What To Avoid When Taking Allopurinol: Drugs, Alcohol, Foods

Allopurinol is an oral prescription medication, often found under Zyloprim or Lopurin (although there are other generic brands). 

It is prescribed to help treat gout, a type of arthritis occurring due to the build-up of uric acid. 

Besides helping prevent gout, Allopurinol can also help prevent kidney stones and manage high levels of uric acid due to chemotherapy. 

Typically, the medication is taken with a glass of water and with food to prevent any gastric issues. 

But follow your doctor’s orders on how and when the best time to take allopurinol is. 

Like any medication, allopurinol may have side effects, which can include nausea, vomiting, and upset stomach.

Less common side effects may include skin rashes or flu-like symptoms.

Before you start taking allopurinol (or if you are already taking it), it’s important to understand its possible interactions with other medications, supplements, and food. 

Here, we’ll review what you need to avoid when taking allopurinol. 

What To Avoid When Taking Allopurinol 

1) Medications 

Here is a list of medications that are best to avoid when taking allopurinol. Always tell your doctor all the medications you are currently taking before starting a new treatment. 

  • Azathioprine and mercaptopurine. Allopurinol may affect the conversation of these medications in the body. As a result, it can lead to higher levels of the medication, causing more side effects. 
  • ACE Inhibitor. Angiotensin-converting enzymes (ACE inhibitors), used to treat high blood pressure, may cause skin reactions. Since allopurinol can also increase the risk of skin issues, combining them can be a dangerous combo for the skin. 
  • Warfarin. Allopurinol may enhance the effects of warfarin, leading to blood being too thin. 
  • Penicillin antibiotics. Options like ampicillin and amoxicillin can increase the risk of rashes (just like allopurinol). So, if you start getting a rash when taking both medications, it’s best to talk to your healthcare provider. 
  • Thiazide diuretics. These medications can increase the risk of hypersensitivity reactions to allopurinol. It may lead to fever, swollen lymph nodes, and rash. 

2) Herbal Supplements 

Currently, there is not enough evidence stating the interaction between allopurinol and herbal supplements. 

However, if you start taking the medication, it’s best to talk with your doctor to determine if you should stop taking your supplements altogether or if they are fine to continue taking. 

3) High Purine Diet 

If you have gout, research shows a low-purine diet can help you manage your condition. When you digest foods high in purines, the body makes uric acid a waste product, which can trigger a flare. 

So, while food in high purines won’t have an effect on allopurinol, it can affect your overall condition. 

So, what foods should you avoid if you have gout? 

  • Organ meats: kidneys, brains, sweetbreads, and liver
  • Red meat: pork, beef, and lamb
  • Game meat: boar and venison
  • Seafood: shellfish, oily fish, and canned fish
  • High sugary foods: fruit juices, soda, cakes, cookies, candies, and ice cream
  • Yeast extracts: frozen dinner, bouillon cubes, and canned foods

If you are unsure what you should be eating, a health professional can give you some guidance on what the best food options are to include in your gout diet

Some research suggests that following the DASH diet or the Mediterranean diet may be beneficial in reducing flares.

4) Alcohol 

Finally, although Allopurinol doesn’t have any interactions with alcohol, it’s best to avoid it since it can trigger a gout attack. 

You don’t need to avoid it completely, but make sure you don’t have more than 14 units of alcohol a week. 

However, the less that you have, the better it will be for your condition and your joints. 

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Precautions and Warnings For Allopurinol

1) Look out for rashes and allergy symptoms

While Allopurinol is generally considered safe to take, one of the strongest side effects is skin conditions. If you experience a skin rash or an allergic reaction (trouble breathing, swelling in your hands or other parts of your body, and trouble swallowing), you should speak with a health professional right away. 

2) Avoid using heavy machinery if you’re sleepy

For some people, the medication may make them drowsy, so avoid using heavy machinery or driving if that is the case. 

3) Get frequent blood tests

Make sure that you are taking frequent blood tests to determine how your uric levels are doing and if you are responding to the medication. 

The frequency of the blood tests may vary for each individual. So, speak to your doctor to find out what the recommended frequency is for you. 

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Gout is a form of arthritis that often results in swelling and inflammation of the joints. Allopurinol is a common medication used to help treat the condition. 

Most interactions involving allopurinol typically occur with other medications.

So, if you are taking any chronic medication, make sure you talk with a healthcare professional to determine if you should continue taking your previous medications or if you should change to another medication to help you treat gout. 

For managing your condition, consider incorporating a low-purine diet along with exercise, proper hydration, moderate alcohol intake, and weight management, as guided by your healthcare provider.

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  1. Kinyó A, Lakatos A, Varga A, Gyulai R, Varga E, Bata-Csörgő Z, Kemény L. Allopurinol okozta hiperszenzitivitási szindróma [Allopurinol-induced hypersensitivity syndrome]. Orv Hetil. 2012 Apr 15;153(15):586-91. Hungarian. doi: 10.1556/OH.2012.29324. PMID: 22472359.
  2. Zhang Y, Chen S, Yuan M, Xu Y, Xu H. Gout and Diet: A Comprehensive Review of Mechanisms and Management. Nutrients. 2022 Aug 26;14(17):3525. doi: 10.3390/nu14173525. PMID: 36079783; PMCID: PMC9459802.
  3. Yokose C, McCormick N, Choi HK. Dietary and Lifestyle-Centered Approach in Gout Care and Prevention. Curr Rheumatol Rep. 2021 Jul 1;23(7):51. doi: 10.1007/s11926-021-01020-y. PMID: 34196878; PMCID: PMC9281000.

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