Are you worried about your PSA levels? As men age, PSA testing can become a cause of concern.
A raised PSA level is not always a medical concern but may suggest a problem with your prostate.
This is why many men want to reduce their PSA levels naturally.
One way of doing this is by paying attention to your diet.
A wealth of research on prostate health shows that proper nutrition and an active lifestyle can benefit the prostate.
The high prevalence of prostate cancer among men continues to rise, particularly in countries where men focus on a Western-style diet.
Many dietary patterns, factors, and nutrients can affect prostate cancer progression and incidence.
Omega 3 fatty acids, low carbohydrate intake, tomatoes, and green teas show promise in curbing prostate cancer risk or progression.
Here you can take a closer look at foods that lower PSA levels and reduce prostate cancer risk and which foods you should avoid.
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How to Lower PSA Levels Through Diet
When talking about reducing PSA levels, diet can help.
Based on 2015 reports, prostate cancer is the primary cause of mortality in American men. The prevalence of this cancer keeps rising all around the globe. Particularly in regions that focus on eating a “western-style diet.”
Plenty of studies indicate that dietary intake can affect the progression and incidence of prostate cancer.
To figure out how to lower PSA levels, the first step is to manage your eating pattern. With the right food choices, you can give your body a better fighting chance.
12 Foods to Lower Your PSA Levels
1. Tomatoes
Tomato consumption, including tomato products, is linked with a decreased risk of prostate cancer.
Researchers found a drop of 10.77% in PSA (prostate-specific antigen) in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia. To get the desired result, volunteers consumed 50g of tomato paste every day.
Lycopene in tomatoes has potent anti-cancer compounds found in many animal studies.
High lycopene intake is associated with decreased blood vessel formation in prostate carcinoma. This makes lycopene a viable option for a healthy prostate.
2. Broccoli
Cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli, can be beneficial for the prostate gland. Broccoli can lower PSA levels and benefit prostate health in general.
A 2017 report indicates that broccoli sprouts could delay the formation of prostate cancer and curb the cancer’s severity. The broccoli hampered the cancer progression and incidence.
3. Pomegranate Juice
In limited reports of men with recurrent prostate cancer and rising PSA, experts found that consuming pomegranate juice or taking it in the form of extract slowed PSA doubling time (the rate at which PSA is increasing).
Pomegranate is rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, including ellagitannins, ellagic acid, and other flavonoids
4. Spinach
Spinach has been popular health food throughout the ages. It is loaded with Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, iron, folate, and potassium, making it a great option for naturally lowering PSA levels.
In a cup of raw spinach, you are getting 4% DV per serving, which makes it a highly beneficial addition to any diet.
As a result, this leafy green plant might prove helpful when it comes to prostate cells and PSA screening.
Evidence suggests that the risk of aggressive prostate cancer dropped with an increased intake of spinach.
5. Flaxseeds
Flaxseeds could curb PSA levels and decrease the aggressiveness of prostate tumors.
For men already taking treatment for the carcinoma, these foods can make a solid heart-healthy addition to their diet.
These small but powerful seeds also supply key micronutrients like selenium, thiamine, manganese, and magnesium. Flaxseeds can be easily added to your meals.
Ground flaxseed can be sprinkled over porridge, added to salads, and baked into healthy banana muffins and homemade granola.
6. Omega 3 Foods
Oily fish like tuna, salmon, and sardines are rich in omega fatty acids and vitamin D. Fatty acids have been found to be good for the prostate and reduce tumor size.
A preclinical study shows that if the ratio of fatty acids in a normal Western diet were to include more omega 3 and less omega 6, then PSA levels could decrease.
Data on fatty acids suggests that men who added fish to their diet about five times a week had a 48% lower risk of prostate cancer death compared to those who consumed fish less than once a week.
7. Olive oil
Consistently following a Mediterranean diet could be beneficial for PSA levels in men with early-stage prostate carcinoma. It can reduce PSA and boost the immune system.
A primary component of the Mediterranean diet is olive oil. The phenolic compounds in the oil exert some potent chemo-preventive effects. That includes antioxidant effects and impact on cancer cell signaling, cell cycle proliferation, and progression.
For those receiving treatment, whether radiation therapy or hormone therapy, this diet can supply the body with a hefty dose of vitamins and minerals.
8. Garlic
Eating garlic for a short time significantly decreases serum PSA. It can affect the PSA level through its antiandrogenic effect (the ability to decrease unwanted blood vessel growth).
This is something to consider when interpreting the results of a PSA test. Epidemiologic research indicates that high garlic consumption reduces the incidence of cancer.
Even compounds isolated from this food may carry tumor-suppressive and cancer-preventive effects. This makes garlic a practical addition to any diet. Especially for men prone to advanced prostate cancer.
9. Green Tea
Green tea is a powerful drink touted for its amazing health benefits.
The tea is rich in polyphenols, which help to reduce inflammation and help to fight cancer.
Green tea contains a catechin called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), which helps prevent cell damage and protect the body from free radical damage.
10. Turmeric
This golden spice has been studied extensively for its health benefits. It has been shown to fight inflammation, reduce the risk of heart disease, and may even lower the risk of cancer.
Several studies have looked at how turmeric interacts with cancer. It has been found that the use of turmeric and curcumin supplements may effectively help to reduce the risk of several cancer types.
A study in the AAPS Journal found that curcumin is able to reduce the angiogenesis effects within tumor growth.
Angiogenesis is a term used to describe the development of new blood vessels within the tumors that have grown in the patient’s body.
Additionally, the same study describes that curcumin might be potentially effective at destroying cells that are considered cancerous.
Turmeric is easy to add to your diet. You can sprinkle a dash into your morning smoothie and add it to salad dressings and curry recipes.
11. Low carbohydrates intake
A low-carb diet can create a modest effect on delaying tumor growth in patients with recurrent prostate cancer. It may also lead to a longer PSA doubling time.
12. Soy protein
For prostate cancer survivors, consuming soy foods could decrease the PSA level. The lower PSA levels can create a better impact on prostate health.
In men in different cancer stages, after consuming isolated soy isoflavones or soy milk, their PSA increased at a slower rate. These products do not increase the risk for other cancers, like breast cancer.

5 Foods to Avoid
Certain consumables are known to increase cancer risk. Such as:
1) Red and processed meats
Some reports show that a diet packed with high amounts of well-done meat can make the prostate susceptible to cancer.
This could be the result of the HCAs carcinogens present in cooked meat. Particularly in products such as sausage, pork, and beef.
2) Refined carbs
Those who consume refined carbohydrates in high amounts could increase their possibility of prostate cancer.
Refined carbs are foods such as white rice, white flour, cakes, packaged cereals, white bread, cakes, biscuits, pastries, etc.
3) Alcohol
Alcohol is a known carcinogen. But, there isn’t enough research on whether it affects prostate cells.
Based on recent findings, heavy drinkers have lower PSA levels but an increased risk of high-grade prostate cancer.
4) Dairy
Limiting dairy consumption can benefit the prostate gland. The low-fat and fat-free varieties seem to work well for prostate and prostate cancer treatment.
5) Saturated fats
This type of fat has been linked with an increased risk of prostate cancer mortality. This means that it is best to avoid saturated fats before or after a prostate cancer screening.
The type of food you incorporate into your diet can affect the prostate. Although foods can’t replace the effects of conventional treatment for cancer, they can set you on the right track.
By making improvements to your diet and adding these foods to lower PSA levels, you can keep your health on track and reduce the risk of prostate health complications.
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