Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is a common problem that men experience as they age.
Men over 50 have a 50 percent chance of having BPH, while men over 80 have a 90 percent chance of developing the condition.
It occurs when the prostate enlarges to twice or even three times its size, pressing against the urethra and resulting in restricted/ obstructed urine flow. This is also sometimes refereed to as prostatomegaly.
As a consequence of this obstructed flow, lower urinary tract symptoms manifest.
This article will discuss natural remedies for an enlarged prostate.
Herbal Remedies for Enlarged Prostate
1) Pygeum
Pygeum comes from the bark of the African plum tree and has been used traditionally for urinary problems.
Researchers believe that pygeum helps the prostate in three ways.
- It directly reduces the inflammation of the prostate.
- It suppresses prostate growth factors.
- And third, it reduces prolactin levels and decreases the uptake of testosterone.
A multi-center study in Germany claims that pygeum improves urine flow. It decreases residual urine volume, urine flow rate, and increases voided volume.
It decreases night-time urination and improves bladder elasticity and prostate secretions. In short, it restores normal urination and prostate function.
Phytosterols found in plants produce an anti-inflammatory effect, helping to relieve the uncomfortable symptoms of BPH.
2) Rye Grass Pollen Extract
The rye grass pollen extract is an emerging natural treatment for BPH.
It is studied that rye grass pollen improved symptoms of prostate enlargement. These include the frequency of night-time urination and the amount of urine left in the bladder.
Rye grass pollen extracts significantly improved self-rated urinary symptoms in men with enlarged prostates.
One study also showed that rye grass pollen extract decreased the size of the prostate when seen in an ultrasound. Multiple clinical studies support its effectiveness in the treatment of an enlarged prostate (BPH).
Further studies have also emphasized the healing properties of ryegrass, stating that flower pollen extract could significantly improve patients’ quality of life if suffering from prostatitis.
3) Saw Palmetto
The extract of saw palmetto has been used for centuries in relieving symptoms of prostate enlargement. It is derived from a fan-shaped plant that is native to North America. Experts consider saw palmetto as a gold standard for herbal prostate treatments.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has compiled numerous studies that support the benefits of saw palmetto. Experts agree that saw palmetto contain fatty acids, flavonoids, and beta-sitosterol that decrease prostate inflammation.
Saw palmetto also alters certain hormone levels that affect prostate size.
How much saw palmetto should you take? Experts recommend a daily intake of 320 milligrams of saw palmetto split into two doses. It may take 4 to 6 weeks for you to feel its effects.

4) Shatavari
Shatavari is a powerful herb that lowers estrogen levels it reduces inflammation and improves urinary flow. It also contains phytoestrogen compounds, which compete with natural estrogen, reducing the potential for it to contribute to prostate growth.
Research suggests that Shatavari works to reverse Benign prostatic hyperplasia by inhibiting protein deposits in the lumen of the prostate.
5) Turmeric
Curcumin, the main active ingredient found in turmeric, is an orange spice found in many a kitchen. Widely used in Asia, this spice has become primarily known for its anti-inflammatory properties.
Curcumin is a powerful weapon against inflammation, even matching the effectiveness of some anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, aspirin, tamoxifen, sulindac, and naproxen, but without the negative side effects. Research has also suggested that it may have anti-cancer properties.
In a study, researchers from the University of Leicester found that curcumin and turmeric were just as effective at stopping the spread and growth of cancer cells. This was in comparison to Oxaliplatin, a drug used during chemotherapy. The National Institute of Health has also looked into curcumin as a potential cancer-inhibiting ingredient. Its benefits have been studied in over 54 studies.
6) Japanese Sophora (Flower Buds) Quercetin
Quercetin is a flavonol, derived from plants; in the case of Total Health, it comes from the flower buds of Japanese Sophora.
Quercetin has been labeled a Tier 1 Supplement. That means that quercetin has many successful clinical studies and research that support its effectiveness.
Many clinical trials have shown it to be an effective anti-inflammatory, helping to reduce prostate-related pain and swelling.
