Can Green Tea Cure BPH?

Benign prostate hyperplasia or BPH is a prostate disease involving lower urinary tract symptoms. 

An enlarged prostate affects millions of men worldwide. 

The prevalence of BPH is 50-60% in men aged 60 or more while the value soars to a whopping 80-90% for 70+ years olds. 

Many men with prostate enlargement look for natural ways to cure BPH and shrink their prostate.

Can green tea cure BPH? Keep reading to find out.

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What Is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia?

The prostate is a small gland located between the bladder and the penis. 

The urine pipe (urethra) runs through the center of the prostate.

Therefore, any overgrowth of this gland can lead to urinary obstruction and lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS).

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) refers to a non-cancerous overgrowth of the prostate gland. 

The location of this gland makes it prone to becoming enlarged. 

The overgrown prostate impinges the urethra that manifests itself in the following ways:

If left untreated an enlarged prostate can lead to damage to the kidneys, bladder stones, and urinary tract infections.

BPH is treated using a variety of medicinal drugs including Alpha-blockers, and 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. 

However, like all drugs these can have side effects, and therefore some men look for natural alternatives.

So, an easy, safe, home remedy for managing BPH is green tea.

Green Tea

Green tea is made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. 

The tea made out of the dried leaves of this plant imparts plenty of health benefits. 

One of the green tea benefits is the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. 

As per a study, green tea is a rich source of polyphenols and other very useful chemicals including an array of antioxidants. 

This composition makes it an ideal food supplement for a number of health problems (such as cancers, cardiovascular issues, and chronic inflammation, etc.).

What Are The Active Ingredients In Green Tea?

Green tea is replete with the following active ingredients that make it a suitable candidate for different infirmities:

  • Polyphenols
  • Catechins 
  • Caffeine 
  • Theanine 
  • Vitamins (B2,C, E, folic acid)
  • Saponins 
  • GABA
  • Minerals (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, etc.)

Can Green Tea Cure BPH?

So can green tea cure BPH?

Green tea is considered to be a “superfood”

This can help you out in a number of conditions including BPH. 

Green tea benefits your prostate health. 

Moreover, the main protection imparted by green tea is against prostate cancer with limited evidence supporting its role in BPH. 

However, herbal tea can lend a hand in BPH management too. 

It can, both directly and indirectly, improve enlarged prostate conditions. 

Direct Anti-Benign Prostatic Hyperplastic Activity

The active ingredients of green tea are responsible for the immense green tea benefits. 

The ingredients can impart direct anti-BPH activity. 

For example, a 2020 study revealed that polyphenols (flavonoids and non-flavonoids) can play a crucial role in preventing BPH, thanks to their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Another study suggests that green tea is rich in phytoestrogens and Epigallaocatechins-3-gallate (EGCG). 

The study observed that EGCG performed the following functions:

  • Attenuated the oxidative stress in the prostate gland
  • Ameliorated prostatic hyperplasia 
  • Reduced angiogenesis-related growth factors 
  • Inhibited fibrosis

Another review claims that green tea catechins such as EGCG can modulate the production and action of hormones (and androgens). 

This modulation can be a useful step in managing benign prostatic hyperplasia. 

In addition to this EGCG has been shown to indirectly control BPH by reducing appetite and controlling obesity.

Since BPH is characterized by hyperplasia, inhibiting the proliferative activity of the cells can limit the progression of the disease. 

The significance of EGCG was revealed in a 2017 study when it was found that catechin inhibits the proliferation of BPH-1 cells.

Another 2017 study promotes the use of polyphenol consumption as an alternative therapy in the management of benign prostatic hyperplasia. 

It even suggests that dietary polyphenols can replace the need for any other therapy.

Reduces Obesity 

Keeping in mind the high prevalence of prostate hyperplasia, every man must strive to keep himself far away from this disease. 

Another astounding green tea benefit is weight loss. 

Obesity is a risk factor for BPH. 

