Freshly squeezed juices don’t need to be green to be healthy. You can get just that much nutritional sustenance from drinking pomegranate juice.
In fact, this kind of fruit juice is jam-packed with over 100 phytochemicals.
They are bioactive chemicals naturally present in the pomegranate plant. The phytochemicals have potent disease-preventing and protective compounds.
If you are looking for a way to keep your body in tip-top shape and achieve some health benefits, it’s time to incorporate pomegranate juice into your diet. Here is why.
Pomegranate Juice Nutritional Profile
The Punica Granatum or pomegranate is a fruit-bearing tree. It is typically cultivated in the Mediterranean region.
Its primary source of calories in a pomegranate comes mainly from carbohydrates. This fruit features two types of carbohydrates. If you are consuming a medium-sized fruit, you’ll receive 21g of sugar and 6g of fiber, which is 21% of the suggested daily intake.
Here is a general guideline of the nutrition facts for a medium-sized pomegranate.
- Protein: 3g
- Fiber: 6g
- Sugars: 21g
- Calories: 128
- Fat: 2g
- Carbs: 29g
- Salt: 5mg
The sugars, carbs, and calories in the fruit or a pomegranate extract are completely different from those you receive in the pomegranate juice. In a single cup (8oz) of organic freshly squeezed pomegranate juice, you get 33g of carbs, 134 calories, 0g fiber, and 31g of sugar.
If you mix the fresh pomegranate with any other fruit, like apple juice or grapefruit juice, the number of sugar, carbs, and calories increases.
The sugar and carb content will be based on the fruit juice you’ve selected. Overall, pomegranate juice has 18GL (glycemic load). This makes it a practical option for individuals with a metabolic condition.
15 Benefits of Pomegranate Juice
Recently, more and more researchers have studied the beneficial impact of including fruits in our daily diets.
But, pomegranate has managed to get plenty of attention. This fruit is so popular that people include it in their weight loss regimes. Some buy a pomegranate extract, others eat it fresh, and the rest use it in smoothies and juices.
If you recently decided to include pomegranate juice in your meal plans, you’ve come to the right place. We decided to evaluate all the perks of consuming pomegranate regularly. Here are the most impactful benefits of pomegranate juice.
1) Packed with antioxidants
A lot of people love juicing and eating a pomegranate seed, mainly for its rich red color. But, its vibrant color is not the only reason that makes it a renowned fruit. Pomegranate features polyphenol, which is the reason behind its red, vivid color. This is what experts refer to as antioxidants.
The interesting thing is, pomegranate contains far more antioxidants than orange juice or green tea. It even has three times more antioxidants than what you would get in a glass of red wine.
Another important element of pomegranates is ellagic acid. This particular acid is believed to have some influential anti-carcinogenic qualities. The highest levels registered are in grape juice and pomegranates.
For individuals looking for health benefits like decreasing inflammation and shielding their cells from damage, it’s good to drink pomegranate juice. In a single cup, you would get such an abundant antioxidant build-up that can be advantageous for the long run.
2) Excellent Source of Vitamin C
In 1 pomegranate, you get over 40% of the daily suggested vitamin C intake. The vitamin can then be broken down into the body and supply the system with the much-needed energy.
What some people may not realize is that this vitamin is a key component of a healthy body. It has numerous roles to play from building up the body’s natural defense system to protecting memory. This makes the juice a handy option for daily use.
Our body relies on this vitamin to support tissue repair and growth. The system uses it to make ligaments, tendons, skin, and blood vessels. But, most importantly, vitamin C plays a significant role in the body’s natural rejuvenation system.
Without this vitamin, the wounds will heal slower, and scar tissue will start to form. Simply put, the body must have a sufficient amount of vitamin C if it wants the teeth, bones, cartilage, and cells to function properly.
Another critical factor for consuming enough vitamin C is the iron absorption rate. With enough of this nutrient in the system, the body will have a much easier time absorbing the iron consumed from foods.
Therefore, it makes sense to include more vitamin C if you want to shorten the colds or decrease the common flu risk. If you want additional vitamin C, you can pair the pomegranates with cranberry juice.
3) Preventing the Onset of Cancer
Cancer cells are completely abnormal cells in the human body that can flood the blood and cause tumors to form. Many scientists have studied the effects of a fruit extract. Particularly the pomegranate peel extract to see whether or not a pomegranate extract would have any effect on the cancer cells.
Based on the reports of these health benefits, pomegranate juice consumption might have the capability to halt the growth of cells in prostate cancer. While the research is still in its early phases, it seems that pomegranate may have more to offer than people realize.
