A receding hairline is something prevalent among men. In some cases, however, the receding hairline becomes more visible.
Hair loss among men is something that millions experience. There are cases where hair loss is the only minor. In other men, however, the loss of hair may be more significant.
A significant amount of hair loss can lead to problems with the man’s self-confidence. Male pattern baldness is the most prevalent condition causing hair loss in men. One study1 found about 12% of all men have type A frontal baldness. Among men aged between 40 and 49, 53% showed signs of male pattern hair loss.
Numerous treatments have been suggested. Beta-sitosterol hair loss is one particularly common method. The product claims to assist in enhancing hair growth.
It works at the hair follicles, which is why it is an effective solution. This post takes a closer look at just how effective Beta-sitosterol may be as a hair loss treatment.
What Is Beta-Sitosterol?
Beta-sitosterol is the name of a natural compound. It is classified as a phytosterol.
Beta-sitosterols are plant-based substances and are in vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts.
In herbs such as saw palmetto and pygeum africanum beta sitosterol os the active ingredient.
These substances are phytosterols and are similar in chemical structure to the cholesterols naturally in the human body.
This is a naturally-occurring compound that people already consume each day.
Cane sugar and soybeans also contain Beta-sitosterol. Some cereals also have small amounts of this compound.
This plant compound is considered to have similarities to cholesterol2. Even though similar to cholesterol, it may rather cause a decline in cholesterol levels when a person consumed the compound. Studies show it can limit cholesterol’s ability to enter the human body.
Beta-sitosterol itself is not considered medicine. Instead, it is often thought of as a precursor, which is why it is used in some medicines. Beta-sitosterol is widely available in the form of a supplement. It has a large number of purposes.
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What Is Beta-Sitosterol Used For?
There are actually quite a few different uses for Beta-sitosterol. Both men and women might be able to benefit from the product. The FDA has also allowed certain statements on products that contain Beta-Sitosterol.
For example, it has been found that Beta-Sitosterol could potentially reduce a patient’s risk of coronary heart disease. The FDA allows such suggestions to be made on a supplement that contains the compound. The primary reason for this is the cholesterol-lowering effects of the compound. It should be noted, however, that the long-term effects on cholesterol linked to Beta-sitosterol has not been confirmed yet.
Some people take Beta-sitosterol supplements for heart disease. Many use it for treating high cholesterol.
Study 1)
The supplement is also a way to boost the immune system. Some studies have provided evidence on this subject. One study3 explains that plant sterolins and sterols have powerful immune-modulating properties.
The beta-sitosterol compound falls within these categories. This means the compound does have immune-modulating effects in the patient’s body. The study also used beta-sitosterol as one of the leading plant-based sterols.
The study further explains that immune-modulating properties can assist with various conditions. This includes viral infections and allergies. The study also explains that the plan sterol may be useful in patients with auto-immune diseases. Furthermore, the compound could be useful in cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and cases of tuberculosis too.
Beta-sitosterol also holds anti-inflammatory properties. This can also be useful for several problems that could affect the male body. Some studies have provided evidence of the anti-inflammatory properties yielded by beta-sitosterol too.
Study 2)
In one study4, rodents were the study subjects. Specific and non-specific inflammation types were analyzed. All cases were related to acute inflammation. There was a significant reduction in inflammation among the rodents provided with beta-sitosterol. The compound was rather potent. There was a reduction in inflammation of up to 70% in the rodent models.
These effects of the compound may be helpful in a relatively large number of conditions. Some studies have also found that beta-sitosterol could be beneficial in the treatment of asthma.
Study 3)
One study5 found the compound suppresses the Th2-driven airway inflammation that is induced by ovalbumin. This is a type of inflammation associated with asthma. When the airway inflammation reduces, the breathing capability may enhance. The individual may also find that breathing difficulty improves.
Men with prostate problems might also be able to benefit from the phytosterols in this compound. Beta-sitosterol appears to act like the prescription drug Proscar (finasteride), which inhibits activity of 5-alpha-reductase.
Several studies have been conducted on this subject. The anti-inflammatory agents of beta-sitosterol are often the main point of interest. It has been suggested that men with an enlarged prostate could benefit from this compound.
Study 4)
Prostate enlargement is a relatively common condition among men. One double-blind study6 provided more data on how the compound could be helpful to men. This was a placebo-controlled study. A total of 177 men participated in the study.
The men had a diagnosis of prostate enlargement. The man did not have other conditions, such as prostate cancer. It involved a total of 13 study centers. Men were provided with a 130mg phytosterol supplement. The dietary supplement contained free beta-sitosterol. This allowed the researchers to determine the safety and efficacy of beta-sitosterol on benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Study 5)
This is not the only study that showed how beta-sitosterol could be used for an enlarged prostate. One research paper7 considered several previous studies conducted on this topic. These studies involved a total of 519 men. The researchers analyzed a total of four studies.
The study observed several improvements among men with benign prostatic hyperplasia. There was an improvement in urinary symptoms. Men also had improvements in urinary flow measures.
The researchers noted that we don’t yet know the long-term safety of beta-sitosterol. Thus, this warranted a need for further research. Researchers suggest people should collect data on the overall longer-term safety of the compound.
Does Beta-Sitosterol Work For Hair Loss?
The specific mechanism of action that beta-sitosterol has on the prostate gland has caused researchers to look into the compound as a possible treatment for hair loss in men.
