- What is BPH?
- What is prostate cancer?
- Risk Factors for Prostate Cancer
- What are the active ingredients in Total Health Advanced?
- What does research say about the active ingredients?
- How long does it take to work?
- Is it safe to take?
- How does it compare to other prostate supplements?
- What’s the difference between Total Health and Total Health Advanced?
- New & Improved Total Health Advanced
- Why Choose Ben’s Natural Health Supplements?
- Key takeaways
- Source
Total Health Advanced is a leading prostate supplement specifically formulated for men already diagnosed with, or who face a higher risk of prostate cancer.
This could be due to a high PSA level, diet, lifestyle, and demographic risk factors or you may have a family history of prostate cancer.
Total Health Advanced contains 30 clinically proven natural ingredients for your prostate, including incredibly powerful anticarcinogenic ingredients.
Total Health Advanced helps shrink the size of your prostate gland, slow the progression of prostate diseases, reduce nighttime waking, and improve urinary symptoms.
What is BPH?
Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a prostate problem that happens when the prostate gland swells to twice or even three times its usual size. The enlarged prostate gland presses against the urethra as it grows and restricts urinary flow. This, therefore, results in more frequent urination, nighttime urination (nocturia), and other uncomfortable urinary symptoms.
Around 50% of men have an enlarged prostate by 50, and 90% of men have an enlarged prostate by 85. A herbal remedy or supplement can help you restore a healthy prostate, improve your prostate function, shrink your prostate, and reduce adverse prostate symptoms.
What is prostate cancer?
Prostate cancer is cancer of the prostate gland. It is the second most common cancer in men. The median age for being diagnosed with prostate cancer is 66, with 60% of all new diagnoses of prostate cancer being given to men over 65 years old.
Prostate cancer can be localized to the prostate or metastatic.
Localized prostate cancer: means that the tumor is confined to the prostate gland.
Approximately 90% of all prostate cancers diagnosed in the USA are localized at the time of diagnosis.
Metastatic cancer: this is when prostate cancer has spread to other parts of the body, such as organs, bones, and lymph nodes. These tend to be far more aggressive and dangerous types of prostate cancer.
90% of prostate cancers that are localized are more likely to be slow-growing cancers. Many men with low grade, slow-growing prostate cancers, outlive or more accurately out-die their prostate cancer. Meaning they die of other natural causes long before prostate cancer becomes a life-threatening condition.
Risk Factors for Prostate Cancer
The exact causes of prostate cancer are still unknown though scientists and doctors have identified some key risk factors that can increase your odds of developing prostate cancer.
There is a strong correlation between your age and your risk of developing prostate cancer. As discussed above, 60% of all new diagnoses of prostate cancer are given to 65-year-old men or older. After turning 50 years, prostate cells are more likely to increase in number and size.
There are a few genes that are associated with an increased risk of developing prostate cancer.
These may explain why prostate cancer seems to run in some families. However, these genes are likely only to cause a small percentage of prostate cancer cases.
Inherited mutations of the BRCA2 gene can increase your risk of developing prostate cancer.
Men with the genetic condition Lynch syndrome (hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer, or HNPCC), have an increased risk for a multitude of tumors, including prostate cancer.
The RNASEL mutation has also been linked to an increased risk of developing prostate cancer. Normally these gene works to lower your risk of cancer and suppress tumor growth.
However, inherited mutations in this gene seem to let cancerous and abnormal cells live longer than they should. This has been linked to an increased risk of prostate cancer.
The presence of a mutated HOXB13 gene is strongly linked to developing early-onset prostate cancer. This is probably because this gene plays an important role in the development of the prostate gland. While this mutation has been found to run in families, it is, fortunately, very rare.
African Americans and Europeans of African or Caribbean descent appear to have a far higher likelihood of developing prostate cancer than their white or Asian counterparts.
The higher risk seems to be entirely genetic though the exact genes responsible are not known.
According to the Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF), African-American men are approximately 1.6 times more likely to develop prostate cancer than Caucasian Americans.
The greater likelihood of developing the disease is also matched by 2.4 times greater risk of dying from cancer than white Americans.
