Healthy urine appears yellow, light, and clear. But, when there is a change of color and consistency like the case with cloudy urine in men, it could be a sign of probable health problems.
It may indicate dehydration, sexually transmitted infection, kidney stones, or a simple UTI. To rule out any of these problems, especially kidney stones or STIs, consult with a doctor.
But, no matter what’s causing the cloudy urine in men, you need to be completely aware of all the changes that can happen in the body. And the urine can help you find them. Here is what cloudy urine in men means.
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Cloudy Urine in Men – 6 Causes to Help You Recognize the Problem
The moment there is a change in the urine, it could be a clear signal that something is wrong with the urinary tract. Although it is not a medical emergency, you still need to get it treated and learn to recognize the health issues.
Starting with the causes can help you understand what could be triggering such an unusual urinary problem. Let’s take a closer look at the most typical cloudy urine causes men can experience.
1) UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) – Cloudy Urine and Unpleasant Odor
When there is a change in the urine and urine odor color, it is most likely due to a urinary tract infection (UTI). A urinary tract infection can be a real problem. With the lower urinary tract comes uncomfortable pain and burning.
Luckily, UTI symptoms are easy to recognize. Aside from urine color change, people also struggle with frequent urination. They may also feel burning and painful sensations in the urinary tract.
According to experts, cloudiness and bad odor are the easiest and most accurate ways of recognizing this infection. The cloudy urine has an accuracy of 83.1%, while the foul smell has a 79.2%. These results show assessing the smell and appearance of the urine can help people manage and treat their urinary tract infections on time.
This bladder infection is known for causing red, pink, or cloudy urine in men. It can also contribute to pain in the pelvic area. When there is blood or pus, it could mean that a bacteria is triggering this infection, so men with cloudy urine and a potent urine smell.
But, UTI can also happen in women. Known as cystitis, this inflammation can affect the urinary tract and cause pain in the lower part of the tummy. It can also lead to exhaustion, discomfort, and unease.
The UTI can affect any component of the urinary tract. That includes the kidney, ureter, bladder, and urethra. But, most of its impact will be felt on the bladder. Although it might not cause urinary incontinence, you still need treatment to stabilize the urination. Proper antibiotic treatment can get the bladder and urethra back on track.
2) Dehydration – Darker, Highly Concentrated, and Cloudy Urine
In most cases, the cloudiness in the urine is the result of dehydration. Whenever the body loses more water than you consume, it will start holding on to all the remaining water sources. That’s why the body won’t let the water leave through the urinary system properly.
So, you end up with a urinary issue. The urine appears darker, concentrated, and cloudy. This urinary problem is easy to spot. It is accompanied by dizziness, headaches, dry mouth, thirst, and extremely dark or orange urine.
In milder urinary cases, just drinking more water can help, especially when you wake up in the morning and replenish the fluid intake. If the body is already struggling with diarrhea and vomiting, the urinary issue will take a toll on both the bladder and the stomach.
Studies show that mild dehydration can also be a risk factor for an infection in the urinary tract. To avoid any bacteria forming in the urinary tract, you need proper mucus and urinary flow. When we don’t get enough fluid, it becomes difficult to filter the system. So, dehydration ends up interfering with bacterial growth. This makes us vulnerable to bacterial infection.
The best way to solve this urinary issue is to take over-the-counter rehydration meds to keep the fluid intake in check. Options that are packed with water, like electrolytes, for example, make for an excellent choice.
Or, you can opt for drinking larger volumes of fluids regularly and empty the bladder completely. This will regenerate the natural defensive mechanism and deal with the infection.
If you are struggling with serious dehydration, it’s better to ask for professional medical treatment.
3) Prostate Issues – Pus, Discharge, and Cloudy Urine
Any prostate swelling can block the urine flow. All that debris and blood that keeps piling up will trap the urine and make it cloudy. That’s why enlarged prostate is known for causing that cloudiness during urination.
Take prostatitis, for example. This urinary condition can cause some abnormal cloudiness during urination. It is an infection or inflammation of the prostate gland (the male bladder’s gland). It can be caused by an infection and can result in chronic or acute urinary problems.
This infection is a typical cause of cloudy urine in men. Other than the cloudy pee, you can recognize the prostatitis symptoms from the:
- Frequent urination
- Bloody urine
- Abdominal pain
- Genital pain
- Pain in the lower back and groin
- Burning sensation when urinating
- Blood after ejaculating
- Uncomfortable ejaculation
Doctors will suggest alpha-blockers, antibiotics, or NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) to treat prostate problems. Without treatment, this urinary condition can take a heavy toll on the urinary tract.
4) Kidney stones
Kidney stones are a widespread urological disorder. This kidney disease affects around 12% of the global population. That means that 1 in 11 Americans have kidney stones. That’s about 600,000 people.
A kidney stone is an abnormal salt and mineral deposit that emerges in the urinary tract. The bigger it grows, the more pain it causes. This kind of kidney problem can cause all sorts of urinary tract issues, such as extreme blockages and even a urine infection.
Cloudy urine in men is often a clear indicator of such a kidney issue. However, the cloudiness is also accompanied by uncomfortable urinary symptoms, such as:
- Extreme pain under the ribs
- Radiating groin and abdominal pain
- Discomfort and pain that comes and goes
- Painful urination
- Change in urine color (brown urine, pink or red urine)
- Urine odor
- Milky urine
In the majority of patients, treatment is not necessary. The doctor may suggest pain meds to reduce the discomfort and plenty of hydration to flush out the stones from the kidney. But, with a more serious kidney infection or bigger stones, antibiotics or surgery may be needed.
5) STIs – Cloudy Urine with Penile Discharge
More than 376 million STI infections are registered every year. Any sexually transmitted disease can be passed on from one partner to the other. The problem is, not every infection has typical symptoms.
For example, chlamydia and gonorrhea can be asymptomatic. However, sexually transmitted infection is known for causing abnormal discharge in both women and men. The moment the urine leaves the urethra, it mixes with the discharge and turns cloudy.
6) Diabetes – Slow Healing Paired with Cloudy Urine
This metabolic condition causes abnormal blood sugar levels. So, the kidney must double its efforts to get rid of the excess sugar. Therefore, the sugar ends up leaving the body through the urine.
Diabetes puts a lot of strain on each kidney. Those affected are prone to kidney and urinary issues. When the kidney can’t function properly, it alters the color and smell of the urine. It causes extreme thirst, reduced healing, and infection exposure.
Diabetes can be controlled with adequate medicine, healthy food, and weight management. Patients with diabetes type 1 will need to take insulin to reduce the possibility of kidney damage.
When to Contact a Specialist?
If the cloudiness lasts a very long time and is followed by blood, discomfort, and sharp pain, see a doctor as soon as you can. The blood could be a sign of a more serious infection or a health issue, like bladder cancer, for example.
At the same time, the pain will interfere with your daily life. The doctor will suggest imaging, urinalysis, or any urine test that may help find the cause for your problem.
Plenty of factors can affect the cloudiness of your urine. But, if you take a closer look and analyze your symptoms, you may be able to determine what’s causing the problem.
For ideal results, it is best to get medical treatment. Consult with a doctor and explain all the signs you’ve been feeling. They will prescribe adequate treatment that will get your urinary issue under control.
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