2 mL per second.
In the placebo group, however, the peak flow rate only increased by 3.4 mL per second. Postresidual volume also improved in the treatment group, from 73 down to 36 ml. The placebo group experienced no change at all in their post residual volume. There was also a modest decrease in prostate size, as measured by transrectal Ultrasound.
They did not observe any changes in the placebo group. At an 18-month follow-up, the researchers discovered that only the patients who continued to take the stinging nettle supplement had good results.
There were no side effects to report in any of these studies. Overall, the meta-analysis concluded that stinging nettle as a supplement has beneficial effects in treating symptomatic Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia.
What are the risks with prostate supplements?
Even if a supplement is completely natural, that doesn’t mean that it necessarily comes without risk.
Natural supplements and vitamins can still have risks and adverse effects, so it’s important to be aware of these and keep an eye out for them once you take a prostate supplement.
Any adverse effects of quercetin are rare and mild. It is difficult to find adequate published scientific data for long-term use of more than 12 weeks of quercetin doses.
Although human studies are always preferred when we are talking about human health, some animal studies are looking at the potential risks of oral quercetin use.
An animal study found that quercetin supplementation can escalate renal toxicity in the already damaged kidneys due to obstructive uropathy.
This interaction can lead to either increased or decreased bioavailability of the drug. When the bioavailability of a drug is decreased, this means it may not be quite as effective. When the bioavailability of a drug is increased, it could potentially have more intense side effects.
Cernitin, the rye extract, only has mild and rare side effects. Any adverse events of Serenoa repens (saw palmetto) were few and far between. In fact, any incidences of adverse effects were not statistically significantly different from placebo.
Epilobium parviflorum
When it comes to Epilobium parviflorum, we need further clinical evidence to determine what potential adverse effects there are (if any) and how frequently one might expect these to occur.
Selenium doesn’t appear to have many adverse effects, though there is a potential risk for selenium toxicity. In order to avoid this, follow the directions on labels and/or from your health care provider to ensure you are taking the proper dose. As long as you follow these directives, toxicity shouldn’t be a problem for you.
Based on what we know in nutritional science from toxicology reports, lycopene does not produce any adverse effects at intake levels up to 3 kg per day. This goes for both dietary lycopene (from cooked tomatoes) and formulated lycopene (in supplements).
Formulated lycopene usually has antioxidants added to it in order to prevent oxidation of the lycopene itself. This is a common form in which lycopene-containing supplements are marketed.
There isn’t really any data showing the adverse effects of lycopene in humans or even animals. Because of this, the Institute of Medicine (or IOM for short) has not set a tolerable upper intake level for lycopene.
A tolerable upper intake level just means the maximum amount of lycopene that you would want to be taking before negative consequences can begin to occur. Synthetic lycopene, tomato lycopene extracts, and crystallized lycopene extract are generally safe as a food additive ingredient.
Pygeum africanum
Studies performed on Pygeum africanum found no adverse effects related to its use. In fact, researchers found that this supplement’s safety profile was “very satisfactory”. It also gave an overall result of a significant improvement in the quality of life, so it seems to be good all around.
Research on the nutrient beta-sitosterol found that not only does it help with the prevention and treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia as well as other lower urinary tract symptoms, but it also positively affects other systemic parameters. The good news for beta-sitosterol continues: there are almost no adverse effects related to its use as a supplement!
Stinging Nettle
Although Urtica dioica’s common name of stinging nettle might lead you to believe otherwise, this supplement does not link with any significant adverse effects at all.
Stinging nettle has this name because the fresh nettle plant causes stings. But if you take this in supplement form then you have no reason to worry about that.
Cucurbita Pepo
Any adverse events related to Cucurbita pepo were mild and infrequent. Overall, patients tolerate this supplement well.
How do you know if you need a prostate supplement?
If you find you are straining to urinate, unable to fully empty your bladder, and urinating several times throughout the day, then it is probably time for you to try a prostate supplement.
If you need to wake up several times each night to urinate, this also indicates that a prostate supplement may be right for you.
Many men think that these symptoms are simply a normal part of aging, but that is just not the case.
You really need to ask yourself how much the symptoms of an enlarged prostate are affecting your quality of life.
Do keep in mind that if Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia is left untreated, this could lead to acute inability to urinate, chronic inability to urinate, bladder stones, hematuria (blood in the urine), urinary tract infections, bladder damage, and kidney damage.

