Love is in the air today, so what can you do to spice things up?
Love and sex have always been part of our well-being. And it is important for us to have the right nutrition and energy to maintain our emotional and sexual health.
The food we eat affects our sexual health. And there are foods associated with good sex.
Studies show that these foods contain important nutrients that contribute to a great sexual experience.
Here are 8 foods for potency to stimulate your sex life and boost sex drive.
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1) Asparagus
Did you know that asparagus is a potent sexual booster? Asparagus contains plenty of vitamin B6 and folate.
A woman’s libido is often inhibited by an imbalance of hormones. Vitamin B6 controls the levels of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. It also decreases prolactin, another hormone that decreases libido in women.
Folate in asparagus helps increase histamine in our bodies. Histamine is an essential component for maintaining our sex drive.
The good thing about asparagus is that it is readily available. And eating them regularly can boost sex drive.
2) Avocado
The ancient Aztecs named avocado as “ahuacatl”. This literally means “testicle”. It was also rumored that Catholic Spanish priests at that time were forbidden to eat it because it makes them sexually active.
Avocadoes rev up your libido and boost your sexual energy. It is packed with monounsaturated fats, vitamin B6 and folic acid. It also has vitamin E, which is considered the “sex vitamin”.
Vitamin E is an antioxidant that slows down aging and increases oxygen and blood flow to the sex organs.
3) Chilli
Italians traditionally eat chili peppers to improve potency. The capsaicin in chili heats up the body and increases blood flow.
Increased blood flow is beneficial to the male sex organ, and it increases its size. Studies have also associated this fiery compound with boosting testosterone levels.
A recent study claims that men who eat spicy foods have higher testosterone levels and a boost in sex drive.
Chili also makes the brain produce endorphins that help us relax and feel good. So if you want to spice up your sex life, then spice up your food!

4) Eggs
Eggs have been considered as a sexual stimulant throughout history. Eggs are not just ancient symbols of fertility.
This incredible food is high in vitamins B5 and B6. These vitamins balance our sex hormones. It also combats stress that inhibits good sex.
Eggs have been proven to boost testosterone levels. It is a good source of cholesterol.
The yolk contains a high level of high-density lipoproteins (HDLs). This is essential for maintaining sex hormones and cellular membranes.
5) Figs
Figs seem to be connected with sexuality. It is rumored to be Cleopatra’s favorite fruit, and it was believed to boost fertility.
In Ancient Greece, figs are considered to be symbols of love and are used in sexual rituals.
There is a scientific basis for the power of figs. It is packed with antioxidants, flavonoids, fiber, and potassium.
Figs increase libido in both males and females because of its high levels of amino acids. Amino acids are important in normal sexual function because i30 helps increase levels of nitric oxide. It lifts up your senses and increases your sexual stamina.
6) Garlic
This wonder food can boost your libido. Ancient civilizations believed it as a miracle herb of sexuality.
How does garlic do it? By improving blood flow, especially in the genitals. If there is greater blood circulation, it will increase the size of the penis. Improved blood flow will also improve pleasurable sensations.
An enzyme called nitric oxide is primarily responsible for erection. Recent research confirms that garlic boosts nitric oxide.
This is very helpful for men who have low libido. Although it has a strong odor, crushed garlic cloves make a powerful aphrodisiac.
7) Oysters
Oysters have been popularized in Sex and the City, and are proven to increase sperm count.
This wonderful seafood is high in zinc, and zinc is a vital component of sperm cells.
Aside from increasing sperm production, oysters can also help repair damaged sperm.
8) Sweet Potato
Sweet potatoes aren’t just a healthier alternative to French fries. They are great sources of vitamin A. This sex vitamin will help keep the vagina and uterus healthy. It also helps produce sex hormones.
High blood pressure also makes erection a problem. But sweet potatoes can help lower your blood pressure.
The US Department of Health and Human Services has included sweet potatoes in their recommended diets. In fact, there are many benefits of eating sweet potato sexually, and regular eating of this vegetable can improve your sexual prowess.
You don’t need a magic pill to boost sex drive. Rather, you should nurture your sexual power the natural way. And you can certainly get it through eating nutritious, healthy food. The bottom line is that a healthy body and soul means a healthy sex life.
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