5 Benefits of Almonds Sexually: Sex Drive, Stamina, ED, Mood

Besides being a delicious crunchy snack, almonds offer countless health benefits. 

They are known to help reduce inflammation, promote good skin, and support gut health. 

However, besides improving overall wellness, you may not know that almonds have many benefits sexually.

From potential improvements in libido to possible benefits for erectile function, we will examine various aspects of almond consumption related to sexual health based on available research.

How Eating Almonds Can Support Your Sexual Health

1) Improved Libido and Stamina 

Sexual performance may require quite an energy boost. Almonds contain monounsaturated fats, which can provide a slow and steady energy release. As a result, they can help enhance stamina and sex drive. 

In addition, evidence suggests that almonds help improve blood flow. This can lead to improved sexual arousal in both men and women, which is a critical component of sexual function. 

2) Better Erectile Function

For those who struggle with erectile dysfunction, almonds may be a natural solution. It seems that thanks to its high magnesium and arginine content, almonds may help widen blood vessels, allowing for better blood flow, according to a study

Therefore, eating almonds can lead to improved circulation and a reduced risk of erectile dysfunction. 

It’s important to note that while almonds may complement overall health, they should not replace prescribed medication.

3) Increased Fertility 

For those who are aspiring to start a family, almonds may be a great addition since they help improve fertility. 

Almonds are a good source of vitamin E and selenium, which can help improve sperm quality and motility. 

In addition, almonds are high in antioxidants. These can help reduce free radicals, which can increase the risk of oxidative stress. 

Research shows that increased oxidative stress may have a role in infertility. So, almonds may help create a good environment for conception. 

4) Hormonal Balance

Another key nutrient in almonds is zinc. Evidence suggests that zinc may help increase testosterone levels. 

However, other studies have shown that almonds can increase a substance called SHBG, which can bind to testosterone. As a result, it can lead to decreased testosterone levels. 

More research is still needed to determine if almonds may have a positive (or negative) effect on testosterone levels. 

5) Improved Mood And Stress Reduction 

Finally, sexual desire is not solely dependent on physical factors but is deeply related to mental and emotional well-being. 

Almonds, which are rich in magnesium and vitamins from the B complex, have been linked to mood regulation and stress reduction. 

By promoting relaxation and anxiety, almonds may help promote an environment for intimacy and sexual pleasure. 

Ben’s Natural Supplements For Better Sexual Health

Testo Booster

Our testosterone supplement, Testo Booster, contains clinically proven, natural ingredients to help increase testosterone levels, boost sex drive, and provide more rigid erections.

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Testo Booster activates receptors in the pituitary gland, which sends signals to the testes to boost testosterone production. This, therefore, results in greater strength, increased muscle gain and growth, and improved male sexual performance.

Male Boost

Male Boost is a natural viagra supplement. It contains nine clinically proven, herbal ingredients to help increase testosterone levels, boost sex drive, and reverse erectile dysfunction.

male boost

Male Boost improves sexual stamina, sexual function, increases energy levels, and positively affects your mood. 

Estro Clear

Estro Clear is an estrogen blocker for men containing six natural, clinically proven ingredients to help reduce excess estrogen, restore hormonal balance, and regain masculine traits. 

estrogen blocker for men

Estro Clear can help your body flush excess estrogen, restore normal testosterone levels and support healthy weight loss.

Nutritional Profile of Almonds

The nutritional profile of almonds is nothing short of impressive. They are high in essential nutrients such as:

  • Healthy fats, predominantly monounsaturated fats, are good for your heart health. 
  • High-quality proteins with a good amino acid profile are the building blocks of a healthy libido. 
  • A wide range of vitamins, including vitamin E (potent antioxidant) and vitamin B6 (improves hormone balance). 
  • An abundance of minerals such as magnesium, zinc, and selenium. 
  • Dietary fiber is essential for good digestive health and improves blood sugar levels. 

The nutrients in almonds contribute to overall well-being, and may indirectly support aspects of sexual health.