Beta-sitosterol seems to act as a DHT blocker in the male body. This is how it may help reduce the growth of the prostate in benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Studies confirm beta-sitosterol blocks DHT. Many of these studies did look specifically at patients with existing signs of hair loss. This does not only include visible bald patches on the head. Thinning hair is also a sign of hair loss.
Study 1)
One study7 considered patients with androgenetic alopecia. The study explains that up to 70% of men may be affected at some point in their lives. They did this study on cell-based assays. The study analyzed cells from both hair follicles and the prostate.
The researchers behind the study did find positive results. They explain that beta-sitosterol may treat two conditions at once. This includes androgenic alopecia and benign prostatic hyperplasia. The effects that treat an enlarged prostate could possibly also assist in healthy hair growth among men with existing hair loss.
The primary purpose of the beta-sitosterol in the study was to inhibit the inflammatory pathways. They also used additional compounds in the study.
Study 2)
Other studies have also looked at how beta-sitosterol could be helpful for men with hair loss.
One study8 found that beta-sitosterol may also have the ability to inhibit a specific enzyme. The enzyme is known as 5-alpha reductase, and it is sometimes also referred to as 5AR. We know 5-alpha reductase can play a role in the enlargement of the prostate gland. Furthermore, 5AR also has a role to play in androgenetic alopecia.
Androgenetic alopecia links to a significant conversion of testosterone to another hormone, dihydrotestosterone. By inhibiting the 5-alpha reductase enzyme, less testosterone converts into dihydrotestosterone.
A high concentration of dihydrotestosterone links to a loss of hair. When dihydrotestosterone levels in the male body become too high, this can adversely affect the follicles.
Thus, by reducing the conversion, there may be less of a negative effect on hair follicles. In turn, hair regrowth may occur.
The goal of this particular study was to see if natural 5AR inhibitors would be effective. It was one of the first studies to provide such evidence. The primary 5AR inhibitor in the study was Beta-sitosterol. They did not give the patients any synthetic compounds. This allowed for a more unbiased view on the effects that the beta-sitosterol would have on the 5-alpha reductase enzyme.
The study confirmed that beta-sitosterol does seem to be effective at reducing the conversion from testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. This makes the compound a worthy option to consider in some cases where men experience hair loss.
Should You Take Beta-Sitosterol?
Research suggests that beta-sitosterol may be useful for men who experience hair loss. There are still limitations in terms of the research, however. A lot of men are looking for an effective way to fight against hair loss. Thus, many may ask whether beta-sitosterol could be the solution for them.
The first factor to consider is how beta-sitosterol seems to help. The compound blocks a specific enzyme that causes the body to convert testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. For this reason, men who do not have a problem with high dihydrotestosterone might not be able to benefit from beta-sitosterol.
When there is another cause behind hair loss, then beta-sitosterol may not be the ideal option. Doctors commonly offer the supplement to men with an enlarged prostate. It may assist with the prostate condition and androgenetic alopecia at the same time.
Talking to a doctor before using beta-sitosterol is a useful option. The patient should ask the doctor to diagnose the cause behind the hair loss. Beta-sitosterol may be considered if androgenetic alopecia is diagnosed.
If other causes are diagnosed, then the doctor will rather consider appropriate treatment. The treatment provided should be able to address the reason why the patient experiences hair loss. Androgenetic alopecia is just one possible cause. There are other reasons why men may experience hair loss too.
Certain medications may even lead to hair loss in men – which is something you should consider. Some drugs that could cause hair loss include anticoagulants, cholesterol medication, and psoriasis treatments. Some blood pressure medications, such as Lisinopril and Captopril, can also cause a man to find that they suddenly start to experience excessive hair loss.
Possible Side Effects
Men should also take note that beta-sitosterol can cause certain side effects. These include nausea and indigestion. Some men experience gas when they use the compound. There is also a risk of constipation and diarrhea.
Furthermore, some reports claim that men may experience a reduction in their libido. The use of beta-sitosterol also comes with a risk of reducing erectile function. This may lead to the development of new problems in a man’s life.
A man with hair loss should carefully consider the pros and cons of beta-sitosterol. They should also look at the risks that come with using beta-sitosterol.
Ben’s Beta-Sitosterol Supplements
The above information is precisely why we include beta-sitosterol in two of our prostate supplements, Total Health and Total Health Advanced.
Total Health
Our natural supplement, Ben’s Total Health contains ingredients clinically proven to reduce prostate size, manage BPH symptoms and help you restore optimal prostate health.

Clinical trials and meta-studies show the active ingredients in Total Health have a positive impact on prostate volume, improve lower urinary tract symptoms, and decrease the risk of acute urinary retention.

Find out more about Total Health.
Total Health Advanced
Total Health Advanced is the same formulation as Total Health plus additional ingredients (30 ingredients altogether).

This supplement is designed for men who are concerned about the development of prostate cancer or men who have been diagnosed with non-aggressive low-level prostate cancer and are pursuing the active surveillance protocol.
This is because the additional ingredients in Total Health Advanced have been shown in studies to induce cell death in cancer cells.
So, Total Health Advanced is not only useful for BPH, it may also be valuable as a potential therapeutic agent for prostate cancer.
Beta-sitosterol is a natural compound. It is in many natural foods and plants.
When choosing a supplement, it is important to look at the quantity of beta-sistosterol. While there are many supplements out there that have scientifically backed natural ingredients, the vast majority contain only a few of the essential prostate ingredients, usually in low and ineffective dosages, without chelating ingredients for better absorption and bioavailability.
Some medical experts believe this is why Beta-sitosterol could be helpful for hair loss in men. It may not only help promote prostate health. The natural compound could also be a useful agent in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia and other hair loss conditions.
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