As an antioxidant quercetin fights free radicals and has been shown to have cancer-fighting properties. This was demonstrated in an animal study, whereby mice were induced with cancer and treated with quercetin. Overall, they found that the size of the mice tumor cells had significantly decreased.
This supercharged antioxidant also interacted with the mice’s DNA, which further helped to kill cancer cells while leaving healthy normal cells untouched. For those thinking ‘well animal trials don’t always translate to human trials,’ you’re in for a surprise.
One interesting human study had very positive results. The study was a randomized, double-blind study published in Urology. It had 28 men with CP/CPPS taking either a placebo or 500 mg of quercetin twice a day for one month.
The study’s authors also conducted a follow-up unblind, open-label study that involved an additional 17 men who received a supplement that contained quercetin, as well as other ingredients.
At the end of the month, the men’s Prostate Symptom Score fell from 21.0 to 13.1 in the quercetin group and from 20.2 to 18.8 in the placebo group.
An improvement in symptoms of at least 25% was reported by 20% of patients taking a placebo and 67% of patients taking quercetin.
Vitamins for enlarged prostate
1) Beta-Sitosterol
Beta-sitosterol is a sterol, similar to cholesterol, found in plant foods. It hosts a wide range of health benefits, especially when it comes to healing an enlarged prostate (BPH).
It has been shown to help reduce the symptoms of BPH, including improving urination flow and prostatitis.
Many studies have been conducted, reviewing the effectiveness of beta-sitosterol as a bph treatment for enlarged prostate symptoms.
One 2000 review of four randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind studies examined over 500 men suffering BPH.
The results found that beta-sitosterol significantly improved urinary symptoms, post-void residual, and urine flow.
Beta-sitosterol works to inhibit the activity of an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase, which is a critical trigger in the development of prostate gland enlargement and prostate cancer.
Flomax and other common prostate drugs were designed to mimic the way beta-sitosterol works. While these drugs may hide your signs of enlarged prostate, they will in no way treat the root of the problems.
A further issue is that they can cause side effects, including erectile dysfunction. Two popular alpha-blockers drugs are Proscar (Finasteride) and Flomax (Tamsulosin). Their side effects have been widely documented across the web, and it is strongly advised that you opt for natural and safer remedies.
Several studies support the anti-inflammatory substances in beta-sitosterol. A double-blind trial of 519 men who took beta-sitosterol preparations showed improved urine flow.
Another systematic review claims that avocados contain bioactive carotenoids. These substances act with beta-sitosterol to fight cancer cells, which enlarge the prostate.
2) Zinc
This essential mineral helps boost our immune response and cell growth. Zinc supplements are proven to protect the prostate gland and suppress inflammation and enlargement.
Experts agree that we should take about 90 mg of zinc daily. You can also eat foods rich in zinc. This includes seafood, fortified cereals, and cashews.
3) Boron
Strong evidence has shown that boron may play an important role in protecting men from prostate cancer.
This powerful, yet often overlooked mineral has been proven to reduce prostate cancer risk as well as lowering PSA levels. In one study reviewed the dietary intake of boron in 95 cancer patients.
The results found that men with the highest boron intake showed a 54% lower risk of prostate cancer, compared to those with the lowest intake.
It was also noted that a higher intake of boron was associated with a decreased risk of prostate cancer.
Adequate levels of boron have been associated with a 64% reduced risk of prostate cancer; however, obtaining boron from food sources is difficult, with very low levels of boron being found in food.
As an example, apples are considered to be a good source.
To gain a minimum of 3mg of boron daily, you would need to eat 2.4lb of apples. As a result, many men are boron deficiency and potentially at a higher risk of developing prostate problems.
Finding effective prostate supplements containing high levels of born, could make a big difference when it comes to your health.
4) Ellagic Acid
If you have a taste for berries, then you’re in luck. Ellagic acid is an antioxidant naturally found in 46 different types of fruit, such as pomegranate. Many clinical studies have endorsed its cancer-fighting abilities.
