If you want to know whether soap can cause a UTI (urinary tract infection), this blog is for you.
When discussing UTIs, it is vital to understand that females are at a much greater risk of developing them than males.
The choice of wrong sanitation methods is more likely to affect females.
Studies suggest that by the age of 32, half of women have had a UTI. These numbers increase further with age.
Keep reading to find out more about the link between soap and UTIs.
The link between soap and UTIs
Indirectly, soap can cause a UTI – especially by using the wrong soap. The wrong choice of soap is less likely to cause UTI in men and more likely to affect women.
Some may develop local irritation and inflammation due to the use of soap, which may enhance the risk of infections.
However, the most studied reason or link between soap and UTI is the changes in pH that soap causes.
Soap is alkaline in nature, with a pH generally between 9 to 10. However, the human urinary tract and female vagina all have a bit of an acidic environment.
Thus, for example, the vagina is quite on the acidic side, with normal pH ranging between 3.8 to 5.
This indicates that microflora present in the urinary-genital system love an acidic environment. This also means that disruption in the pH towards alkalinity would lead to disruption of local microflora, which increases the risk of local infections, including UTIs.
So, soap is not likely to cause UTI directly, but it may promote the growth of pathogens by disrupting local microflora. This microflora has a protective role, something proven by science.
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Can over-cleaning your genitals cause a UTI?
Over-cleaning can increase UTI risk. Over-cleaning is more likely to disrupt local flora and cause changes in local pH levels.
Casually cleaning genitals with soap will not do any harm and may even help protect from UTIs.
Thus, for example, it is always a good idea to clean your genitals after having sex, especially with a new partner. This would help keep the area clean and minimize the risk of various infections.
What are the best soaps to avoid UTIs?
Choosing soaps to avoid UTI is about pH balance, using mild soaps, and avoiding harsh soaps. Harsh soaps are more likely to disrupt local pH and microflora. They are also more likely to cause UTIs from soap irritation.
These days, many kinds of intimate soaps and gels are sold online. Though not all are essentially good, many of them are.
They have a balanced pH and are milder. Thus, they are not likely to disrupt local pH and microflora.
There is nothing like the best soap for UTI, but still knowing a few things when choosing a soap for personal care can help.
It’s important to avoid harsh soaps, scented, and those with strong antiseptics.
What happens if soap gets in your urethra?
Can soap irritate the urethra? The chances are slim, but it is a possibility.
If some soap gets in your urethra, that is not a cause of concern. However, it should not happen frequently.
You should not insert soap or laundry detergent inside the urethra or try to wash the urethra with such things, as it is more likely to increase UTI risk than help prevent infections.

Yes. Personal hygiene plays a vital role in preventing UTIs.
Dove soap is quite good and mild but is not made explicitly for cleaning genitals and is still very alkaline. Though it is less likely to cause UTI, but it is not a replacement for soaps, gels, or wipes created explicitly for cleaning genitals.
Not essentially, but fragrant soaps are more likely to cause local irritation and contain harsh chemicals.
However, be careful in interpreting the above information. This is not to say that one should not focus on personal hygiene. Remember that you are more likely to get a UTI from not showering or poor hygiene than due to harsh soaps.
The best feminine wash to prevent UTI is one that contains mild components, with a particular focus on maintaining the correct or acidic pH.
Laundry detergent can be a harsh option. Detergents may irritate the skin of the hand and the urethra or genitals.
Soap is an essential, effective, and highly accessible hygiene product used for washing and bathing. Humans have used soaps for ages.
Of course, it helps to keep your body clean and reduce the risk of infections.
However, most soaps aren’t essentially a perfect choice for cleaning genitals. Many soaps are harsh and contain too many irritants, chemicals, scents, and undesirable disinfectants.
Using your regular soap may increase UTI risk. Therefore, it is a good idea to use something made specifically for cleaning genitals that is mild and helps maintain pH and local microflora.
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