Green tea is made from Camellia sinensis or the tea plant. It was first grown and cultivated in Asia, and the first people who developed a habit of drinking green tea were from China, Japan, India, and Sri Lanka.
It is just one of the many types of tea, and its name was derived from its green leaves. It also has a green-tinged color when brewed. Since its discovery, it is the most commonly drunk tea in China.
Now it is the most commonly grown type of tea. The real history of green tea dates back to the 8th century. It was then that people discovered the method steaming the leaves to inhibit their oxidation.
In the 12th century, a new frying method was introduced. This helped “fix” the leaves. Both methods helped keep the characteristic un-oxidized taste and appearance of green tea. These methods are still used today.
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Health benefits of Green Tea
This great tea is packed with many nutrients that make it an excellent superfood. Experts say that consuming at least one cup per day or at least 150 mg in supplements has many health benefits.
However, there is evidence that suggests that even higher doses have some truly incredible benefits for your prostate. Moreover, I have included 500mg of green tea extract is one of my most popular supplements. But more about that later.
First off, green tea contains caffeine, but at very low levels. If properly processed, it typically contains half the caffeine of regular coffee. This is great news for people who love coffee but get wound up with too much caffeine. Drinking this tea effectively speeds up our metabolism.
It also helps us lose weight, and improves our brain function, reduces your risk of a heart attack or a stroke.
A 2006 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association claims that drinking this tea reduces the death rate due to cardiovascular disease. This includes heart attack, stroke, and diseases of blood vessels.
The study was done in Japan and followed over 40,000 participants for 11 years. The participants who consumed at least 5 cups of green tea per day had a much lower risk of dying from heart disease than those who consumed less than one cup of tea per day. It is also packed with polyphenols and flavonoids.
Polyphenols are a large group of plant chemicals that include catechins.
Catechins make up most of the polyphenols in green tea. These substances replenish the immune system and shield against infections and viral attacks. Also, because green tea is rich in antioxidants, it may be a natural way of fighting cancer.
Effective against Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)?
Some research has indicated that green tea may help relieve symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate.
A study by researchers at Winthrop University Hospital evaluated the impact of green and black tea mixture on lower urinary tract symptoms. The 46 participants were given either a placebo or the tea mixture on a daily basis for 12 weeks.
The results showed that men who had taken mixture showed an improvement in urinary symptoms and quality of life in as little as six weeks.
How Green Tea Support Prostatitis?
Prostatitis is a common, often painful condition that can happen to men of all ages. Yet, research suggests that catechins found in green tea may help reduce infection.
A study of green tea extract was published in the Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy in 2010.
Researchers used rat models of chronic prostatitis and found that nano catechins (catechins altered using nanotechnology) had more effective anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects on rat chronic prostatitis than “normal” catechins because the body was able to absorb them better.
How Green Tea Aid Prostate Cancer?
Studies have shown that this miraculous tea is effective in treating prostate problems. The powerful antioxidants and other few compounds in green tea reduce the symptoms of prostate enlargement.
The antioxidants also slow down prostate cancer growth and reduce the risk of prostate cancer. The catechins in green tea have strong anti-inflammatory properties. They can stop the growth of bacteria, which can induce prostate swelling.
Prostate cancer is also related to high hormone levels. More than 50 epidemiological studies were done between green tea consumption and prostate cancer risk. Results show that green tea can control abnormal hormone levels, and this helps reduce the risk.
A meta-analysis published in 2017 reveals that prostate cancer risk may be reduced by higher green tea intake.
Data from this analysis found a reduction of prostate cancer risk in men who drank green tea. The more green tea men drank, the lower their prostate cancer risk based on linear analysis.
When this study evaluated green tea polyphenol (catechin) intake, there was an associated 62% reduction in prostate cancer risk based upon three randomized controlled human trials.
In addition, green tea helps control excess urination. Since coffee is not good for the prostate, it is a good substitute for it. It has a milder diuretic effect. So drinking green tea daily is a great home remedy for the prostate.
A team researchers from the Moffitt Cancer Center conducted a randomized trial to assess the safety and effectiveness of green tea to prevent prostate cancer development in men who have premalignant lesions.
According to the researchers:
“Laboratory studies have shown that substances in green tea called ‘catechins’ inhibit cancer cell growth, motility, and invasion, and even stimulate cancer cell death. Green tea catechins also prevent and reduce tumor growth in animal models. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) is the most abundant and potent catechin found in green tea responsible for these cancer prevention effects.”
Randomized clinical trials in men with HGPIN (a precancerous lesion), found that those treated with green tea catechins had lower rates of prostate cancer than those treated with a placebo.
This suggests that catechins found in green tea may lower the risk of prostate cancer for those at high risk.
It is also worth considering that prostate cancer mortality is lowest in Asia, where they also drink 20% of the world’s green tea (Klotz, 2005).
When Asians move to the west Green tea intake reduces and prostate cancer mortality increases (Ito, 2014). Preclinical studies show that compounds in green tea called catechins can protect against cancerous tumor growth (Klotz, 2005).
Human clinical studies have had mixed results. For example, men with prostate cancer were given either green tea or a placebo for 12 months (Micali, 2017). By the end of the study, there were no differences in prostate cancer rates between the groups.
However, here’s something you will not believe. In the first-ever human trial study into green tea extract presented in Anaheim at the American Association for Cancer Research annual meeting on April 16, 2005, it was found that:
“A supplement containing antioxidants equal to 12 cups of green tea was 90 percent effective in preventing prostate cancer in men at high risk for the disease.”
The Italian study found after a year of taking the supplement of green tea daily, only one man in a group of 32 high-risk patients actually developed the disease, while only 9 men in a group of 30 high-risk men who took a placebo developed prostate cancer.
So 1 cup per day might be good for, and 5 per day even better. But if you want to make a difference, then it is 12 cups that will transform your prostate health.
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