Though this number may be affected by environmental factors, such as cost of treatment, dietary differences, and lower quality medical facilities in predominantly African American areas.
Diet and Lifestyle
There is an increasing body of evidence that diet and lifestyle play a critical role in mitigating prostate cancer risk. This is backed up by the massive difference in the rate of prostate cancer in Western Countries compared to Eastern ones like China, Thailand, and Japan.
A full breakdown of the best anti-prostate cancer diet can be found in the latest edition of our guide to prostate health “All About The Prostate.”
Family History
The data suggest that prostate cancer runs in families, above we have already examined the genetic factors that can cause this.
If your father or brother had or has prostate cancer, then you have twice the risk of the average man of developing prostate cancer in your lifetime.
What are the active ingredients in Total Health Advanced?
Beta-Sitosterol (90% Sterols)
Studies show beta-sitosterols can help alleviate BPH symptoms, thus increasing your urine flow rate. It also acts as a natural inhibitor of 5 alpha-reductase to reduce prostate size.
Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol)
Research shows that Vitamin D3 may lower prostate cancer risk by killing cancer cells and, in doing so, preventing the risk of them spreading.
Pomegranate (Ellagic acid)
Pomegranate is rich in ellagic acid, a natural anticancer agent. Clinical tests show that ellagic acid can prevent the destruction of the p53 gene by cancer cells.
Boron Glycine Complex
Studies show that boron lowers PSA levels, which may help prevent or control the spread of prostate cancer.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C repairs tissues throughout the body, protects against infections and age-related conditions, and may lower the risk of prostate cancer.
Turmeric Root (Curcumin)
Turmeric is a potent herb with powerful anti-inflammatory properties. So, it works to combat prostate and bladder infections, reduces prostate enlargement, and it may inhibit prostate cancer cell proliferation.
Calcium is required by every cell in the body. It promotes optimal heart and bone health, muscle function, nerve transmission, and, importantly for the prostate, hormone secretion.
Zinc is an abundant mineral in the prostate, vital for maintaining prostate health and combatting BPH.
Selenium is an important trace mineral, and studies have linked low selenium intake with prostate cancer.
Copper fights free radical DNA damage while improving energy levels boosting your immune system, and maintaining and protecting your nerve health.
Molybdenum is a mineral your body needs to stay healthy. It helps to repair and maintain bodily processes by breaking down substances such as PSA.
Japanese Sophora Flower Buds (Quercetin)
Quercetin is a flavonoid antioxidant that we can find in many colorful fruits and vegetables. Studies show it can relieve symptoms of prostatitis and BPH.
Vitamin E-mixed Tocopherols
Vitamin E is a highly powerful antioxidant that is essential to maintain a healthy prostate. In addition, studies show it may even reduce cancer risk.
Magnesium is a crucial mineral the body requires for more than 300 biochemical reactions. It increases the bioavailability of natural testosterone and improves muscle and nerve function.
Manganese is a trace mineral that we can find naturally in foods such as legumes, nuts, seeds, and leafy greens.
Vanadium is a micromineral that may slow the proliferation of prostate cancer cells.
Silicon is an essential trace mineral for healthy tissues. It can also reduce the risk of heart disease, strokes, and Alzheimer’s.
Tin (Stannous Chloride)
Tin is a metal that has numerous benefits for the human body. Overall, it can reduce fatigue, increase energy, improve well-being, and mood and promote a full night’s sleep.
Chromium is a trace element that can normalize your blood glucose levels. This is important for your prostate health since high blood sugar levels can cause inflammation, which can then fuel cancer.
Iodine is a trace element. It naturally occurs in some foods, and it is also available in the form of supplements. It promotes healthy thyroid function and metabolism and reduces aging symptoms.
Nickel is a popular trace element that you can find in several vitamins. Your body needs this to absorb iron and maintain optimal blood and bone health.
Japanese Fleece Flower (Resveratrol)
Resveratrol is a type of natural phenol and phytoalexin. Several plants produce it in response to injury or when the plant is under attack by pathogens, such as bacteria or fungi.
You can naturally find resveratrol in the skin of grapes, blueberries, raspberries, mulberries, and peanuts. Studies show this natural substance can attack several steps in the cancer process and may even kill cancer cells.
