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Dr. James Occhiogrosso

Naturopathic Doctor


Prostate health


Dr. James Occhiogrosso is a Natural Health Practitioner specializing in natural approaches to male and female sexual health. He is an author of several books including “Your Prostate, Your Libido, Your Life,” He has authored hundreds of articles, and is a frequent guest on numerous radio and TV shows. He often acts as an advisor for men with prostate cancer whose doctors recommend “watchful waiting” or “active surveillance” of their disease.

He maintains an active practice helping both men and women overcome hormonal and sexual issues associated with aging, including erectile dysfunction, lack of libido, anorgasmia, PMS, menopausal problems, fibromyalgia, and CFS.

Trinity College of Natural Health
N.D., M.H., Natural Health

Dr. James Occhiogrosso Articles


Understanding the PSA Blood Test

PSA screening is a routine blood test usually performed in conjunction with an annual physical […]

The Prostate

Prostate Abscess: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Options Explained.

An abscess is a medical term to describe an inflamed and painful collection of pus […]

Low Testosterone

Lose Belly Fat by Balancing Your Hormones

Many people maintain a relatively flat stomach for most of their lives but begin to […]


Considerations for Prostate Cancer Screening

Screening is a process to find a disease in people with or without symptoms. Prostate-Specific […]

Low Testosterone

Normal Testosterone Levels for Men

In the recent past, advertisements for testosterone supplementation have been easy-to-encounter on radio and TV. […]

Prostate Cancer

Vasectomy: Does It Increase My Risk Of Prostate Cancer?

Vasectomy is the primary surgical option for men’s birth control, typically performed on an out-patient […]

Prostate Cancer

Is Prostate Cancer Hereditary?

The male prostate is a walnut-sized gland located in the lower abdomen just below the […]

Prostate Cancer

Immunotherapy for Prostate Cancer

The human immune system is the body’s natural defense against potentially damaging foreign pathogens. When […]