How To Add Almonds To Your Diet To Get The Most Sexual Benefits

To add almonds to your diet, you can eat them straight out of the bag as a crunchy snack or make delicious recipes using this healthy ingredient. 

Here are some recipes to help you include almonds in your diet. 

Chocolate-covered almonds

Chocolate is another natural aphrodisiac, so dipping your almonds in dark chocolate can further enhance your sexual health. 

Almond butter

This delicious nut butter pairs nicely with some almonds, strawberries, or simply spread it along your favorite whole-grain bread. 

Energy balls

Place dates, almonds, peanut butter, oatmeal, and honey in a food processor until you have a smooth consistency. Bake them into balls for the perfect energy booster. 

Almond cookies

You’ll need almonds, baking powder, sugar, vanilla extract, almond extract, and chopped almonds to make almond cookies.

Roasted almonds

Place the almonds in an air-fryer or oven, along with some herbs, for a delicious crunchy snack. 

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Potential Side Effects And Considerations When Eating Almonds

Despite its multiple health benefits, it’s important to approach the consumption of almonds in moderation. 

Almonds may cause an allergic reaction in some people. So, if you are allergic to nuts, you must avoid them. 

Also, almonds are rich in healthy fats, which, while they can be beneficial, they are still calorie-dense. 

This means that overconsumption could lead to a caloric surplus (eating more calories than the body needs) and increase the risk of weight gain. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can dogs eat almonds?

Although almonds are not particularly dangerous for dogs, they may be harder to digest.  As a result, this can lead to unwanted gastric issues such as stomach cramps and gas. Additionally, they can increase the risk of obesity and pancreatitis in dogs. 

How many carbs are in almonds?

One ounce of almonds (23 almonds) has 6.1 grams of carbs and 3.5 grams of fiber. This means that one ounce of almonds has only 2.6 grams of net carbs. This makes it a great food option for those who are on a keto or low-carb diet. 

Do almonds have protein?

Yes, almonds are a great source of plant-based protein. One ounce of almonds has 6 grams of protein, which is almost the same as one medium egg. 

However, keep in mind that almonds are considered an incomplete protein since they don’t have all the essential amino acids the body needs. 

Do almonds go bad?

Almonds are fairly shelf-stable, meaning that you can keep them for several years before they turn bad. However, you need to keep them stored in an airtight container and in a cool and dark environment. 

If you want to know if the almonds are bad, you have to use a bowl of water. Place the almonds in the bowl of water. If they float, they may be old or have gone bad. 

Are almonds low FODMAP?

Almonds are known to be low in FODMAPs, meaning they are a great option for those who have irritable bowel syndrome. However, you still need to eat them in moderation to avoid causing an upset stomach. 

How many calories are in almonds?

Almonds are known to be very calorie-dense. One ounce of almonds has 164 calories. So, while they are a good option, you need to eat them in moderation to avoid adding too many calories to your diet, which can increase the risk of weight gain. 


  • Almonds offer nutritional value that may contribute to general well-being, potentially including aspects of sexual health.
  • Almonds are packed with essential nutrients, which provide the sexual benefits that can help promote libido, improve fertility, and promote overall sexual health.
  • Including almonds in a balanced diet may offer various health benefits, potentially contributing to overall vitality and well-being.
  • So, the next time you reach for a handful of almonds, savor not only their delicious flavor but also the possible sexual benefits.

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  1. Adebayo AA, Oboh G, Ademosun AO. Almond-supplemented diet improves sexual functions beyond Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibition in diabetic male rats. Heliyon. 2019 Dec 18;5(12):e03035. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e03035. PMID: 31890965; PMCID: PMC6928307.
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  5. Kalgaonkar S, Almario RU, Gurusinghe D, Garamendi EM, Buchan W, Kim K, Karakas SE. Differential effects of walnuts vs almonds on improving metabolic and endocrine parameters in PCOS. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2011 Mar;65(3):386-93. doi: 10.1038/ejcn.2010.266. Epub 2010 Dec 15. PMID: 21157477.
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