Studies carried out by The Hollings Cancer Institute found that ellagic acid can cause apoptosis (death of cancer cells) for prostate cancer cells within 72 hours. Normally health cells have a life cycle of around 120 days. However, cancer cells do not die but rather multiple.
That’s where ellagic acid comes in; it has been proven to kill cancer cells without damaging healthy ones.
Symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH):
Some of the most common enlarged prostate symptoms men experience include:
- Inability to urinate (urinary retention)
- Poor urine stream
- Difficulty getting starter when needing to urinate (urinary incontinence)
Symptoms of complicated BPH:
- Nighttime urination (nocturia)
- Pain during urination or ejaculation
- Blood in the urine (hematuria)
To help combat these bph symptoms, treatments, such as Alpha-blockers and alpha-reductase inhibitors are commonly prescribed.
Although these medications are formulated to make it easier for men to urinate, it is important to bear in mind that they are not specially designed to shrink the size of the prostate, and if they do, it takes many years to achieve that effect
Moreover, they can result in a number of adverse side effects, including erectile dysfunction, retrograde ejaculation, and loss of consciousness.
As a means of avoiding such debilitating side effects, many men have piqued an interest in natural remedies for BPH. Natural and herbal remedies will not only help to heal your prostate but will so naturally and, most importantly, with no side effects.

Do supplements help with BPH?
Increasing research has shed light on the benefits of using natural BPH supplements.
Clinical research has shown that Beta-Sitosterol is one of the most proven and effective nutritional supplements for prostate health.
Sterols are steroid alcohols that are naturally occurring in plants, animals, and fungi. Numerous studies have shown Beta-Sitosterol to be effective in reducing urinary urgency, frequency, and nighttime waking.
Evidence of this symptomatic relief was demonstrated in a review, which assessed 519 men from 4 randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trials, (lasting 4 to 26 weeks).
In these studies, beta-sitosterol improved urinary symptom scores and urinary flow rates. It also significantly reduced the volume of residual urine in the bladder.
Saw palmetto is a commonly used herb in the field of natural prostate health. One study reviewed the current research on the efficacy of saw palmetto specifically for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia.
They looked at it as a monotherapy (single drug regimen) as well as in combination with other therapies. Their research was primarily based on a Cochrane review, which is sort of a “gold standard” in the medical research world, as they have lots of valid and reliable research in their library.
The study concluded that using saw palmetto in conjunction with lycopene, selenium, and stinging nettle had positive results. Patients generally had a favorable response to treatment and a positive clinical experience overall. The study concluded that there are several early positive studies that are promising in the use of saw palmetto, especially now that we know more about its effects in the body.
These are just a few supplements that have been backed up by scientific studies. There are many more which will discuss later in this article.
However, a note of caution. Dietary supplements go through less regulatory handles than drugs, and manufacturers are not obligated to conduct clinical trials to prove the efficacy and safety before entering the market.
The manufacturer only has to label the total amount of the blend rather than the quantities of each ingredient. Supplement companies use this loophole to cut costs, rather than to provide you with the optimal dosages of each ingredient.
Many brands label each individual ingredient quantity. But this does not guarantee clinically relevant doses. For example, some saw palmetto supplements offer less than 320 mg per day and contain as low as 40% fatty acids, so they will be ineffective. Ben’s Natural Health supplements are based on the most current, published, peer-reviewed scientific research. We do the research work for you, so you don’t have to.
What foods are good for shrinking the prostate?
When it comes to all avenues of health, diet has a significant impact. The same can be said about prostate health. Some foods have been found to contain estrogenic chemicals.
These chemicals can further increase estrogen production and lead to increased production of DHT (Di-Hydro-Testosterone). DHT is an active form of testosterone, and the increased production of it can irritate the prostate and an increased risk of prostate problems
That being said, research shows that certain food can help to combat prostate inflammation and help to improve urinary symptoms. Foods to add to a prostate friendly diet include:
Increased inflammation is one of the characteristics of BPH. Omega-3 fatty acids are known for their strong ability to reduce inflammation. Seafood provides rich sources of omega-3, therefore increasing seafood intake or supplementing with omega-3 may help reduce prostate volume.