For more information on the 10 best natural remedies for an enlarged prostate, click here.
What should you look for in prostate supplements?
So, what should you look for in prostate supplements?
Natural Ingredients
The best prostate supplement should have a broad spectrum of minerals, vitamins, and nutrients. You want to make sure there is a daily recommended dose of the key ingredients. You also want high-quality ingredients.
For example, beta-sitosterol is a common ingredient. If you look at the label on your prostate supplement, the chances are that beta-sitosterol is there. You want to make sure that there is enough concentration of active plant sterols and fatty acids.
You definitely want to be putting natural ingredients into your body. After all, that is likely one of the reasons you turned to a supplement (rather than a pharmaceutical drug) in the first place.
But guess what? Even in its ideal dose, an ingredient is useless if it isn’t in the right form! You want a bioavailable form of each supplement ingredient.
This way, your body will actually absorb the ingested ingredients.
Transparency is important. You want to know what you are getting when you spend your hard-earned money on a prostate supplement.
This is why you want to get your product from a company that provides clear information about their laboratory testing. You also want a supplement from a company that complies with government groups, such as the Food and Drug Administration (the FDA).
You want to see that they clearly list their ingredients. As much as you want transparency in laboratory testing, it is equally important to have transparency in labeling.
If you ever see an ingredient labeled as a “proprietary blend,” this is a sneaky way that supplement companies have of hiding ingredients. This is not good. You don’t know what’s in there and therefore don’t know exactly what you’re putting into your body. That’s never a good thing.
Compliance, compliance, compliance. This is how a supplement company ensures quality. You will want to keep an eye out for supplements that are manufactured within the United States.
If the company uses Food and Drug Administration-audited facilities for their manufacture, then that is even better.

Scientific Research
You want to see scientific, evidence-based research conducted on these supplements.
Ideally, this research will show therapeutic benefits and minimal adverse effects.
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies are what you want to see.
Overall, studies that test prostate supplements should be clinically proven to improve the quality of life. That is the end goal, after all.
It is usually a good sign if studies clinically prove that the supplement will reduce the serum (blood) level of prostate-specific antigen.
Doctor Endorsements
For your own information, when you decide which prostate supplement to get, you want to see independent research endorsements from real doctors.
Customer Reviews
You’ll also want to see some genuine customer reviews. You will also want to see that the supplement is lab tested within the United States. It is always good to see a company that has strict quality controls.
Paid endorsements, fake reviews, and dodgy marketing tactics are not what you want here. Look at the percentage or star rating that a certain supplement has on Amazon, as well as on the product’s own company store.
You want these ratings to be similar, as this reassures you that the reviews are less likely to be fake and are from genuine paying customers.
One of the best tests for a prostate supplement is to see what customers are actually saying about it.
American Urological Association Symptom Index
Another reliable measure that studies tend to use is the American Urological Association Symptom Index.
If a supplement has been clinically proven to improve this index score, then that is an excellent sign. It’s also helpful when a study mentions “proliferative activity in glandular structures.”
When a supplement helps to improve this parameter, it helps to work against the progression of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. It’s also helpful to see what the supplement’s impact is on inflammation in the tissue.
Effect on Prostate Cancer
Aside from Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, prostate cancer is another pathology of the prostate that you will want to prevent for optimal prostate health.
If a supplement has been shown to inhibit the growth of cancer cells, then that is important. Remember our discussion about apoptosis? That’s when a cell induces its own death, as a normal part of the cell cycle.
Cells that do not undergo apoptosis grow uncontrollably, and that is a problem. If a prostate supplement helps induce apoptosis, it is best to take that supplement for both Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and prostate cancer.
Similarly, if studies show a prostate supplement can “arrest the cell cycle,” that helps with unhealthy cells’ overgrowth. Supplements that help interfere with cell signaling pathways such as survival and invasion can be helpful for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and prostate cancer growth.
A supplement that helps to prevent metastasis (growth of prostate cancer that has spread to other tissues outside the prostate) can be beneficial. Another cancer-related parameter to look at is angiogenesis.
This is the formation of new blood vessels to supply a tumor with the oxygen and nutrients it needs to grow. A supplement that helps to arrest angiogenesis would help fight against prostate cancer.
Arginase is another enzyme whose levels we want to be kept nice and low. A prostate supplement that reduces arginase activity (as measured in mUnits of urea per mg of protein) can be useful in prostate cancer prevention and management.
Studies will often look at prostate size as an outcome value. We usually measure this by transrectal UltraSound. A supplement that has been scientifically shown to help reduce prostate size is what you want to go for.
Prevention & Natural Remedies
The truth is that prevention is way much better than cure, and prostate supplements are a better option. They are natural therapies that are much safer and more effective.
Take alpha-blockers, for example. Doctors often prescribe these drugs to treat the urinary symptoms of prostate diseases like benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostate cancer. Take note: they only help relieve the symptoms caused by an enlarged prostate.
Usually, doctors prescribe them with 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors that should shrink prostate tissue. But these drugs come with serious side effects.
Taking control of your health is important, and you can stay well naturally without drugs. Along with the proper diet, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle, supplements can help you stay healthy. They’re safer, natural, and overall much more effective.
Comparing prostate supplements
But with so many supplements out there, how do you go about choosing the best prostate supplement that will be effective for you?
Many factors distinguish a good prostate supplement. This includes lab testing with strict quality controls, containing the highest quality ingredients, in their most bioavailable form in clinically significant doses, and providing excellent customer support.