As per a study, obesity markedly increases the risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia. 

Even being overweight (not obese) can increase your risk manifold.

As per a meta-analysis, green tea enhances weight loss and helps you maintain an ideal weight afterward. 

This can be attributed to the catechins and the epigallocatechin gallate-caffeine mixture in it. 

A controlled clinical trial also suggests that green tea used for 8 weeks can lead to sufficient weight loss.

Green tea polyphenols decrease weight and help in improving digestion too.

Other Green Tea Health Benefits

Nature has packed a battery of health benefits inside green tea. 

In addition to the anti-BPH role, green tea can be used for a wide variety of therapeutic benefits. 

1) Neuroprotection

Old age brings with it degenerations and cell death, and neurological disintegration can be common in this age group. 

However, we must not rule out neurological degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s as normal age changes. 

These diseases arise due to the selective degeneration of cells in the brain.

Green tea extracts have shown promising results in imparting neuroprotection. 

Research suggests that catechins (EGCG) in green tea suppress neurotoxicity. 

In addition, a 2020 study found that polyphenolic catechins and EGCG from green tea extracts show some neuroprotective roles and prevent neurodegeneration.

Extracts from Camellia Sinensis avoid oxidative damage in the hippocampus and therefore, help in the management of Alzheimer’s disease.

2) Cardioprotection

Green tea is a good source of vitamins (vitamin E). 

Extracts from green tea can be very effective at being cardioprotective in nature. 

Studies reveal that vitamin E and green tea extract ameliorate cardiac cell destruction caused by oxidative and histopathological damage.

Polyphenols in green tea also help recover from post-ischemic damage and act as potent cardioprotectors. 

The oral administration of epigallocatechin-3-gallate restores cardiac function after transplantation.

3) Anti-Cancer Effects 

Green tea is a potent cancer-preventive and anti-cancer supplement. 

As per a 2019 study, green tea polyphenols impart strong anti-cancer effects against prostate cancer. 

The solid antioxidant properties of the catechins and polyphenols are believed to be the real cause of the anti-cancer effects. 

Moreover, studies suggest that green tea intake increases the antioxidant potential of the cells that elevates resistance against DNA damage.

Green tea polyphenols actively inhibit carcinogenesis and provide protection against bladder cancer too.

4) Helps Manage Diabetic Conditions

Diabetes is also recognized as a risk factor for benign prostatic hyperplasia. 

Metabolic syndrome refers to a combination of conditions that can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, stroke, and heart disease.

Elevated fasting plasma glucose, diabetes, and obesity are major risk factors for benign prostatic hyperplasia.

As per a study, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) present in green tea extract imparts anti-BPH activities in metabolic syndrome rats. 

The polyphenols impart anti-diabetic effects by reducing serum glucose levels.

diabetes and prostate health

Learn more about The Connection Between Prostate Health and Diabetes.

How To Get Green Tea In Your Diet 

Overall, the best way to utilize the wholesome goodness of Camellia Sinensis is to make green tea

However, if you don’t want to make yourself a cup of tea then there are other ways of incorporating it into your diet. 

Some of the ways are below:

  • Make a fruit smoothie of the green tea liquid 
  • Add it into a salad as a salad dressing 
  • Stir-fry the green tea leaves 
  • Use the liquid as a base for oatmeal

Are There Any Safety Concerns?

Green tea is completely safe to consume but some people have reported facing stomach upset and constipation

Drinking large amounts of tea daily (more than 8 cups per day) for long periods is possibly unsafe as it may cause liver and kidney damage.


Green tea is made from the Camellia Sinensis plant that has numerous applications in different health conditions. 

Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a non-cancerous increase in the size of the prostate gland in aging men we can treat using green tea. 

The polyphenols and catechins (especially epigallocatechin-3-gallate) can, directly and indirectly, help in managing BPH. 

Green tea is also potent in treating neurodegenerative and heart diseases.

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