Prostate supplements are a type of nutritional supplement with ingredients that enhance prostate health.
They can relieve prostate-related symptoms in case of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), prostatitis, and prostate cancer.
The prostate formula in these capsules is designed to counter urinary symptoms and may even reduce prostate cancer risk.
Keeping a healthy prostate with alternative medicine can improve your quality of life.
In this article, you will learn about the long-term benefits of caring for your prostate health capsules and ingredients.
1) Better sleep
One of the most common urinary symptoms in prostate ailments is nocturia. This is waking up several times at night to urinate, which affects the quality of your sleep.
Many patients with prostate enlargement also have daytime drowsiness because they can’t sleep at night.
The right prostate supplement can combat nocturia and help you get better sleep, which is a definite improvement in your quality of life.
2) No uncomfortable urinary symptoms
Prostate problems can lead to post-void dribble and staining your clothes with urine, an uncomfortable increase in urinary frequency, a sensation of not being able to empty your bladder fully, and others.
Most prostate patients would agree that voiding symptoms have an impact on their quality of life.
Prostate health supplements may help you control these symptoms along with medical treatment.
3) Faster improvements
Many patients have reported more rapid improvements when they take prostate supplements.
In this regard, it is essential to remind you that they do not replace medical treatment. You should always speak to your doctor about them to find the best solutions for you.
4) Reduction of side effects
Contrary to various drugs, herbal supplements have minor or no side effects. They are safe to use and won’t cause additional problems like sexual dysfunction.
5) Improvements in erectile dysfunction
Moreover, prostate capsules may improve your erectile problems. For instance, the antioxidants in green tea extracts may reduce the atherogenic events that cause erectile dysfunction in some patients.
Ben’s Total Health for The Prostate
Our natural prostate supplement, Ben’s Total Health, contains 21 ingredients specifically designed to lower your PSA levels, improve your urinary flow, reduce nighttime urination, shrink your prostate, and fight against prostate disease, without any side effects.
Clinical trials and meta-studies show the active ingredients in Total Health have a positive impact on prostate volume, improve lower urinary tract symptoms, and decrease the risk of acute urinary retention.

Why Choose Ben’s Natural Health?
At Ben’s Natural Health, our motto is to combine holistic healing with modern science.
Ben’s Natural Health is the world’s first high-quality, all-natural, scientifically proven clinical supplement company. Above all, prostate health supplements are effective, natural, and 100% side-effect-free.
Moreover, at Ben’s Natural Health, we have four rules for all our supplements:
- We only use the highest quality ingredients.
- We only use them if independent, peer-reviewed double-blind studies prove they work.
- With all our supplements, we find a way to get every ingredient into a single bottle.
- We always formulate them in clinically significant doses of the most bioavailable form.
We pride ourselves on offering excellent customer service. We offer a free health consultation where you can ask questions and receive tailored advice from our expert health consultants.
What you should look for when choosing a prostate supplement
If you’re looking for a natural supplement for your prostate gland, the first thing that you need to look for is the right ingredients.
Below are some ingredients that have been shown to help improve your prostate health.
1) Saw palmetto extract
Saw palmetto reduces the symptoms of prostate enlargement. It works effectively to reduce urinary complaints, and it relieves symptoms similarly to the medication finasteride.
Side effects of saw palmetto are uncommon, and it won’t cause additional problems like erectile dysfunction or urinary incontinence.
Saw palmetto has many scientific studies to support its use in relieving prostate-related symptoms and many patients have found significant relief from saw palmetto supplements (1).
2) Pygeum africanum
This African prune extract is also helpful against various prostate ailments. It has been used in cases of BPH and prostate cancer along with Saw palmetto.
It contains different flavonoids and phytochemical substances that inhibit prostate growth and cell proliferation. Moreover, it also has an antiandrogenic component that may be useful in cases of prostate cancer (2,3).
3) Stinging nettle
This extract contains aromatases and sex hormone-binding globulins, which work against prostate cancer. It also interacts with membrane steroid receptors and epidermal growth factors.
Thus, stinging nettle is useful for slowing down prostate growth and may be useful for prostate cancer prevention (4).
4) Green tea
As a supplement, green tea has been found to improve several health conditions. It can be helpful to improve cardiovascular health and may even reduce prostate cancer incidence.
This is because it has potent antioxidant substances that prevent DNA damage. Thus, the best application of green tea supplements will be in males who do not have prostate cancer and want to protect the prostate gland against this condition (5).
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5) Vitamin D
A particular type of prostate cancer becomes more prevalent in patients with low vitamin D levels. Low vitamin D status is common in northern latitudes.
Seniors and people with darker skin have a higher risk of low vitamin D levels. Thus, supplementation is often recommended to prevent prostate cancer in these countries or a susceptible population (6).
6) Selenium
This mineral has been found to improve the function of the immune system and counter different types of cancer. Studies show that selenium supplements have a protective effect against prostate cancer.
The mineral induces apoptosis in prostate cancer cells while leaving healthy cells intact. It inhibits the growth of the prostate tissue and may improve urinary tract symptoms in these patients (7,8).
7) Zinc
Supplemental zinc is another useful add-on if you want to have a stronger immune system. It protects the prostate against infection and may also reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
The administration of zinc in cancer cells triggers signaling pathways that suppress tumor growth. Moreover, zinc is known to prevent metastasis in aggressive prostate cancer and contribute to cancer cell death (9).
8) Omega 3 fatty acids
Studies show that fish oil and other sources of Omega 3 may prevent the conversion of prostate cancer into a more aggressive type.
It delays the time it takes for cancer to develop resistance against androgen deprivation therapy (10).
The recommended list of ingredients above is only an example. You can find many other components with scientific relevance, such as pomegranate extract, turmeric, and ginger root.
They are all designed to regenerate your prostate, alleviate the symptoms, and prevent or delay future disease.
- Prostate health supplements are designed to help and support your prostate health. They are formulated with ingredients with high-quality scientific evidence, such as beta-sitosterol, vitamin D, and turmeric.
- These ingredients favor the integrity of the prostate gland and reduce the risk of prostate cancer. In cases of cancer and prostate enlargement, it inhibits prostate growth and improves urinary symptoms.
- Along with medical therapy, they stand as a suitable alternative to speed up recovery and slow down cancer progression.
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