Ginger Root (Zingiberine)
Ginger is a popular condiment that has numerous health benefits for men. This substance has been used for thousands of years to treat a number of ailments and illnesses.
Pygeum Africanum
Pygeum is a herb that comes from the African Cherry tree. Its medicinal use dates to the 1700s, when tribes in southern Africa taught early explorers how to use the tree’s bark to treat bladder discomfort.
Revered for its medicinal properties, it is a much sought-out alternative remedy due to the extensive research supporting its many health benefits.
Chinese Skull Cap (Baicalin)
Chinese skull cap is a genus of flowering plants in the mint family. For many years, different parts of baicalin, such as the root and leaves, have been used in traditional chinese and native american medicine to treat various ailments, such as diarrhea and chronic pain.
Studies show this immune booster may inhibit cancer cell proliferation, induce cancer cell death, and improve immune system function.
Oregano Leaf
Oregano is a herb from the mint family. This is an extremely potent anticancer agent. Moreover, in studies, it eliminated nearly all the prostate cancer cells it was tested against, producing almost 100% inhibition.
Holy basil Leaf (Ursolic acid)
Holy basil leaf is an aromatic perennial plant in the Lamiaceae family. Studies show it simultaneously targets multiple signaling pathways to suppress proliferation and induce cancer cell death.
Goldthread Chinese
Goldthread is a plant native to China that people have used in traditional Chinese medicine for many years. This plant works synergistically with turmeric to inhibit prostate cancer cell proliferation.
Rosemary Leaf (Rosmarinic acid)
Rosemary is a green, needle-like, fragrant herb that comes from the Mediterranean. This famous shrub or aromatic herb has many therapeutic benefits, particularly for men.
Key benefits of rosemary leaf are that it improves urinary symptoms and fights BPH, and may promote prostate cell cancer death.
Barbary Root (Berberine)
Berberine is an ammonium salt from a group of compounds called isoquinoline alkaloids. Studies show that berberine can inhibit prostate cancer cell proliferation.
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What does research say about the active ingredients?
So, what do research studies say about the active ingredients in our prostate health supplement?
Beta-sitosterol can significantly improve urinary symptoms in men.
A systematic review assessing 519 men from 4 randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trials (lasting 4 to 26 weeks) demonstrated this. In these studies, beta-sitosterol improved urinary symptom scores and urinary flow rates. It also significantly reduced the volume of residual urine in the bladder.
Moreover, by reducing the body’s conversion from testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, beta-sitosterol reduces prostate inflammation.
One study looked at quercetin’s ability to help with prostate disease, urinary and prostate infections, and groin pain. They concluded quercetin supplementation results in significant symptomatic improvement for men with impaired prostate health.
Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.
One study that provided a 1 gram dose of curcumin alongside a 300mg dose of beta-sitosterol for 30 days to men with a high PSA saw PSA levels drop from 6.48 to 4.65.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a powerful vitamin that may prevent cancer development. Hundreds of clinical studies look at the importance of vitamin D in prostate function.
So, based on this research and using only the purest quality, all-natural, and organic ingredients, we created Total Health Advanced for the Prostate.
Japanese Fleece Flower (Resveratrol)
One systematic review analyzed the effects of resveratrol as an anticancer agent in both animal and human studies over a ten-year period.
The researchers concluded that resveratrol appears to have anticancer effects, and it has a synergistic effect with anticancer drugs in vitro.
Clinical studies show that the ellagic acid in pomegranate can prevent the destruction of the p53 gene by cancer cells.
Moreover, several studies also support that this major active compound of pomegranate possesses anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic, antifibrosis, anticancer, and anti-aging properties.
Boron Glycine Complex
Multiple evidence shows that boron plays an essential role in protecting men against prostate cancer. According to one study, adequate levels of boron relate to a 64% reduced risk of prostate cancer.
Moreover, another study compared the dietary intake of boron in 95 prostate cancer patients with 8,720 healthy male control group patients. They found that men with the highest boron consumption showed a 54% lower risk of prostate cancer compared to those with the lowest intake.
