If you’re wondering what age a man stops ejaculating, you’re in the right place.
As men age, they experience changes with ejaculation, sex, sperm, and semen.
In this article, we will cover that topic in depth, explaining in detail and based on science how ejaculation, testicular function, and even erections change as we get older.
What age does a man stop ejaculating?
Men will not necessarily stop ejaculating at a particular age. Despite what people say, the truth is there is not such a strong association between sexual dysfunction and age.
For this reason, ejaculation changes are not easy to pinpoint a particular age. Many men reach 70 years and are still having intercourse, reaching climax, and ejaculating.
Perhaps the characteristics of the semen are different, but the ejaculation function has not stopped.
What generally determines the age at which a man stops ejaculating is not the physical impossibility of ejaculating. It is more likely a change in his sexual activity and libido, not in his bodily functions.
Therefore, there is no established age for the cessation of ejaculatory function. So, a man can have his entire life having intercourse and ejaculating, especially if he lives healthily, with a balanced diet, and avoids harmful habits such as smoking and alcohol.
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What causes male ejaculation to stop?
It is not normal for a man to stop his ejaculatory function. With the right motivation, libido, and healthy erectile function, he should be able to ejaculate regardless of age.
However, it does not happen in all cases, and the most common reasons why a man stops ejaculating are (1):
- Decreased libido: Motivation is a critical factor for ejaculation. Even if there is an erection, the individual will not ejaculate if he is not motivated. When couples do not find sexual pleasure, the man will probably not ejaculate.
- Erectile dysfunction: To achieve an ejaculation, there must be an erection first, at least partially. In erectile function, motivation is also important and is associated with previous sexual experiences with the partner.
Other medical causes
There are also other medical causes, much more severe and fortunately rare. In this case, we are talking about a medical disorder called anejaculation, which is also linked to orgasm problems and has the following causes (2):
- Diseases and problems of the nervous system: Many nervous components are required for erection and ejaculation. In a spinal cord injury, the nerves no longer function and will not cause an ejaculation. This is also why patients with multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s often have problems with ejaculation.
- Scrotal or pelvic injury: If damage to the muscles or organs is involved in ejaculation, these will no longer work when needed. They will not respond well to sexual stimulation and will not initiate the ejaculatory function. This happens in case of scrotal damage or injuries to the pelvic floor muscles.
- Medications: Some medications can cause anejaculation or make it difficult to release semen. For example, some antidepressants.
- Pelvic Surgery: One of the adverse effects or complications of pelvic surgery is the destruction of nerves, which can cause erectile dysfunction or anejaculation. This can sometimes happen after prostate surgery.
- Retrograde ejaculation: For mechanical or physiologic reasons, the ejaculate is released into the bladder instead of the outside. The patient is ejaculating, but semen is not going through the normal pathway.
How ejaculation changes as you get older
As men get older, their reproductive system remains the same and works in pretty much the same way. However, some changes can be noted.
Sex hormone levels decline, sometimes getting very low. In addition, the individual could have problems in organs associated with sperm production, such as the prostate.
Therefore, the main changes in ejaculation as we get older have to do with the characteristics of the semen in question.
For example, the viscosity or fluidity of the ejaculate or the volume or quantity of semen the individual releases.
Does ejaculate volume decrease with age?
Definitely yes. During youth, the volume of semen is usually greater due to higher testosterone production.
Over the years, between the ages of 30 and 50, testosterone levels drop, and semen volume decreases.
It can go from being abundant to just a little or even a few drops over time. In the same way, the consistency usually goes from being fluid to becoming thicker and gelatinous.
To give you a clearer view, take a look at this table featuring the average ejaculatory volume by age, according to a study published in the International Journal of Reproductive Biomedicine (3):
Age group | Semen volume |
21-28 | 2.86 mL |
29-35 | 2.74 mL |
36-42 | 2.48 mL |
43-49 | 2.44 mL |
50-60 | 1.73 mL |
These numbers may change depending on the days of abstinence, the levels of hydration, and some genetic parameters.
Changes in the consistency of the semen sometimes cause worry and anxiety in men who associate abundant ejaculation with good health and is sometimes one of the reasons why the number of sexual encounters decreases between 55 and 60 years of age.

At what age do men stop being sexually active?
Have you ever wondered how long can a man be sexually active? A man’s sexual activity or inactivity is not necessarily reflected by age.
Contrary to popular belief and what was taught in past generations, older adults can also enjoy active sexuality as long as they want to and are motivated to do so.
It is not considered and should not be seen as something out of the ordinary or against nature.
However, many factors influence sexual health and sexual activity in men, such as your general health, lifestyle, and personal preferences.
For example, a man with chronic pain and more serious health problems is likely to be less motivated to have sex, especially if it makes him very tired or aggravates pain in joints and other parts of the body.
Similarly, a man with high levels of stress is less likely to maintain an erection compared to a more relaxed individual.
So, at what age does a man stop being sexually active? As seen above, the factors that change sexual activity in men are not tied to a particular age.
Some men may even experience reduced sexual activity at a very young age due to particular circumstances that make it difficult to enjoy their sexuality.
The main factors that discourage men from having an active sexual life are libido and erectile dysfunction.
At what age does a man stop getting erections?
The answer to this question is quite similar to the previous one. The testicles, penis, and the rest of the male reproductive system does not stop activating the ejaculation mechanism and depends mainly on motivation, stimulation, libido, and some medical problem that may stay in the way.
Similarly, there is no specific age after which men stop experiencing erections. What is certain is that the risk of erectile dysfunction increases with the passing years as we get older.
The problem of erectile dysfunction is quite variable, and some men in their 80s still have relatively stable erections, while others have been experiencing erectile dysfunction since their early 20s.
Therefore, instead of pointing to a specific age for erectile dysfunction, we can talk about statistics.
After the age of 40, men have a 40% risk of erectile dysfunction, and this risk increases by 10% for each decade of life. Therefore, it will be 50% at age 50, 60% at age 60, and so on.
Another question to consider is at what age does a man lose his libido because sexual desire can be there with ED, which is solved with medications in most cases (4).
This occurs because as we age, we are more likely to develop health conditions that can cause erectile dysfunction, such as high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, heart disease, diabetes, depression, and anxiety.
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Do men stop producing sperm?
Sperm production continues throughout a man’s life. Of course, as we have seen above, the volume, viscosity, and quality of sperm varies over the years.
After the age of 35, a decline in ejaculate volume begins to be seen, and sperm begins to become less motile, with a lower quality than their younger counterparts.
It is important to take this into account because while the quality of the sperm decreases in aging males, the genetic integrity of the spermatozoa is also affected, and it will be more likely to find chromosomal abnormalities as we increase in age.
So, at what age does a man stop ejaculating? In conclusion, we can say that sperm production and ejaculation can continue throughout a man’s life without being interrupted, as would happen with menstruation after menopause.
What we can expect is a change in the consistency and volume of the ejaculatory fluid, which becomes less abundant and thicker, while testosterone levels decrease in response to age-related changes.
There are medical causes to stop ejaculating, such as pelvic trauma, nervous system diseases, and some medications. However, these events do not affect a single age group and can occur, like erectile dysfunction, in young people and adults alike.
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