Berries like blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries are rich in antioxidants and contain high levels of vitamin C. Vitamin C may also help relieve benign prostatic hyperplasia symptoms by promoting urination and reducing swelling.
Cooked tomatoes
Tomatoes contain lycopene, an antioxidant that gives them their red color. Studies have shown that lycopene extract in men can help to lower PSA effectively.
Leafy green vegetables
One study looked at the link between fruit and vegetable intake and urinary symptoms in elderly Chinese men suffering from urinary symptoms. At least 50 grams of dark and leafy vegetables per day were strongly linked with improved urinary symptoms over four years.
Nuts are rich in zinc, a mineral that has been shown to benefit prostate health. Tests have shown that zinc may help balance testosterone and DHT in the prostate, and so help to prevent enlargement. Shellfish and legumes are also rich in zinc.
Green tea
Green tea is abundant in antioxidants and has been shown in studies to help alleviate symptoms associated with BPH and prostatitis. Research also suggests that antioxidants also slow down prostate cancer growth and reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
Get Your FREE PSA Lowering Diet Plan!
- Naturally lower PSA levels
- Reduce nighttime trips to the bathroom
- Enjoy better bladder control and urine flow
Ben’s Natural Prostate Supplements
When it comes to treating prostate problems, natural is the way to go. Yet, getting all of these components into your diet can be difficult at times, especially in the right dosage. That’s why we’ve formulated natural prostate supplements to help you improve your symptoms.
Total Health
Our natural supplement, Ben’s Total Health, contains ingredients clinically proven to reduce prostate size, manage BPH symptoms and help you restore optimal prostate health.

Clinical trials and meta-studies show the active ingredients in Total Health have a positive impact on prostate volume, improve lower urinary tract symptoms, and decrease the risk of acute urinary retention.
Find out more about Total Health.
Prostate Healer
We formulated Prostate Healer to effectively combat BPH and prostatitis and provide symptomatic relief from urgency, frequency, and nocturia.

It works on the prostate, kidney, and bladder simultaneously, coaxing cells gently to resume normal function. So, by this action, you’re fighting against prostatitis and BPH.
If you’re like many men that use the formula, you’ll see a reduction in the number of times you get up to go to the bathroom to urinate. Plus, you’ll see an improvement in the flow of your urine.
Prostate Power
Our dietary supplement, Prostate Power, contains ingredients clinically proven to shrink an enlarged prostate and slow the progress of BPH and prostate disease.

The key active ingredients in Prostate Power have been shown in numerous clinical trials and meta-studies to shrink prostate volume, improve urine flow and decrease the risk of acute urinary retention.
Why Choose Ben’s Natural Health Supplements?
At Ben’s Natural Health, our motto is to combine holistic healing with modern science.
Ben’s Natural Health is the world’s first high-quality, all-natural, scientifically proven clinical supplement company.
Our supplements are effective, natural and 100% side effect free.
Moreover, at Ben’s Natural Health, we have four rules for all our supplements:
- We only use the highest quality ingredients
- We only use them if they have been proven to work in independent, peer-reviewed double-blind studies
- With all our supplements, we find a way to get every ingredient into a single bottle
- We always formulate them in clinically significant doses of the most bioavailable form
Prostate cancer rates are higher than ever before, and sadly, many men are unknowingly relying on dangerous prostate drugs with life-wrecking side effects. With natural prostate remedies, you can treat your prostate naturally, safely and with no nasty side effects.
There are natural prostate remedies that can help. Along with these, you should have a healthy diet and decrease your consumption of red meat and processed foods. These will increase your hormone levels and reduce the effect of natural remedies.
Remember… Surgery is not always the best option since a natural approach can heal and shrink your prostate without surgery.
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