Vitamin C
A lot of people take vitamin c supplements to boost their immune systems. Studies show that taking vitamin C may shorten wound healing time.
Moreover, some evidence suggests that vitamin c may help with regulating blood pressure. One observational study found that an adequate intake of vitamin c could potentially reduce the risk of developing hypertension.
One study that looked at both animal and human studies found that increased dietary calcium links with a decreased risk of colon cancer. These results suggest that calcium plays a vital role in preventing colon cancer.
As we discussed above, zinc is a vital mineral for the prostate and can help to combat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
Studies show that a low intake of animal protein and a high intake of zinc, fruits and vegetables, and lycopene, are protective factors for BPH.
Several studies show that selenium may lower your risk of developing cancer. For example, one review looked at 69 studies investigating the abilities of selenium to lower cancer risk. Overall, the results found that participants with high serum selenium levels were less likely to develop cancer.
Copper has been found to play an essential role in supporting your immune system, making red blood cells, and protecting your cells from damage.
Molybdenum is a key mineral that assists with several processes in your body to help you stay healthy. Studies show it helps your body to break down alcohol and certain drugs, such as those used in cancer therapy.
It also helps your body to break down sulfites. A sulfite build-up can cause an allergic reaction involving skin problems, diarrhea, or breathing problems.
Vitamin E
Several studies show that vitamin E has anticancer effects and can protect against prostate cancer. This vitamin also has several other health benefits, too.
In addition to its anticancer properties, it can help strengthen the body’s natural defenses against illness and infection and help maintain healthy skin and eyes.
Magnesium is widely known to impact your brain health and mood, and it can even help to fight depression.
One analysis of over 8,800 people found that people under the age of 65 with the lowest magnesium intake had a 22% greater risk of depression. In addition, other research also suggests that magnesium can lower blood pressure.
In one study, people who took a daily dose of 450mg magnesium experienced a significant reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
Researchers are studying vanadium for its potential in different forms of treatment for cancer. For example, laboratory studies on human cells find that vanadium may help promote apoptosis. Apoptosis is a type of programmed cell death involved in stopping the spread of cancer cells.
Silicon has been suggested to play a role in bone health, immune system health, bone mineralization, and the structural integrity of nails, hair, and skin.
As we stated above, it can also reduce the risk of you developing cardiovascular disease, strokes, and Alzheimer’s.
Tin has been linked to having numerous benefits for our overall health, such as reducing fatigue, increasing our energy levels, and overall mood and well-being. Moreover, people also apply tin to their skin for hair loss, plaque, and sensitive teeth.
Studies show manganese supports everyday brain function and the production of sperm and sex hormones. It can also boost libido and help maintain prostate and sexual health.
Multiple studies show chromium can help control your blood sugar levels. A 2017 meta-analysis looked at 28 studies.
The researchers concluded that chromium supplementation reduced fasting glucose and A1C levels. It also improved triglycerides and HDL (“good”) cholesterol. This is important for your prostate health since high blood sugar levels can cause inflammation, which can then fuel cancer.
A crucial component of iodine is its ability to help control your thyroid and ensure it functions correctly. Studies also show that iodine can reduce the symptoms of aging.
As we discussed above, your body needs Nickel to absorb iron and maintain optimal blood and bone health.
Ginger Root (Zingiberine)
A 2013 systematic review found that ginger has a well-documented anti-cancer potential. The researchers found that these substances control certain proteins that help kill prostate cancer cells. Moreover, this potent ingredient could also suppress the spread of cancer.
Another study explored the benefits of ginger extract in prostate cancer. This 2012 study in the British Journal of Nutrition administered ginger extract to mice with prostate cancer. Researchers claim that ginger extract has a significant effect in stopping the growth of cancer cells. They also claim that ginger induces the death of prostate cancer cells (cell death is also known as apoptosis).
Prostate tumor growth regressed by up to 60 percent in their animal subjects. Most importantly, the ginger extract did not result in any toxicity in normal, rapidly dividing tissues such as gut and bone marrow.
Pygeum Africanum
One placebo-controlled study of 18 randomized controlled trials looked at the effects of pygeum africanum on 1562 men found that. They found that men taking pygeum africanum saw a significant improvement in urinary symptoms, including urinary flow rate, compared to the placebo group.
