Emily Stuart (RD)
Registered Dietician
Diet & Nutrition
Emily Stuart is a Registered Dietitian with a BSc in Human Nutrition and Dietetics. She has several years’ experience working in the National Health Service in the UK, in digital health and the private and corporate sectors. Emily is also experienced in health writing and recipe development, and her clinical specialties include weight management, critical care, and cardiac nutrition.
Company Dietitian for leading food manufacturer apetito. Apetito produces food for the NHS, Meals on Wheels in the community, Care Homes and the education sector. We have a world-leading range of Specialist Nutrition products including texture modified and allergy-free, and are the parent company to Wiltshire Farm Foods, who deliver award winning frozen meals to people all over the UK.
London Metropolitan University, Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Dietetics/Dietitian
Bsc in Human Nutrition and Dietetics leading to HCPC registration as a Dietitian
Emily Stuart (RD) Articles
Diabetes And Alzheimer’s Risk: Scientists Explore The Link
You will have certainly heard of both diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease, but did you know […]
Pancreas: Functions and possible problems
Much like many of the organs in the human body, the pancreas is complex. Various […]
The Role of Blood Glucose (Blood Sugar) in Diabetes Management
Having some understanding or awareness of how our bodies metabolize and regulate glucose levels is […]
What Are Ketones?
Ketogenic diets (also called the ‘keto’ diet) are a common approach used by those who […]
15 Ways to Effectively Control Blood Sugar
Did you know that having good blood sugar control is not only achieved by watching […]
Reversing Type 2 Diabetes without Medication
Whilst the first discovery of diabetes was thought to have occurred as early as 1500BC, […]