However, more clinical trials are necessary to know the full extent of pomegranate on cancer cells. The ones that are currently available are mainly focused on animal testing. Human research is still limited. But, from what we can tell, the benefits are highly encouraging.
4) Delaying the effects of Alzheimer’s
Pomegranate fruit extract might have more beneficial properties than people hoped for. Clinical reports show that the punicalagin in the pomegranate fruit might have the capability to decrease inflammation. This naturally reoccurring compound can be helpful for individuals with rheumatoid arthritis.
As a result, many scientists have decided to study this particular fruit. Punicalagin is currently being used in drugs designed to reduce brain inflammation. This means that the fruit itself has the exact same properties.
Researches estimate that the punicalagin could help people fight off diseases like Alzheimer’s. The pomegranate could intervene with the brain cells and provide inflammation-soothing properties. It’s no wonder why it could be used for boosting brain function and focus.
5) Speeding Up the Digestive System
Due to its potent nutrient build-up, drinking pomegranate juice can decrease the inflammation in the gut. It can also boost digestion naturally. Although there are still conflicting reports about whether or not the juice can make diarrhea worse, countless people are using it to improve digestion.
These digestive-boosting compounds can also be useful when trying to lose weight. They could also come in handy for those looking to calm the inflammatory bowel illnesses. Simply put, you are getting a multi-purpose pomegranate juice supplementation.
6) Anti-Inflammatory Compounds
Since it’s packed with powerful antioxidants, pomegranate juice is a potent source of anti-inflammatory properties. They can decrease cell damage, protect the system from oxidative stress, and calm the inflammation.
Based on medical reports, the water extract of pomegranate peel has a potent anti-inflammatory effect. This effect can help the colonic tissues get back on track. The effects of the punicalagin are a practical solution for gastrointestinal issues, including any inflammatory conditions or similar health complications.
7) Avoid the Onset of Arthritis
A typical serving of pomegranate juice features a bunch of flavonols. The flavonols are necessary to avoid arthritis complications.
Medical experts believe that flavonols could have the potential to block the inflammation that causes cartilage damage and osteoarthritis. It might even calm the inflammation in the joints and get rid of the discomfort.
The effects of this particular fruit are still being researched. But its potential for preventing arthritis complications seem to be highly influential.
8) Prevents Cardiovascular Disease
There are many edibles and organic beverages that are considered super healthy for the heart. But, if you want a juice that can prevent heart disease, you should consider consuming pomegranate juice regularly.
The pomegranate seed oil has numerous nutrients that can protect the arteries and the heart. It also has Punicic acid, which is famous for its high therapeutic potential. Statistical analysis shows that this juice has the capability to improve blood flow and prevent atherosclerotic plaque.
It might even have the potency to delay cholesterol. However, there is a possibility that eating too many pomegranates could interact negatively with LDL cholesterol and blood pressure medications. Like it is the case with statins.
Therefore, it’s paramount that you consult with a healthcare provider before incorporating this fruit in your diet. Whether you decide to use it in the form of pure pomegranate juice or a supplement, the antioxidant activity can be too strong. So, you need to take the right precautions.
9) Blood Pressure Control
Evidence on the health benefits suggests that consuming this juice or pomegranate molasses on a regular basis could reduce systolic blood pressure. The volunteers who participated in comprehensive pomegranate research showed some excellent results in managing their blood pressure.
The fruit created impactful results across all groups that had taken it. These results indicate that this fruit would make for an excellent healthy-heart diet.
10) Antiviral Qualities
When paired with the immunity-boosting properties and vitamin C compounds, a pomegranate juice seemed like a practical alternative for fighting off infections, bacteria, and invading pathogens. But, there could be more to this juice than it meets the eye. Its secret lies in the antiviral qualities.
A pomegranate has outstanding antiviral and antibacterial qualities. According to research, all their effects may become beneficial for fending off viruses and infections. For someone who is prone to infections, this juice could be a great choice for a healthy life.
11) Packed With All Kinds of Vitamins
Other than vitamin E and C, a freshly squeezed pomegranate contains plenty of vitamin K, potassium, and folate.
Vitamin K is essential for keeping the bones healthy and reducing the chance of blood clotting. Folate has its own role to play. With enough folate or vitamin B9, the body will promote cell growth and adequate formation of the red blood cells.
Many women incorporate folate in their diet during pregnancy, mainly to decrease the chance for birth defects of the spine and nervous system.
