Are Yeast Infections Contagious From Man To Woman?

Yeast infections are a common and uncomfortable ailment that many men and women experience at some point in their lives. 

While they are a nuisance to deal with, there’s often confusion surrounding their contagiousness. 

In this article, we’ll explore the topic of whether yeast infections are contagious and can be passed from one person to another, what causes them, what to do if your partner keeps giving you yeast infections, and how to prevent their spread.

Are Yeast Infections Sexually Transmissible?

There is a possibility of transmitting yeast infections through sexual contact in certain situations.

From Women to Men

​​While yeast infections are not typically considered sexually transmitted infections (STIs), there is a minimal possibility of transmission from women to men, particularly when a woman has an active infection. 

However, it’s essential to understand that yeast infections differ from common STIs in their mode of transmission.

Men with weakened immune systems, diabetes, or those currently taking antibiotics may be at an increased risk of developing yeast infections in certain situations.

From Men to Women

Men can carry Candida on their genitals, and in certain circumstances, it can be transmitted to women through sexual contact. 

However, it’s important to note that yeast infections are not classified as common STIs. 

Transmission is more likely to occur if the man has a penile yeast infection, which is less common than vaginal yeast infections in women.

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Should I Tell My Partner They Keep Giving Me Yeast Infections?

Yes, addressing the issue of recurrent yeast infections in a relationship is essential for both partners’ well-being and intimacy. 

Choose a private and comfortable setting where you can talk without distractions or interruptions. 

Discuss steps you both can take to reduce the risk of yeast infections, including practicing safe sex, maintaining good genital hygiene, and making dietary and lifestyle adjustments. 

Offer support to your partner in addressing the issue, and if necessary, seek professional guidance from a healthcare provider together.

Remember that yeast infections can happen for various reasons, and it’s not always a matter of one partner “giving” it to the other. 

How Yeast Infections Are Transmitted Between Partners

Yeast infections, also known as candidiasis or vaginal yeast infections when they occur in women, are primarily caused by a fungus called Candida albicans. 

This fungus is naturally present in the body, particularly in the mouth, gastrointestinal tract, and genital area. 

Under normal circumstances, it doesn’t cause any harm and is kept in check by the body’s immune system and the presence of beneficial bacteria.

Sexual Activity

While yeast infections are not typically considered sexually transmitted infections (STIs), they can be transmitted through sexual activity in some cases. However, this is relatively uncommon.


Antibiotics can disrupt the balance of beneficial bacteria in the body, allowing Candida to proliferate. 

If either you or your partner has recently taken antibiotics, it may have contributed to the development of a yeast infection. 

Weakened Immune System

An impaired immune system, often seen in individuals with conditions such as HIV or diabetes, can make the body less capable of controlling Candida overgrowth. 


Hormonal changes during pregnancy can create an environment conducive to yeast infections. 

If you or your partner are pregnant or planning to conceive, it’s essential to discuss how pregnancy-related hormonal changes may affect your risk of yeast infections and how to manage them during this time.


Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to elevated levels of sugar in the body, which can make individuals more susceptible to yeast infections. 

It’s important to manage the condition effectively to reduce the risk of recurrent yeast infections.

High Sugar Diet

Excessive sugar consumption can feed Candida and promote its growth. Discussing dietary habits with your partner and making joint efforts to reduce sugar intake can be a proactive step in preventing yeast infections.

Tight Clothing

Wearing tight, non-breathable clothing, especially in the genital area, can create a warm and moist environment that encourages yeast growth. 

Consider discussing clothing choices and opting for loose, breathable attire to minimize the risk of yeast infections.

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How to Avoid Spreading a Yeast Infection

If you or your partner are dealing with a yeast infection, it’s crucial to take proactive steps to minimize the risk of transmission. 

Here are some additional details and tips on the measures you can take:

Practice Safe Sex

Using condoms during sexual activity can significantly reduce the risk of transmitting a yeast infection. Condoms act as a barrier, preventing direct contact between the genital areas and minimizing the chances of Candida transfer.

Maintain Good Genital Hygiene

Both partners should prioritize good genital hygiene. For women, this includes not only wiping from front to back after using the restroom but also avoiding douching. Douching can disrupt the delicate vaginal microbiome, making it easier for yeast to overgrow. Instead, opt for gentle, pH-balanced cleansers if necessary.

Limit Sugar Intake

Reducing sugar consumption is beneficial for controlling Candida growth in both partners. High sugar levels in the body can provide an ideal environment for yeast to thrive. Consider making dietary adjustments together to cut down on sugary foods and beverages.

Choose Breathable Clothing

Wearing loose, breathable underwear and avoiding tight clothing can create a less hospitable environment for yeast growth. 

Cotton underwear is an excellent choice as it allows for better air circulation and moisture control, reducing the risk of yeast overgrowth.

Consult a Healthcare Provider

If you or your partner experience recurrent yeast infections or suspect a more serious issue, it’s essential to consult a healthcare provider. 

They can provide a proper diagnosis, recommend suitable treatment options, and rule out any underlying health conditions contributing to the infections.

Consider Probiotics

Probiotic supplements or foods containing probiotics, such as yogurt with live cultures, may help restore the balance of beneficial bacteria in the body. 

These “good” bacteria can help combat the overgrowth of Candida and support a healthy vaginal microbiome.


Yeast infections are not highly contagious in the same way as common viral infections. They are primarily caused by an overgrowth of Candida that is already present in the body. 

However, there is a potential for transmission through sexual activity, especially when one partner has an active infection.

If you or your partner are experiencing recurrent yeast infections or have concerns about transmission, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare provider. 

Additionally, practicing good genital hygiene, using protection during sexual activity, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help reduce the risk of yeast infection transmission.

While yeast infections can be uncomfortable and irritating, they are generally treatable with over-the-counter or prescription medications, and with proper care, they can be managed effectively.

Explore More

how to get rid of a yeast infection

How To Get Rid Of A Yeast Infection.


  1. Luchsinger, Isabelle, et al. “Tinea genitalis: a new entity of sexually transmitted infection? Case series and review of the literature.” Sexually transmitted infections 91.7 (2015): 493-496.
  2. Borderon, J. C. “Deep Candida and related yeast infections.” La Revue du Praticien 39.19 (1989): 1657-1662.
  3. Miceli, Marisa H., José A. Díaz, and Samuel A. Lee. “Emerging opportunistic yeast infections.” The Lancet infectious diseases 11.2 (2011): 142-151.

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