It can also help to combat prevalent symptoms such as nocturia (nighttime urination). Overall, the results of the study reveal that nighttime urination reduced by 19%, residual urine volume decreased by 24%, and peak urine flow increased by 23%. Therefore a wide range of clinical research supports pygeum as a treatment for BPH symptoms.
Chinese Skull Cap (Baicalin)
One study looked at the effects of baicalin on BPH. The researchers found that baicalin alleviates BPH and pathological prostate enlargement, suppresses the production of DHT and inhibits the activity of 5α- reductase Type II in the animal model.
Furthermore, other studies find that baicalin suppresses the cell cycle progression and proliferation of prostate cancer cells.
Oregano Leaf
Oregano is rich in antioxidants, compounds that help fight damage from harmful free radicals in the body. The buildup of free radicals links to chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease. Therefore, oregano may help to prevent cancer.
Moreover, one test-tube study treated human colon cancer cells with oregano extract. They found that it stopped and helped kill the growth of cancer cells. So, this suggests that oregano may have anticancer properties.
Holy basil Leaf (Ursolic acid)
Studies show that holy basil simultaneously targets multiple signaling pathways to suppress proliferation and induce cancer cell death. It may also prevent cancer by reducing the growth of cancerous cells.
Goldthread Chinese
One study found that turmeric and chinese goldthread act synergistically to inhibit cell proliferation. As you can see above, turmeric is also an ingredient in our prostate health supplement, Total Health Advanced.
Rosemary Leaf (Rosmarinic acid)
One study found that treatment of prostate cancer cells with rosemary extract resulted in significant inhibition of proliferation, survival, migration, Akt, and mTOR signaling. Overall, these findings suggest that rosemary extract has potent effects against prostate cancer.
Barbary Root (Berberine)
One study found that berberine can inhibit the metastatic ability of prostate cancer cells. The researchers concluded that berberine should be developed as a pharmacological agent for use in combination with other anticancer drugs for treating metastatic prostate cancer.
How long does it take to work?
When looking for the best prostate supplement, a natural question you’re going to want to know is how quickly it will work. However, depending on the state of your health, your diet, lifestyle, and a range of other factors, recovery for each patient can vary.
Usually, when using Total Health Advanced, men tend to see significant results in 3-6 months. Sometimes you can see effects even faster, but it is important to understand your body has to process it more slowly since it is not like a drug.
For the best results, you should take 4 capsules per day, immediately after breakfast or lunch as a food supplement to achieve optimum results.
Is it safe to take?
Total Health Advanced is 100% drug-free, 100% natural, and 100% side-effect-free.
When it comes to the ingredients in our products, we rigorously test them to ensure they meet the American pharmacological standards and the American herbal products association standards. Our manufacturing facilities are also all US-based and FDA-monitored.
All our finished products are tested by a third-party laboratory using United States pharmacopeial test 1119 (near-infrared spectrography). This ensures that the prostate health supplement matches the label and is safe, pure, and of high quality.

How does it compare to other prostate supplements?
When looking for the best prostate health supplement, you’ll likely want to know how our product compares to other remedies.
Unlike some other supplements, our prostate formula in Total Health Advanced has the following:
- 100% natural ingredients.
- Clinically significant dosages.
- Ingredients that have been shown to work in peer-reviewed, double-blind studies.
- Chelated ingredients for better absorption and effectiveness.
While many prostate supplements have scientifically backed natural ingredients, the vast majority contain only a few essential ingredients. And this is usually in low and ineffective dosages, without chelating ingredients for better absorption and bioavailability. A therapeutic dose is the amount of the ingredient you will need to have a clinical effect proven by scientific studies.
It’s also vital that the prostate health supplement you take contains natural nutrients. You do not want it to have any synthetic ingredients or genetically modified organisms.
This dietary supplement is extracted from the highest quality, natural ingredients, and freshly harvested herbs, using rigorous, cold press extraction methods to optimize dosage and bioavailability. Bioavailability refers to the extent to which the supplement makes its way to the body’s tissues rather than being flushed out. As a result, the body efficiently absorbs Total Health Advanced.