To find out which supplement can really help you, click here for our supplement comparison page.
Ben’s Natural Health Prostate Supplements
Total Health

Our natural supplement, Ben’s Total Health contains ingredients clinically proven to reduce prostate size, manage BPH symptoms and help you restore optimal prostate health.
Clinical trials and meta-studies show the active ingredients in Total Health have a positive impact on prostate volume, improve lower urinary tract symptoms, and decrease the risk of acute urinary retention.
Find out more about Total Health.
Prostate Healer

We formulated Prostate Healer to effectively combat BPH and prostatitis and provide symptomatic relief from urgency, frequency, and nocturia. It works on the prostate, kidney, and bladder simultaneously, coaxing cells gently to resume normal function.
So, by this action, you’re fighting against prostatitis and BPH.
If you’re like many men that use the formula, you’ll see a reduction in the number of times you get up to go to the bathroom to urinate. Plus, you’ll see an improvement in the flow of your urine.
Find out more about Prostate Healer.
Prostate Power

Our dietary supplement, Prostate Power, contains ingredients clinically proven to shrink an enlarged prostate and slow the progress of BPH and prostate disease.
The key active ingredients in Prostate Power have been shown in numerous clinical trials and meta-studies to shrink prostate volume, improve urine flow and decrease the risk of acute urinary retention.
Find out more about Prostate Power.
Why Choose Ben’s Natural Health Supplements?
At Ben’s Natural Health, our motto is to combine holistic healing with modern science.
Ben’s Natural Health is the world’s first high-quality, all-natural, scientifically proven clinical supplement company. Our supplements are effective, natural and 100% side effect free.
Moreover, at Ben’s Natural Health, we have four rules for all our supplements:
- We only use the highest quality ingredients
- We only use them if they have been proven to work in independent, peer-reviewed double-blind studies
- With all our supplements, we find a way to get every ingredient into a single bottle
- We always formulate them in clinically significant doses of the most bioavailable form
We pride ourselves on offering excellent customer service. We offer a free health consultation where you can ask questions and receive tailored advice from our expert health consultants.
Prostate supplements contain vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that are beneficial to the prostate gland.
When it comes to prostate supplements, you definitely want to know how effective they are.
The three most important factors to consider are ingredients, effectiveness, and service.
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