In other words, folate can positively interfere with the production of energy, DNA, white, and red blood cells. At the same time, the potassium keeps the fluid balance, nerve signals, and muscle contractions in check.
With potassium, people have a much easier time regulating their blood pressure levels and flushing out the system’s excess fluids. These effects reduce the chance of kidney stones, stroke, and osteoporosis.
In a single sip, you would get such a rich nutrient base that you can quickly rejuvenate and replenish your system’s energy sources. You will feel as good as new. These effects are necessary if you need a fresh alternative for boosting energy without the additional sugar.
12) Memory
While many fruits, like the pomegranate, are packed with various antioxidants, including phenolic, carotenoids, and ascorbic acid, their antioxidant content is determined by their ferric reduction properties.
Recent data on their health benefits show this particular fruit juice shows that the pomegranate polyphenol has potent neuroprotective capabilities. Compared to apple juice, it has more memory-enhancing properties.
By consuming around 8 ounces of pomegranate juice in a day, you can achieve the health benefits and boost your memory and learning.
The effect lies in the product’s ability to stabilize visual learning. Based on reports from the Oxford Academic, over a 12-month daily consumption period, pomegranate juice showed to significantly boost memory and learning in older adults. The polyphenols it contains affect cognition and memory, which usually start to decline with age.
Even though more large-scale studies are necessary to confirm the full effects of this fruit on memory, it seems so far, the effects are positive.
13) Boosts Sex Drive & Fertility
The high antioxidant concentration and its impact on oxidative stress could make this particular juice an effective aid for boosting sex drive and fertility. In some people, the stress is shown to have taken a toll on their sperm production, which results in poor sexual performance.
However, the juice could accelerate the testosterone production levels in both women and men that can stimulate sex drive. Its high anti-oxidative properties can increase the nitric oxide levels, and help with erectile dysfunction.
While the research is still pretty limited, it seems that the fruit might potentially trigger the impactful hormones in the human body.
So, if you are in the mood for a fruit that can boost sex drive, you might incorporate pomegranate in your diet. Whether it is the fruit extract or a freshly squeezed juice, the results might be the same.
14) Promotes Athletic Performance
One of the primary setbacks for anyone who exercises regularly is the muscle soreness. It’s normal for the joints and muscles to hurt after a long-hour training session. What you need is a natural booster, and the edible pomegranate seeds can help you achieve exactly that.
If you are an avid sports enthusiast, then you’ve certainly heard of the endurance-boosting capabilities of the beet juice. However, the pomegranate fruit can help you achieve the exact same sports effects you are looking for.
Many people don’t know that this fruit can speed up muscle recovery, strength, and the natural rejuvenation process. All of these properties can help reduce oxidative damage, which is normally the result of heavy-duty exercise.
The reason for that is relatively simple. The fruit is meant to accelerate blood circulation to the muscles in a completely natural way. Since the cardiovascular system will also benefit from this fruit, the blood vessels will be working at full force.
That means more nutrients and oxygen will get to the muscle tissues, and all the excess heat will leave the skin and the lungs. In other words, anything that can help the heart is great for muscle tissue. No matter the type of workout or pre-workout, you do.
15) Diabetes
People in the Middle East, particularly India, rely on this fruit for a range of medicinal properties. One of them is managing metabolic conditions like diabetes type 1 and 2.
Although the research on pomegranate and diabetes is limited, clinical reports estimate that the fruit features blood sugar managing properties. The fruit could also prove efficient for controlling insulin resistance in individuals with diabetes.
Based on studies from the National Library of Medicine, one of the pomegranate’s key features lies in its ability to reduce cumulative damage done by the free radicals. With its soothing properties, it can decrease cell damage, a typical problem for people with insulin resistance.
Similar results were noted in a different study where drinking pomegranate juice proved effective for managing hormones in pre-diabetic and type 2 diabetic patients. After consuming fresh pomegranate juice based on their body weight, the patients noticed better blood glucose control 1 to 3 hours after drinking the juice.
While the research is still in its early phases, it seems that the advantages of a drink like this could be exponential for hormone, insulin, and metabolic therapies.
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Pomegranates are a highly nutritious fruit that have the potential to yield outstanding results. Due to the chock full of vitamins and minerals, they are the go-to choice for a range of different health complications.
Although the research on these fruits is limited, the benefits can be noticed all around the body. They could potentially decrease the risk of serious health complications like memory loss, cardiovascular illnesses, diabetes, and other health problems.
With so much to offer, it is not a good idea to avoid this tasty pomegranate juice. If you want to boost your mental and physical health, you should add this juice more regularly to your diet.
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