Dr. James Occhiogrosso
Naturopathic Doctor
Prostate health
Dr. James Occhiogrosso is a Natural Health Practitioner specializing in natural approaches to male and female sexual health. He is an author of several books including “Your Prostate, Your Libido, Your Life,” He has authored hundreds of articles, and is a frequent guest on numerous radio and TV shows. He often acts as an advisor for men with prostate cancer whose doctors recommend “watchful waiting” or “active surveillance” of their disease.
He maintains an active practice helping both men and women overcome hormonal and sexual issues associated with aging, including erectile dysfunction, lack of libido, anorgasmia, PMS, menopausal problems, fibromyalgia, and CFS.
Trinity College of Natural Health
N.D., M.H., Natural Health
Dr. James Occhiogrosso Articles
Male Anorgasmia: Causes & Treatments
Anorgasmia is a medical term for a man that cannot regularly reach orgasm regardless of […]
How to Make Urination Easier If You Have BPH
Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (or hypertrophy), (aka, BPH) is a common condition for older men. It […]
Treatments for Incontinence After Prostate Surgery
Incontinence refers to the inability to control the release of urine. It is a typical […]
Restoring Erectile Function After Prostatectomy
In today′s world, the overall mortality for almost every cancer is falling. In many cases, […]
Diagnosing Prostate Cancer – Transrectal Ultrasound & Biopsy
According to the American Cancer Society, other than skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most […]
How Can You Treat Prostatitis?
Prostatitis is a common condition affecting men. It is defined as inflammation of the male […]
Multiparametric MRI for Prostate Cancer
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive imaging test that can be used to help […]
Transurethral Needle Ablation (TUNA) for BPH
BPH or Benign Prostate Hypertrophy is a non-cancerous growth of the male prostate gland, a […]