To ensure the efficacy, potency, and freshness of Total Health Advanced, we pick fresh herbs at the season’s peak. Then, each herb is qualified under specific quality guidelines under the CGMP and FDA. This 3rd party process of qualification ensures every herb is 100% quality tested before being added to Total Health Advanced.
Then, after this testing, we ensure the herbs maintain their freshness and efficiency. We achieve this by cold pressing and suspending in glycerin, a compound known for its antimicrobial and antiviral properties. So, through this diligent process, our preparations maximize the potency and efficacy of our supplements.
What’s the difference between Total Health and Total Health Advanced?
Total Health is a 21 ingredient prostate health supplement designed to shrink an enlarged prostate, lower your PSA level and alleviate urinary symptoms. It is especially effective in treating prostate disease such as BPH (enlarged prostate).
One of the key ingredients in Total Health is Beta-Sitosterol which has been shown in double-blind clinical studies to shrink the prostate and alleviate urinary symptoms.
Total Health Advanced is the same formulation plus 9 additional incredibly powerful anticarcinogenic ingredients (30 ingredients altogether).
This supplement is designed for men who are concerned about the development of prostate cancer or men who have been diagnosed with non-aggressive low-level prostate cancer and are pursuing the active surveillance protocol.
This is because the additional ingredients in Total Health Advanced have been shown in studies to induce cell death in cancer cells. Therefore, it may be valuable as a potential therapeutic agent for prostate cancer.
New & Improved Total Health Advanced
Since we are a supplement company that strives to provide high-quality supplements that work – we are excited to announce we have a New and Improved version of Total Health Advanced.

So, what does this mean for you?
1) The price is not increasing
Despite making improvements to the formula, we are committed to keeping the price the same, so it is as affordable as possible for as many men as possible
2) The quantity and quality of active ingredients are staying the same
The formulation change does not decrease the dosage, quality, or quantity of any ingredients or nutrients. All the ingredients that were previously in Total Health Advanced are included in strength, quantity, and quality as before. We are simply adding to the formulation.
3) We are adding in additional nutrients
One of the major improvements we have made to the formula is the inclusion of a botanical blend and a mineral blend. The blends are our own recipe and contain dozens of different herbal compounds and trace minerals that your body needs for optimal function, and have been shown in studies to be beneficial for men fighting or concerned with prostate cancer.
4) We have managed to reduce the number of capsules per serving
This is the most significant change we have made to the formulation. By using new, next-generation pharmaceutical encapsulation processes, we have managed to reduce the number of fillers, stearates, and flow agents, in Total Health Advanced.
This has allowed us to reduce the daily serving to 4 capsules without having to reduce the number of nutrients you are getting.
Above all, New and Improved Total Health Advanced is a higher quality, more effective, faster-acting formulation than its predecessor, and contains more ingredients in fewer capsules due to an improved manufacturing process.

Why Choose Ben’s Natural Health Supplements?
At Ben’s Natural Health, our motto is to combine holistic healing with modern science. Above all, Ben’s Natural Health is the world’s first high-quality, all-natural, scientifically proven clinical supplement company. Our supplements are effective, natural and 100% side effect free.
Moreover, at Ben’s Natural Health, we have four rules for all our supplements:
- We only use the highest quality ingredients
- We only use them if they have been proven to work in independent, peer-reviewed double-blind studies
- With all our supplements, we find a way to get every ingredient into a single bottle
- We always formulate them in clinically significant doses of the most bioavailable form.
We pride ourselves on offering excellent customer service. We offer a free health consultation where you can ask questions and receive tailored advice from our expert health consultants.
Key takeaways
3 Benefits of Total Health Advanced:
- Specifically formulated for men already diagnosed with, or who face a higher risk of prostate cancer.
- Contains 21 natural ingredients designed to lower PSA levels, improve urinary symptoms, and shrink the prostate, plus 9 additional incredibly powerful anticarcinogenic ingredients.
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Find out about Our Natural & Non-Invasive Advanced Prostate Cancer Risk Assessment (APCRA).